using Test using InteractiveUtils using Core: OpaqueClosure using Base.Experimental: @opaque const_int() = 1 const_int_barrier() = Base.inferencebarrier(1)::typeof(1) const lno = LineNumberNode(1, :none) let ci = @code_lowered const_int() @eval function oc_trivial() $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Any, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci))) end end @test isa(oc_trivial(), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Any}) @test oc_trivial()() == 1 let ci = @code_lowered const_int() @eval function oc_simple_inf() $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Union{}, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci))) end end @test isa(oc_simple_inf(), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Int}) @test oc_simple_inf()() == 1 struct OcClos2Int a::Int b::Int end (a::OcClos2Int)() = getfield(a, 1) + getfield(a, 2) let ci = @code_lowered OcClos2Int(1, 2)(); @eval function oc_trivial_clos() $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Int, Int, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci), 1, 2)) end end @test oc_trivial_clos()() == 3 let ci = @code_lowered OcClos2Int(1, 2)(); @eval function oc_self_call_clos() $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Int, Int, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci), 1, 2))() end end @test @inferred(oc_self_call_clos()) == 3 let opt = @code_typed oc_self_call_clos() @test length(opt[1].code) == 1 @test isa(opt[1].code[1], Core.ReturnNode) end struct OcClos1Any a end (a::OcClos1Any)() = getfield(a, 1) let ci = @code_lowered OcClos1Any(1)() @eval function oc_pass_clos(x) $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Any, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci), :x)) end end @test oc_pass_clos(1)() == 1 @test oc_pass_clos("a")() == "a" let ci = @code_lowered OcClos1Any(1)() @eval function oc_infer_pass_clos(x) $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Union{}, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci), :x)) end end @test isa(oc_infer_pass_clos(1), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, typeof(1)}) @test isa(oc_infer_pass_clos("a"), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, typeof("a")}) @test oc_infer_pass_clos(1)() == 1 @test oc_infer_pass_clos("a")() == "a" let ci = @code_lowered identity(1) @eval function oc_infer_pass_id() $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{Any}, Any, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 1, false, lno, ci))) end end function complicated_identity(x) oc_infer_pass_id()(x) end @test @inferred(complicated_identity(1)) == 1 @test @inferred(complicated_identity("a")) == "a" let ci = (@code_typed complicated_identity(1))[1] @test length(ci.code) == 1 @test isa(ci.code[1], Core.ReturnNode) end struct OcOpt A end (A::OcOpt)() = ndims(getfield(A, 1)) let ci = @code_lowered OcOpt([1 2])() @eval function oc_opt_ndims(A) $(Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Union{}, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci), :A)) end end oc_opt_ndims([1 2]) let A = [1 2] let Oc = oc_opt_ndims(A) @test_broken sizeof(Oc.env) == 0 @test Oc() == 2 end end @test @opaque(x->2x)(8) == 16 let f = @opaque (x::Int, y::Float64)->(2x, 3y) @test_throws TypeError f(1, 1) @test f(2, 3.0) === (4, 9.0) end function uses_frontend_opaque(x) @opaque y->x+y end @test uses_frontend_opaque(10)(8) == 18 # World age mechanism module test_world_age using Test using Core: OpaqueClosure using Base.Experimental: @opaque function test_oc_world_age end mk_oc_world_age() = @opaque ()->test_oc_world_age() g_world_age = @opaque ()->test_oc_world_age() h_world_age = mk_oc_world_age() @test isa(h_world_age, OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Union{}}) test_oc_world_age() = 1 @test_throws MethodError g_world_age() @test_throws MethodError h_world_age() @test mk_oc_world_age()() == 1 g_world_age = @opaque ()->test_oc_world_age() @test g_world_age() == 1 @test isa(mk_oc_world_age(), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Int}) end # module test_world_age function maybe_vararg(isva::Bool) T = isva ? Vararg{Int} : Int @opaque Tuple{T} (x...)->x end @test maybe_vararg(false)(1) == (1,) @test_throws MethodError maybe_vararg(false)(1,2,3) @test maybe_vararg(true)(1) == (1,) @test maybe_vararg(true)(1,2,3) == (1,2,3) @test (@opaque Tuple{Int, Int} (a, b, x...)->x)(1,2) === () @test (@opaque Tuple{Int, Int} (a, x...)