# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # name and module reflection """ nameof(m::Module) -> Symbol Get the name of a `Module` as a `Symbol`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> nameof(Base.Broadcast) :Broadcast ``` """ nameof(m::Module) = ccall(:jl_module_name, Ref{Symbol}, (Any,), m) """ parentmodule(m::Module) -> Module Get a module's enclosing `Module`. `Main` is its own parent. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> parentmodule(Main) Main julia> parentmodule(Base.Broadcast) Base ``` """ parentmodule(m::Module) = ccall(:jl_module_parent, Ref{Module}, (Any,), m) """ moduleroot(m::Module) -> Module Find the root module of a given module. This is the first module in the chain of parent modules of `m` which is either a registered root module or which is its own parent module. """ function moduleroot(m::Module) while true is_root_module(m) && return m p = parentmodule(m) p == m && return m m = p end end """ @__MODULE__ -> Module Get the `Module` of the toplevel eval, which is the `Module` code is currently being read from. """ macro __MODULE__() return __module__ end """ fullname(m::Module) Get the fully-qualified name of a module as a tuple of symbols. For example, # Examples ```jldoctest julia> fullname(Base.Iterators) (:Base, :Iterators) julia> fullname(Main) (:Main,) ``` """ function fullname(m::Module) mn = nameof(m) if m === Main || m === Base || m === Core return (mn,) end mp = parentmodule(m) if mp === m return (mn,) end return (fullname(mp)..., mn) end """ names(x::Module; all::Bool = false, imported::Bool = false) Get an array of the names exported by a `Module`, excluding deprecated names. If `all` is true, then the list also includes non-exported names defined in the module, deprecated names, and compiler-generated names. If `imported` is true, then names explicitly imported from other modules are also included. As a special case, all names defined in `Main` are considered \"exported\", since it is not idiomatic to explicitly export names from `Main`. """ names(m::Module; all::Bool = false, imported::Bool = false) = sort!(ccall(:jl_module_names, Array{Symbol,1}, (Any, Cint, Cint), m, all, imported)) isexported(m::Module, s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_module_exports_p, Cint, (Any, Any), m, s) != 0 isdeprecated(m::Module, s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_is_binding_deprecated, Cint, (Any, Any), m, s) != 0 isbindingresolved(m::Module, var::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_binding_resolved_p, Cint, (Any, Any), m, var) != 0 function binding_module(m::Module, s::Symbol) p = ccall(:jl_get_module_of_binding, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Any, Any), m, s) p == C_NULL && return m return unsafe_pointer_to_objref(p)::Module end function resolve(g::GlobalRef; force::Bool=false) if force || isbindingresolved(g.mod, g.name) return GlobalRef(binding_module(g.mod, g.name), g.name) end return g end """ fieldname(x::DataType, i::Integer) Get the name of field `i` of a `DataType`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> fieldname(Rational, 1) :num julia> fieldname(Rational, 2) :den ``` """ function fieldname(t::DataType, i::Integer) names = isdefined(t, :names) ? t.names : t.name.names n_fields = length(names) field_label = n_fields == 1 ? "field" : "fields" i > n_fields && throw(ArgumentError("Cannot access field $i since type $t only has $n_fields $field_label.")) i < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("Field numbers must be positive integers. $i is invalid.")) return names[i]::Symbol end fieldname(t::UnionAll, i::Integer) = fieldname(unwrap_unionall(t), i) fieldname(t::Type{<:Tuple}, i::Integer) = i < 1 || i > fieldcount(t) ? throw(BoundsError(t, i)) : Int(i) """ fieldnames(x::DataType) Get a tuple with the names of the fields of a `DataType`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> fieldnames(Rational) (:num, :den) ``` """ fieldnames(t::DataType) = ntuple(i -> fieldname(t, i), fieldcount(t)) fieldnames(t::UnionAll) = fieldnames(unwrap_unionall(t)) fieldnames(t::Type{<:Tuple}) = ntuple(identity, fieldcount(t)) """ nameof(t::DataType) -> Symbol Get the name of a (potentially `UnionAll`-wrapped) `DataType` (without its parent module) as a symbol. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> module Foo struct S{T} end end Foo julia> nameof(Foo.S{T} where T) :S ``` """ nameof(t::DataType) = t.name.name nameof(t::UnionAll) = nameof(unwrap_unionall(t)) """ parentmodule(t::DataType) -> Module Determine the module containing the definition of a (potentially `UnionAll`-wrapped) `DataType`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> module Foo struct Int end end Foo julia> parentmodule(Int) Core julia> parentmodule(Foo.Int) Foo ``` """ parentmodule(t::DataType) = t.name.module parentmodule(t::UnionAll) = parentmodule(unwrap_unionall(t)) """ isconst(m::Module, s::Symbol) -> Bool Determine whether a global is declared `const` in a given `Module`. """ isconst(m::Module, s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_is_const, Cint, (Any, Any), m, s) != 0 """ @isdefined s -> Bool Tests whether variable `s` is defined in the current scope. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> function f() println(@isdefined x) x = 3 println(@isdefined x) end f (generic function with 1 method) julia> f() false true ``` """ macro isdefined(s::Symbol) return Expr(:isdefined, esc(s)) end """ objectid(x) Get a hash value for `x` based on object identity. `objectid(x)==objectid(y)` if `x === y`. """ objectid(@nospecialize(x)) = ccall(:jl_object_id, UInt, (Any,), x) # concrete datatype predicates struct DataTypeLayout nfields::UInt32 alignment::UInt32 # alignment : 28; # haspadding : 1; # pointerfree : 1; # fielddesc_type : 2; end """ Base.datatype_alignment(dt::DataType) -> Int Memory allocation minimum alignment for instances of this type. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_alignment(dt::DataType) @_pure_meta dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) alignment = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).alignment return Int(alignment & 0x1FF) end """ Base.datatype_haspadding(dt::DataType) -> Bool Return whether the fields of instances of this type are packed in memory, with no intervening padding bytes. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_haspadding(dt::DataType) @_pure_meta dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) alignment = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).alignment return (alignment >> 9) & 1 == 1 end """ Base.datatype_pointerfree(dt::DataType) -> Bool Return whether instances of this type can contain references to gc-managed memory. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_pointerfree(dt::DataType) @_pure_meta dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) alignment = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).alignment return (alignment >> 10) & 0xFFFFF == 0 end """ Base.datatype_fielddesc_type(dt::DataType) -> Int Return the size in bytes of each field-description entry in the layout array, located at `(dt.layout + sizeof(DataTypeLayout))`. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. See also [`Base.fieldoffset`](@ref). """ function datatype_fielddesc_type(dt::DataType) @_pure_meta dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) alignment = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).alignment return (alignment >> 30) & 3 end """ isimmutable(v) -> Bool Return `true` iff value `v` is immutable. See [Mutable Composite Types](@ref) for a discussion of immutability. Note that this function works on values, so if you give it a type, it will tell you that a value of `DataType` is mutable. