Julia v1.3 Release Notes ======================== New language features --------------------- * Support for Unicode 12.1.0 ([#32002]). Language changes ---------------- Multi-threading changes ----------------------- Build system changes -------------------- New library functions --------------------- * New `findall(pattern, string)` method where `pattern` is a string or regex ([#31834]). Standard library changes ------------------------ * `Regex` can now be multiplied (`*`) and exponentiated (`^`), like strings ([#23422]). * Cmd interpolation (`` `$(x::Cmd) a b c` `` where) now propagates `x`'s process flags (environment, flags, working directory, etc) if `x` is the first interpolant and errors otherwise ([#24353]). #### LinearAlgebra * The BLAS submodule no longer exports `dot`, which conflicts with that in LinearAlgebra ([#31838]). * `diagm` and `spdiagm` now accept optional `m,n` initial arguments to specify a size ([#31654]). * `Hessenberg` factorizations `H` now support efficient shifted solves `(H+µI) \ b` and determinants, and use a specialized tridiagonal factorization for Hermitian matrices. There is also a new `UpperHessenberg` matrix type ([#31853]). #### SparseArrays #### Dates * Fixed `repr` such that it displays `Time` as it would be entered in Julia ([#32103]). #### Statistics * `mean` now accepts both a function argument and a `dims` keyword ([#31576]). #### Miscellaneous * `foldr` and `mapfoldr` now work on any iterator that supports `Iterators.reverse`, not just arrays ([#31781]). External dependencies --------------------- Tooling Improvements --------------------- * The `ClangSA.jl` static analysis package has been imported, which makes use of the clang static analyzer to validate GC invariants in Julia's C code. The analysis may be run using `make -C src analyzegc`.