->x)(1,2) === (2,) @test (@opaque Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}} (a, x...)->x)(1,2,3,4) === (2,3,4) @test (@opaque (a::Int, x::Int...)->x)(1,2,3) === (2,3) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Vararg{Int}} x->x) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Int, Vararg{Int}} x->x) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Int, Int} x->x) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Any} (x,y)->x) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Vararg{Int}} (x,y...)->x) @test_throws ErrorException (@opaque Tuple{Int} (x,y,z...)->x) # cannot specify types both on arguments and separately @test_throws ErrorException @eval @opaque Tuple{Any} (x::Int)->x # Vargarg in complied mode mk_va_opaque() = @opaque (x...)->x @test mk_va_opaque()(1) == (1,) @test mk_va_opaque()(1,2) == (1,2) # OpaqueClosure show method @test repr(@opaque x->Base.inferencebarrier(1)) == "(::Any)::Any->◌" # Opaque closure in CodeInfo returned from generated functions let ci = @code_lowered const_int() global function mk_ocg(world::UInt, source, args...) @nospecialize cig = Meta.lower(@__MODULE__, Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Any, Any, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci))).args[1] cig.slotnames = Symbol[Symbol("#self#")] cig.slottypes = Any[Any] cig.slotflags = UInt8[0x00] @assert cig.min_world == UInt(1) @assert cig.max_world == typemax(UInt) return cig end end @eval function oc_trivial_generated() $(Expr(:meta, :generated_only)) $(Expr(:meta, :generated, mk_ocg)) end @test isa(oc_trivial_generated(), OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Any}) @test oc_trivial_generated()() == 1 # Constprop through varargs OpaqueClosure function oc_varargs_constprop() oc = @opaque (args...)->args[1]+args[2]+args[3] return Val{oc(1,2,3)}() end @test Base.return_types(oc_varargs_constprop, Tuple{}) == Any[Val{6}] # OpaqueClosure ABI f_oc_noinline(x) = @opaque function (y) @noinline x + y end let oc = Base.inferencebarrier(f_oc_noinline(1)) @test oc(2) == 3 end function f_oc_noinline_call(x, y) return f_oc_noinline(x)(y) end @test f_oc_noinline_call(1, 2) == 3 @test_throws MethodError (@opaque x->x+1)(1, 2) # const GLOBAL_OPAQUE_CLOSURE = @opaque () -> 123 call_global_opaque_closure() = GLOBAL_OPAQUE_CLOSURE() @test call_global_opaque_closure() == 123 let foo::Int = 42 Base.Experimental.@force_compile oc = Base.Experimental.@opaque a::Int->sin(a) + cos(foo) @test only(Base.return_types(oc, (Int,))) === Float64 code, rt = first(code_typed(oc, (Int,))) @test rt === Float64 end let oc = @opaque a->sin(a) @test length(code_typed(oc, (Int,))) == 1 end # constructing an opaque closure from IRCode let src = first(only(code_typed(+, (Int, Int)))) ir = Core.Compiler.inflate_ir(src) @test OpaqueClosure(src)(40, 2) == 42 oc = OpaqueClosure(ir) @test oc(40, 2) == 42 @test isa(oc, OpaqueClosure{Tuple{Int,Int}, Int}) @test_throws TypeError oc("40", 2) @test OpaqueClosure(ir)(40, 2) == 42 # the `OpaqueClosure(::IRCode)` constructor should be non-destructive end let ir = first(only(Base.code_ircode(sin, (Int,)))) @test OpaqueClosure(ir)(42) == sin(42) @test OpaqueClosure(ir)(42) == sin(42) # the `OpaqueClosure(::IRCode)` constructor should be non-destructive ir = first(only(Base.code_ircode(sin, (Float64,)))) @test OpaqueClosure(ir)(42.) == sin(42.) @test OpaqueClosure(ir)(42.) == sin(42.) # the `OpaqueClosure(::IRCode)` constructor should be non-destructive end # variadic arguments let src = code_typed((Int,Int)) do x, y... return (x, y) end |> only |> first let oc = OpaqueClosure(src) @test oc(1,2) === (1,(2,)) @test_throws MethodError oc(1,2,3) end ir = Core.Compiler.inflate_ir(src) let oc = OpaqueClosure(ir; isva=true) @test oc(1,2) === (1,(2,)) @test_throws MethodError oc(1,2,3) end end # Check for correct handling in case of broken return type. eval_oc_dyn(oc) = Base.inferencebarrier(oc)() eval_oc_spec(oc) = oc() for f in (const_int, const_int_barrier) ci = code_lowered(f, Tuple{})[1] for compiled in (true, false) oc_expr = Expr(:new_opaque_closure, Tuple{}, Union{}, Float64, Expr(:opaque_closure_method, nothing, 0, false, lno, ci)) oc_mismatch = let ci = code_lowered(f, Tuple{})[1] if compiled eval(:((()->$oc_expr)())) else eval(oc_expr) end end @test isa(oc_mismatch, OpaqueClosure{Tuple{}, Union{}}) @test_throws TypeError eval_oc_dyn(oc_mismatch) @test_throws TypeError eval_oc_spec(oc_mismatch) end end