# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # deep copying # Note: deepcopy_internal(::Any, ::IdDict) is # only exposed for specialization by libraries """ deepcopy(x) Create a deep copy of `x`: everything is copied recursively, resulting in a fully independent object. For example, deep-copying an array produces a new array whose elements are deep copies of the original elements. Calling `deepcopy` on an object should generally have the same effect as serializing and then deserializing it. While it isn't normally necessary, user-defined types can override the default `deepcopy` behavior by defining a specialized version of the function `deepcopy_internal(x::T, dict::IdDict)` (which shouldn't otherwise be used), where `T` is the type to be specialized for, and `dict` keeps track of objects copied so far within the recursion. Within the definition, `deepcopy_internal` should be used in place of `deepcopy`, and the `dict` variable should be updated as appropriate before returning. """ function deepcopy(x) isbitstype(typeof(x)) && return x return deepcopy_internal(x, IdDict())::typeof(x) end deepcopy_internal(x::Union{Symbol,Core.MethodInstance,Method,GlobalRef,DataType,Union,UnionAll,Task,Regex}, stackdict::IdDict) = x deepcopy_internal(x::Tuple, stackdict::IdDict) = ntuple(i->deepcopy_internal(x[i], stackdict), length(x)) deepcopy_internal(x::Module, stackdict::IdDict) = error("deepcopy of Modules not supported") function deepcopy_internal(x::SimpleVector, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x] end y = Core.svec(Any[deepcopy_internal(x[i], stackdict) for i = 1:length(x)]...) stackdict[x] = y return y end function deepcopy_internal(x::String, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x] end y = GC.@preserve x unsafe_string(pointer(x), sizeof(x)) stackdict[x] = y return y end function deepcopy_internal(@nospecialize(x), stackdict::IdDict) T = typeof(x)::DataType nf = nfields(x) if T.mutable if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x] end y = ccall(:jl_new_struct_uninit, Any, (Any,), T) stackdict[x] = y for i in 1:nf if isdefined(x, i) xi = getfield(x, i) xi = deepcopy_internal(xi, stackdict)::typeof(xi) ccall(:jl_set_nth_field, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t, Any), y, i-1, xi) end end elseif nf == 0 || isbitstype(T) y = x else flds = Vector{Any}(undef, nf) for i in 1:nf if isdefined(x, i) xi = getfield(x, i) xi = deepcopy_internal(xi, stackdict)::typeof(xi) flds[i] = xi else nf = i - 1 # rest of tail must be undefined values break end end y = ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Any}, UInt32), T, flds, nf) end return y::T end function deepcopy_internal(x::Array, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x] end _deepcopy_array_t(x, eltype(x), stackdict) end function _deepcopy_array_t(@nospecialize(x), T, stackdict::IdDict) if isbitstype(T) return (stackdict[x]=copy(x)) end dest = similar(x) stackdict[x] = dest for i = 1:(length(x)::Int) if ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, Csize_t), x, i-1) != 0 xi = ccall(:jl_arrayref, Any, (Any, Csize_t), x, i-1) if !isbits(xi) xi = deepcopy_internal(xi, stackdict)::typeof(xi) end ccall(:jl_arrayset, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Csize_t), dest, xi, i-1) end end return dest end function deepcopy_internal(x::Union{Dict,IdDict}, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x]::typeof(x) end if isbitstype(eltype(x)) return (stackdict[x] = copy(x)) end dest = empty(x) stackdict[x] = dest for (k, v) in x dest[deepcopy_internal(k, stackdict)] = deepcopy_internal(v, stackdict) end dest end