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RL Unplugged: Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning

RL Unplugged is suite of benchmarks for offline reinforcement learning. The RL Unplugged is designed around the following considerations: to facilitate ease of use, we provide the datasets with a unified API which makes it easy for the practitioner to work with all data in the suite once a general pipeline has been established. This is a dataset accompanying the paper RL Unplugged: Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning.

In this suite of benchmarks, we try to focus on the following problems:

  • High dimensional action spaces, for example the locomotion humanoid domains, we have 56 dimensional actions.

  • High dimensional observations.

  • Partial observability, observations have egocentric vision.

  • Difficulty of exploration, using states of the art algorithms and imitation to generate data for difficult environments.

  • Real world challenges.

The data is available under RL Unplugged GCP bucket.

Atari Dataset

We are releasing a large and diverse dataset of gameplay following the protocol described by Agarwal et al., 2020, which can be used to evaluate several discrete offline RL algorithms. The dataset is generated by running an online DQN agent and recording transitions from its replay during training with sticky actions Machado et al., 2018. As stated in Agarwal et al., 2020, for each game we use data from five runs with 50 million transitions each. States in each transition include stacks of four frames to be able to do frame-stacking with our baselines. We release datasets for 46 Atari games. For details on how the dataset was generated, please refer to the paper.

Atari is a standard RL benchmark. We recommend you to try offline RL methods on Atari if you are interested in comparing your approach to other state of the art offline RL methods with discrete actions.

DeepMind Locomotion Dataset

These tasks are made up of the corridor locomotion tasks involving the CMU Humanoid, for which prior efforts have either used motion capture data Merel et al., 2019a, Merel et al., 2019b or training from scratch Song et al., 2020. In addition, the DM Locomotion repository contains a set of tasks adapted to be suited to a virtual rodent Merel et al., 2020. We emphasize that the DM Locomotion tasks feature the combination of challenging high-DoF continuous control along with perception from rich egocentric observations. For details on how the dataset was generated, please refer to the paper.

We recommend you to try offline RL methods on DeepMind Locomotion dataset, if you are interested in very challenging offline RL dataset with continuous action space.

DeepMind Control Suite Dataset

DeepMind Control Suite Tassa et al., 2018 is a set of control tasks implemented in MuJoCo Todorov et al., 2012. We consider a subset of the tasks provided in the suite that cover a wide range of difficulties.

Most of the datasets in this domain are generated using D4PG. For the environments Manipulator insert ball and Manipulator insert peg we use V-MPO Song et al., 2020 to generate the data as D4PG is unable to solve these tasks. We release datasets for 9 control suite tasks. For details on how the dataset was generated, please refer to the paper.

DeepMind Control Suite is a traditional continuous action RL benchmark. In particular, we recommend you test your approach in DeepMind Control Suite if you are interested in comparing against other state of the art offline RL methods.

Realworld RL Dataset

Examples in the dataset represent SARS transitions stored when running a partially online trained agent as described in RWRL.

We release 8 datasets in total -- with no combined challenge and easy combined challenge on the cartpole, walker, quadruped, and humanoid tasks. For details on how the dataset was generated, please refer to the paper.

DeepMind Lab Dataset

DeepMind Lab dataset has several levels from the challenging, partially observable Deepmind Lab suite. DeepMind Lab dataset is collected by training distributed R2D2 by Kapturowski et al., 2018 agents from scratch on individual tasks. We recorded the experience across all actors during entire training runs a few times for every task. The details of the dataset generation process is described in Gulcehre et al., 2021.

We release datasets for five different DeepMind Lab levels: seekavoid_arena_01, explore_rewards_few, explore_rewards_many, rooms_watermaze, rooms_select_nonmatching_object. We also release the snapshot datasets for seekavoid_arena_01 level that we generated the datasets from a trained R2D2 snapshot with different levels of epsilons for the epsilon-greedy algorithm when evaluating the agent in the environment.

DeepMind Lab dataset is fairly large-scale. We recommend you to try it if you are interested in large-scale offline RL models with memory.

bsuite Dataset

bsuite data was collected by training DQN agents with the default setting in Acme from scratch in each one of the following three tasks: cartpole, catch, and mountain_car.

We converted the originally deterministic environments into stochastic ones by randomly replacing the agent action with a uniformly sampled action with a probability of {0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5}. In this case, probability of 0 corresponds to original environment. The details of the dataset generation process is described in Gulcehre et al., 2021.

bsuite datasets are fairly light-weight and running experiments doesn't require too much compute. We recommend you to try bsuite, if you are interested in small-scale and easy to run offline RL datasets generated by stochastic environments where the stochasticity of the environment is easy to control.

Running the code


  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional) Setup MuJoCo license key for DM Control environments (instructions).
  • (Optional) Install realworldrl_suite.

Atari example

mkdir -p /tmp/dataset/Asterix
gsutil cp gs:https://rl_unplugged/atari/Asterix/run_1-00000-of-00100 \
python --path=/tmp/dataset --game=Asterix

This copies a single shard from one of the Asterix datasets from GCP to a local folder, and then runs a script that loads a single example and runs a step on the Atari environment.


Please use the following bibtex for citations:

    title={RL Unplugged: Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning},
    author={Caglar Gulcehre and Ziyu Wang and Alexander Novikov and Tom Le Paine
        and  Sergio Gómez Colmenarejo and Konrad Zolna and Rishabh Agarwal and
        Josh Merel and Daniel Mankowitz and Cosmin Paduraru and Gabriel
        Dulac-Arnold and Jerry Li and Mohammad Norouzi and Matt Hoffman and
        Ofir Nachum and George Tucker and Nicolas Heess and Nando deFreitas},

Dataset Metadata

The following table is necessary for this dataset to be indexed by search engines such as Google Dataset Search.

property value
name RL Unplugged
description Data accompanying [RL Unplugged: Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning]().
property value
name DeepMind