- Edmonds, WA
- https://nui.joshland.org
written in C
Clear filter
Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on Windows, Linux, and OS X
Locate the current running executable and the current running module/library on the file system 🔎
vidarh / SAM
Forked from s-macke/SAMSoftware Automatic Mouth - Tiny Speech Synthesizer
Ferop is a .NET library that allows inline C/C++ to compile and run on Windows/Linux/OSX. (beta, not production ready)
Compress and decompress data using a large range of compression codecs supplied by libsquash
JoshBlake / libfreenect
Forked from OpenKinect/libfreenectDrivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on WIndows, Linux, and OS X
The hts_engine is software to synthesize speech waveform from HMMs trained by the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS).