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parent directory


Please see parent directory

Classes and React

We switched to ES6 Classes from React.createClass(). Thus your React components extend React.Component.


The .eslintrc file is based on the AirBnb eslintrc.

It also includes many eslint defaults that the AirBnb eslint does not include.

Running linter:

Soon to be in gulpfile....but gulp-eslint depends on eslint depends on

    "eslint-plugin-react": "^2.0.2",

So don't use yarn run gulp lint yet.

From either top level or within client directory

yarn run lint

Updating Node Dependencies

yarn global add npm-check-updates

Then run this to update the dependencies (starting at the top level).

# Make sure you are in the top directory, then run:
cd client
ncu -u
yarn upgrade

Adding Node Modules

Suppose you want to add a dependency to "module_name"....

Before you do so, consider:

  1. Do we really need the module and the extra JS code?
  2. Is the module well maintained?
cd client
yarn add module_name@version