# Website Info site_name: LaVague site_url: https://docs.lavague.ai/en/latest/ site_author: LaVague # Repository repo_name: lavague-ai/LaVague repo_url: https://github.com/lavague-ai/LaVague # Configuration theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/material_theme_customization features: - navigation.instant - search.highlight - content.tabs.link - navigation.sections - navigation.indexes - content.code.copy logo: assets/logo.png favicon: assets/logo.png palette: # Palette toggle for light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode # Palette toggle for dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode icon: admonition: note: material/pencil-circle # blue pencil abstract: material/list-box-outline info: material/information-outline tip: material/fire #green fire success: material/check question: material/help-circle warning: material/alert failure: material/window-close danger: material/lightning-bolt-circle bug: material/shield-bug example: material/test-tube quote: material/format-quote-close # Plugins plugins: - search - mkdocs-jupyter # Customization extra: homepage: https://lavague.ai social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/discord link: https://discord.gg/invite/SDxn9KpqX9 - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: https://github.com/lavague-ai/ - icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter extra_css: - stylesheets/extra.css extra_javascript: - "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" # Extensions markdown_extensions: - abbr - admonition - attr_list - def_list - footnotes - md_in_html - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.critic - pymdownx.highlight: use_pygments: true pygments_style: monokai - pymdownx.superfences # Documentation tree nav: - 🏠 Home: 'index.md' - ⚡ Getting Started: - Installation: 'docs/get-started/installation.md' - Quick tour: 'docs/get-started/quick-tour.md' - Gradio: 'docs/get-started/gradio.md' # - Under the hood: 'docs/get-started/under-the-hood.md' - Customization: 'docs/get-started/customization.md' - 📚 Learn: - Architecture: 'docs/learn/architecture.md' - World Model: 'docs/learn/world-model.md' - Action Engine: 'docs/learn/action-engine.md' - Navigation Engine: 'docs/learn/navigation-engine.md' - Logger: 'docs/learn/local-log.md' - Drivers: 'docs/learn/browser-drivers.md' # - 🤝 Integrations: # - Overview: 'docs/integrations/home.md' # - API: # - Azure OpenAI: 'docs/integrations/api/azure-openai.ipynb' # - HuggingFace: 'docs/integrations/api/hugging-face.ipynb' # - OpenAI: 'docs/integrations/api/openai.ipynb' # - Litellm: 'docs/integrations/api/litellm.ipynb' # - Groq: 'docs/integrations/api/groq.ipynb' # - Anthropic: 'docs/integrations/api/anthropic.ipynb' # - Local: # - DeepSeek Coder: 'docs/integrations/local/local-inference.ipynb' # - 🌎 Word Model: - ✅ Quick examples: - Knowledge Retrieval: - Navigate through Notion: "docs/use-cases/notion.md" - Data Entry: - Fill out forms: "docs/use-cases/forms.md" - 📝 End to end examples: - Knowledge Retrieval: - HF papers retrieval: "docs/examples/hf-papers-retrieval.md" - Data Entry: - Automated job application: "docs/examples/job-application.md" - QA Automation: - Generate automated tests: "docs/examples/qa-automation.md" - 🤗 Contributing: - Home: "docs/contributing/contributing.md" - General guidelines: "docs/contributing/general.md" - Documentation: "docs/contributing/documentation.md" - 🛠️ API reference: - API reference home: 'docs/core/index.html'