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isimmutable(1) true julia> isimmutable([1,2]) false ``` """ isimmutable(@nospecialize(x)) = (@_pure_meta; !typeof(x).mutable) """ Base.isstructtype(T) -> Bool Determine whether type `T` was declared as a struct type (i.e. using the `struct` or `mutable struct` keyword). """ function isstructtype(@nospecialize(t::Type)) @_pure_meta t = unwrap_unionall(t) # TODO: what to do for `Union`? isa(t, DataType) || return false return length(t.types) != 0 || (t.size == 0 && !t.abstract) end """ Base.isprimitivetype(T) -> Bool Determine whether type `T` was declared as a primitive type (i.e. using the `primitive` keyword). """ function isprimitivetype(@nospecialize(t::Type)) @_pure_meta t = unwrap_unionall(t) # TODO: what to do for `Union`? isa(t, DataType) || return false return length(t.types) == 0 && t.size != 0 && !t.abstract end """ isbitstype(T) Return `true` if type `T` is a "plain data" type, meaning it is immutable and contains no references to other values, only `primitive` types and other `isbitstype` types. Typical examples are numeric types such as [`UInt8`](@ref), [`Float64`](@ref), and [`Complex{Float64}`](@ref). This category of types is significant since they are valid as type parameters, may not track [`isdefined`](@ref) / [`isassigned`](@ref) status, and have a defined layout that is compatible with C. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isbitstype(Complex{Float64}) true julia> isbitstype(Complex) false ``` """ isbitstype(@nospecialize(t::Type)) = (@_pure_meta; isa(t, DataType) && t.isbitstype) """ isbits(x) Return `true` if `x` is an instance of an `isbitstype` type. """ isbits(@nospecialize x) = (@_pure_meta; typeof(x).isbitstype) """ isdispatchtuple(T) Determine whether type `T` is a tuple "leaf type", meaning it could appear as a type signature in dispatch and has no subtypes (or supertypes) which could appear in a call. """ isdispatchtuple(@nospecialize(t)) = (@_pure_meta; isa(t, DataType) && t.isdispatchtuple) """ isconcretetype(T) Determine whether type `T` is a concrete type, meaning it could have direct instances (values `x` such that `typeof(x) === T`). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isconcretetype(Complex) false julia> isconcretetype(Complex{Float32}) true julia> isconcretetype(Vector{Complex}) true julia> isconcretetype(Vector{Complex{Float32}}) true julia> isconcretetype(Union{}) false julia> isconcretetype(Union{Int,String}) false ``` """ isconcretetype(@nospecialize(t)) = (@_pure_meta; isa(t, DataType) && t.isconcretetype) """ Base.isabstracttype(T) Determine whether type `T` was declared as an abstract type (i.e. using the `abstract` keyword). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Base.isabstracttype(AbstractArray) true julia> Base.isabstracttype(Vector) false ``` """ function isabstracttype(@nospecialize(t)) @_pure_meta t = unwrap_unionall(t) # TODO: what to do for `Union`? return isa(t, DataType) && t.abstract end """ Base.parameter_upper_bound(t::UnionAll, idx) Determine the upper bound of a type parameter in the underlying datatype. This method should generally not be relied upon: code instead should usually use static parameters in dispatch to extract these values. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> struct Foo{T<:AbstractFloat, N} x::Tuple{T, N} end julia> Base.parameter_upper_bound(Foo, 1) AbstractFloat julia> Base.parameter_upper_bound(Foo, 2) Any ``` """ function parameter_upper_bound(t::UnionAll, idx) @_pure_meta return rewrap_unionall((unwrap_unionall(t)::DataType).parameters[idx], t) end """ typeintersect(T, S) Compute a type that contains the intersection of `T` and `S`. Usually this will be the smallest such type or one close to it. """ typeintersect(@nospecialize(a),@nospecialize(b)) = (@_pure_meta; ccall(:jl_type_intersection, Any, (Any,Any), a, b)) """ fieldoffset(type, i) The byte offset of field `i` of a type relative to the data start. For example, we could use it in the following manner to summarize information about a struct: ```jldoctest julia> structinfo(T) = [(fieldoffset(T,i), fieldname(T,i), fieldtype(T,i)) for i = 1:fieldcount(T)]; julia> structinfo(Base.Filesystem.StatStruct) 12-element Array{Tuple{UInt64,Symbol,DataType},1}: (0x0000000000000000, :device, UInt64) (0x0000000000000008, :inode, UInt64) (0x0000000000000010, :mode, UInt64) (0x0000000000000018, :nlink, Int64) (0x0000000000000020, :uid, UInt64) (0x0000000000000028, :gid, UInt64) (0x0000000000000030, :rdev, UInt64) (0x0000000000000038, :size, Int64) (0x0000000000000040, :blksize, Int64) (0x0000000000000048, :blocks, Int64) (0x0000000000000050, :mtime, Float64) (0x0000000000000058, :ctime, Float64) ``` """ fieldoffset(x::DataType, idx::Integer) = (@_pure_meta; ccall(:jl_get_field_offset, Csize_t, (Any, Cint), x, idx)) """ fieldtype(T, name::Symbol | index::Int) Determine the declared type of a field (specified by name or index) in a composite DataType `T`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> struct Foo x::Int64 y::String end julia> fieldtype(Foo, :x) Int64 julia> fieldtype(Foo, 2) String ``` """ fieldtype """ fieldindex(T, name::Symbol, err:Bool=true) Get the index of a named field, throwing an error if the field does not exist (when err==true) or returning 0 (when err==false). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> struct Foo x::Int64 y::String end julia> Base.fieldindex(Foo, :z) ERROR: type Foo has no field z Stacktrace: [...] julia> Base.fieldindex(Foo, :z, false) 0 ``` """ function fieldindex(T::DataType, name::Symbol, err::Bool=true) return Int(ccall(:jl_field_index, Cint, (Any, Any, Cint), T, name, err)+1) end """ fieldcount(t::Type) Get the number of fields that an instance of the given type would have. An error is thrown if the type is too abstract to determine this. """ function fieldcount(@nospecialize t) if t isa UnionAll || t isa Union t = ccall(:jl_argument_datatype, Any, (Any,), t) if t === nothing error("type does not have a definite number of fields") end t = t::DataType elseif t == Union{} return 0 end if !(t isa DataType) throw(TypeError(:fieldcount, "", Type, t)) end if t.name === NamedTuple.body.body.name names, types = t.parameters if names isa Tuple return length(names) end if types isa DataType && types <: Tuple return fieldcount(types) end abstr = true else abstr = t.abstract || (t.name === Tuple.name && isvatuple(t)) end if abstr error("type does not have a definite number of fields") end return length(t.types) end # return all instances, for types that can be enumerated """ instances(T::Type) Return a collection of all instances of the given type, if applicable. Mostly used for enumerated types (see `@enum`). # Example ```jldoctest julia> @enum Color red blue green julia> instances(Color) (red::Color = 0, blue::Color = 1, green::Color = 2) ``` """ function instances end function to_tuple_type(@nospecialize(t)) @_pure_meta if isa(t,Tuple) || isa(t,AbstractArray) || isa(t,SimpleVector) t = Tuple{t...} end if isa(t,Type) && t<:Tuple if !all(p->(isa(p,Type)||isa(p,TypeVar)), t.parameters) error("argument tuple type must contain only types") end else error("expected tuple type") end t end function signature_type(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(args)) f_type = isa(f, Type) ? Type{f} : typeof(f) arg_types = isa(args, Type) ? args.parameters : args return Tuple{f_type, arg_types...} end """ code_lowered(f, types; generated = true) Return an array of the lowered forms (IR) for the methods matching the given generic function and type signature. If `generated` is `false`, the returned `CodeInfo` instances will correspond to fallback implementations. An error is thrown if no fallback implementation exists. If `generated` is `true`, these `CodeInfo` instances will correspond to the method bodies yielded by expanding the generators. Note that an error will be thrown if `types` are not leaf types when `generated` is `true` and the corresponding method is a `@generated` method. """ function code_lowered(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t = Tuple); generated::Bool = true) return map(method_instances(f, t)) do m if generated && isgenerated(m) if isa(m, Core.MethodInstance) return Core.Compiler.get_staged(m) else # isa(m, Method) error("Could not expand generator for `@generated` method ", m, ". ", "This can happen if the provided argument types (", t, ") are ", "not leaf types, but the `generated` argument is `true`.") end end return uncompressed_ast(m) end end isgenerated(m::Method) = isdefined(m, :generator) isgenerated(m::Core.MethodInstance) = isgenerated(m.def) # low-level method lookup functions used by the compiler unionlen(x::Union) = unionlen(x.a) + unionlen(x.b) unionlen(@nospecialize(x)) = 1 _uniontypes(x::Union, ts) = (_uniontypes(x.a,ts); _uniontypes(x.b,ts); ts) _uniontypes(@nospecialize(x), ts) = (push!(ts, x); ts) uniontypes(@nospecialize(x)) = _uniontypes(x, Any[]) function _methods(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t), lim::Int, world::UInt) tt = signature_type(f, t) return _methods_by_ftype(tt, lim, world) end function _methods_by_ftype(@nospecialize(t), lim::Int, world::UInt) return _methods_by_ftype(t, lim, world, UInt[typemin(UInt)], UInt[typemax(UInt)]) end function _methods_by_ftype(@nospecialize(t), lim::Int, world::UInt, min::Array{UInt,1}, max::Array{UInt,1}) return ccall(:jl_matching_methods, Any, (Any, Cint, Cint, UInt, Ptr{UInt}, Ptr{UInt}), t, lim, 0, world, min, max) end # high-level, more convenient method lookup functions # type for reflecting and pretty-printing a subset of methods mutable struct MethodList ms::Array{Method,1} mt::Core.MethodTable end length(m::MethodList) = length(m.ms) isempty(m::MethodList) = isempty(m.ms) start(m::MethodList) = start(m.ms) done(m::MethodList, s) = done(m.ms, s) next(m::MethodList, s) = next(m.ms, s) function MethodList(mt::Core.MethodTable) ms = Method[] visit(mt) do m push!(ms, m) end return MethodList(ms, mt) end """ methods(f, [types]) Returns the method table for `f`. If `types` is specified, returns an array of methods whose types match. """ function methods(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t)) if isa(f, Core.Builtin) throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a generic function")) end t = to_tuple_type(t) world = typemax(UInt) return MethodList(Method[m[3] for m in _methods(f, t, -1, world)], typeof(f).name.mt) end methods(f::Core.Builtin) = MethodList(Method[], typeof(f).name.mt) function methods_including_ambiguous(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t)) tt = signature_type(f, t) world = typemax(UInt) min = UInt[typemin(UInt)] max = UInt[typemax(UInt)] ms = ccall(:jl_matching_methods, Any, (Any, Cint, Cint, UInt, Ptr{UInt}, Ptr{UInt}), tt, -1, 1, world, min, max)::Array{Any,1} return MethodList(Method[m[3] for m in ms], typeof(f).name.mt) end function methods(@nospecialize(f)) # return all matches return methods(f, Tuple{Vararg{Any}}) end function visit(f, mt::Core.MethodTable) mt.defs !== nothing && visit(f, mt.defs) nothing end function visit(f, mc::Core.TypeMapLevel) if mc.targ !== nothing e = mc.targ::Vector{Any} for i in 1:length(e) isassigned(e, i) && visit(f, e[i]) end end if mc.arg1 !== nothing e = mc.arg1::Vector{Any} for i in 1:length(e) isassigned(e, i) && visit(f, e[i]) end end mc.list !== nothing && visit(f, mc.list) mc.any !== nothing && visit(f, mc.any) nothing end function visit(f, d::Core.TypeMapEntry) while d !== nothing f(d.func) d = d.next end nothing end function length(mt::Core.MethodTable) n = 0 visit(mt) do m n += 1 end return n::Int end isempty(mt::Core.MethodTable) = (mt.defs === nothing) uncompressed_ast(m::Method) = isdefined(m,:source) ? uncompressed_ast(m, m.source) : isdefined(m,:generator) ? error("Method is @generated; try `code_lowered` instead.") : error("Code for this Method is not available.") uncompressed_ast(m::Method, s::CodeInfo) = s uncompressed_ast(m::Method, s::Array{UInt8,1}) = ccall(:jl_uncompress_ast, Any, (Any, Any), m, s)::CodeInfo uncompressed_ast(m::Core.MethodInstance) = uncompressed_ast(m.def) function method_instances(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t), world::UInt = typemax(UInt)) tt = signature_type(f, t) results = Vector{Union{Method,Core.MethodInstance}}() for method_data in _methods_by_ftype(tt, -1, world) mtypes, msp, m = method_data instance = Core.Compiler.code_for_method(m, mtypes, msp, world, false) push!(results, ifelse(isa(instance, Core.MethodInstance), instance, m)) end return results end # this type mirrors jl_cgparams_t (documented in julia.h) struct CodegenParams cached::Cint track_allocations::Cint code_coverage::Cint static_alloc::Cint prefer_specsig::Cint module_setup::Any module_activation::Any raise_exception::Any CodegenParams(;cached::Bool=true, track_allocations::Bool=true, code_coverage::Bool=true, static_alloc::Bool=true, prefer_specsig::Bool=false, module_setup=nothing, module_activation=nothing, raise_exception=nothing) = new(Cint(cached), Cint(track_allocations), Cint(code_coverage), Cint(static_alloc), Cint(prefer_specsig), module_setup, module_activation, raise_exception) end # give a decent error message if we try to instantiate a staged function on non-leaf types function func_for_method_checked(m::Method, @nospecialize types) if isdefined(m, :generator) && !isdispatchtuple(types) error("cannot call @generated function `", m, "` ", "with abstract argument types: ", types) end return m end """ code_typed(f, types; optimize=true) Returns an array of type-inferred lowered form (IR) for the methods matching the given generic function and type signature. The keyword argument `optimize` controls whether additional optimizations, such as inlining, are also applied. """ function code_typed(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types=Tuple); optimize=true) ccall(:jl_is_in_pure_context, Bool, ()) && error("code reflection cannot be used from generated functions") if isa(f, Core.Builtin) throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a generic function")) end types = to_tuple_type(types) asts = [] world = ccall(:jl_get_world_counter, UInt, ()) params = Core.Compiler.Params(world) for x in _methods(f, types, -1, world) meth = func_for_method_checked(x[3], types) (_, code, ty) = Core.Compiler.typeinf_code(meth, x[1], x[2], optimize, optimize, params) code === nothing && error("inference not successful") # inference disabled? push!(asts, uncompressed_ast(meth, code) => ty) end return asts end function return_types(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types=Tuple)) ccall(:jl_is_in_pure_context, Bool, ()) && error("code reflection cannot be used from generated functions") if isa(f, Core.Builtin) throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a generic function")) end types = to_tuple_type(types) rt = [] world = ccall(:jl_get_world_counter, UInt, ()) params = Core.Compiler.Params(world) for x in _methods(f, types, -1, world) meth = func_for_method_checked(x[3], types) ty = Core.Compiler.typeinf_type(meth, x[1], x[2], true, params) ty === nothing && error("inference not successful") # inference disabled? push!(rt, ty) end return rt end """ which(f, types) Returns the method of `f` (a `Method` object) that would be called for arguments of the given `types`. If `types` is an abstract type, then the method that would be called by `invoke` is returned. """ function which(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t)) if isa(f, Core.Builtin) throw(ArgumentError("argument is not a generic function")) end t = to_tuple_type(t) tt = signature_type(f, t) m = ccall(:jl_gf_invoke_lookup, Any, (Any, UInt), tt, typemax(UInt)) if m === nothing error("no unique matching method found for the specified argument types") end return m.func::Method end """ which(module, symbol) Return the module in which the binding for the variable referenced by `symbol` in `module` was created. """ function which(m::Module, s::Symbol) if !isdefined(m, s) error("\"$s\" is not defined in module $m") end return binding_module(m, s) end # function reflection """ nameof(f::Function) -> Symbol Get the name of a generic `Function` as a symbol, or `:anonymous`. """ nameof(f::Function) = typeof(f).name.mt.name functionloc(m::Core.MethodInstance) = functionloc(m.def) """ functionloc(m::Method) Returns a tuple `(filename,line)` giving the location of a `Method` definition. """ function functionloc(m::Method) ln = m.line if ln <= 0 error("could not determine location of method definition") end return (find_source_file(string(m.file)), ln) end """ functionloc(f::Function, types) Returns a tuple `(filename,line)` giving the location of a generic `Function` definition. """ functionloc(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types)) = functionloc(which(f,types)) function functionloc(@nospecialize(f)) mt = methods(f) if isempty(mt) if isa(f, Function) error("function has no definitions") else error("object is not callable") end end if length(mt) > 1 error("function has multiple methods; please specify a type signature") end return functionloc(first(mt)) end """ parentmodule(f::Function) -> Module Determine the module containing the (first) definition of a generic function. """ parentmodule(f::Function) = parentmodule(typeof(f)) """ parentmodule(f::Function, types) -> Module Determine the module containing a given definition of a generic function. """ function parentmodule(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types)) m = methods(f, types) if isempty(m) error("no matching methods") end return first(m).module end """ hasmethod(f, Tuple type; world = typemax(UInt)) -> Bool Determine whether the given generic function has a method matching the given `Tuple` of argument types with the upper bound of world age given by `world`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> hasmethod(length, Tuple{Array}) true ``` """ function hasmethod(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t); world = typemax(UInt)) t = to_tuple_type(t) t = signature_type(f, t) return ccall(:jl_method_exists, Cint, (Any, Any, UInt), typeof(f).name.mt, t, world) != 0 end """ isambiguous(m1, m2; ambiguous_bottom=false) -> Bool Determine whether two methods `m1` and `m2` (typically of the same function) are ambiguous. This test is performed in the context of other methods of the same function; in isolation, `m1` and `m2` might be ambiguous, but if a third method resolving the ambiguity has been defined, this returns `false`. For parametric types, the `ambiguous_bottom` keyword argument controls whether `Union{}` counts as an ambiguous intersection of type parameters – when `true`, it is considered ambiguous, when `false` it is not. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> foo(x::Complex{<:Integer}) = 1 foo (generic function with 1 method) julia> foo(x::Complex{<:Rational}) = 2 foo (generic function with 2 methods) julia> m1, m2 = collect(methods(foo)); julia> typeintersect(m1.sig, m2.sig) Tuple{#foo,Complex{Union{}}} julia> Base.isambiguous(m1, m2, ambiguous_bottom=true) true julia> Base.isambiguous(m1, m2, ambiguous_bottom=false) false ``` """ function isambiguous(m1::Method, m2::Method; ambiguous_bottom::Bool=false) ti = typeintersect(m1.sig, m2.sig) ti === Bottom && return false if !ambiguous_bottom has_bottom_parameter(ti) && return false end ml = _methods_by_ftype(ti, -1, typemax(UInt)) isempty(ml) && return true for m in ml if ti <: m[3].sig return false end end return true end """ delete_method(m::Method) Make method `m` uncallable and force recompilation of any methods that use(d) it. """ function delete_method(m::Method) ccall(:jl_method_table_disable, Cvoid, (Any, Any), get_methodtable(m), m) end function get_methodtable(m::Method) ft = ccall(:jl_first_argument_datatype, Any, (Any,), m.sig) (ft::DataType).name.mt end """ has_bottom_parameter(t) -> Bool Determine whether `t` is a Type for which one or more of its parameters is `Union{}`. """ function has_bottom_parameter(t::Type) ret = false for p in t.parameters ret |= (p == Bottom) || has_bottom_parameter(p) end ret end has_bottom_parameter(t::UnionAll) = has_bottom_parameter(unwrap_unionall(t)) has_bottom_parameter(t::Union) = has_bottom_parameter(t.a) & has_bottom_parameter(t.b) has_bottom_parameter(t::TypeVar) = t.ub == Bottom || has_bottom_parameter(t.ub) has_bottom_parameter(::Any) = false min_world(m::Method) = reinterpret(UInt, m.min_world) max_world(m::Method) = typemax(UInt) min_world(m::Core.MethodInstance) = reinterpret(UInt, m.min_world) max_world(m::Core.MethodInstance) = reinterpret(UInt, m.max_world) """ propertynames(x, private=false) Get a tuple or a vector of the properties (`x.property`) of an object `x`. This is typically the same as [`fieldnames(typeof(x))`](@ref), but types that overload [`getproperty`](@ref) should generally overload `propertynames` as well to get the properties of an instance of the type. `propertynames(x)` may return only "public" property names that are part of the documented interface of `x`. If you want it to also return "private" fieldnames intended for internal use, pass `true` for the optional second argument. REPL tab completion on `x.` shows only the `private=false` properties. """ propertynames(x) = fieldnames(typeof(x)) propertynames(m::Module) = names(m) propertynames(x, private) = propertynames(x) # ignore private flag by default