- [Contributing](#contributing) - [Pull Request Process](#pull-request-process) - [Repository Overview](#repository-overview) - [scripts](#scripts) - [taplo](#taplo) - [taplo-cli](#taplo-cli) - [taplo-ide](#taplo-ide) - [js](#js) - [vscode](#vscode) - [cli](#cli) - [lib](#lib) - [util](#util) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) # Contributing When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via an issue before you start working on it. This is to make sure that no one is working on the same thing at the same time, and that your work will still be relevant when it is ready to be merged. ## Pull Request Process 1. Ensure any local files are removed from the PR, including secrets and temporary files. 2. Update the relevant README.md, and/or the [site](site) if any of the public API, interface was affected by the change. 3. Feel free to ping a maintainer if your PR seems to be ignored. ## Repository Overview Taplo is a simple project, but it's starting to grow in size. Here's a quick overview so that everything is easier to find: ### [scripts](scripts) Scripts for development, this might be the most useful if you're about to ask `how do I...`, it's almost certain there's a script that does what you want. ### [taplo](taplo) This is the main Rust library, that contains the parser, formatter, and DOM, and every utility that is required for the core features. Every other package (with the exception of [lsp-async-stub](lsp-async-stub)) depends on it in this repository. ### [taplo-cli](taplo-cli) A CLI tool that uses Taplo, it is the home of `taplo.config` as well. ### [taplo-ide](taplo-ide) An IDE-agnostic language server, right now it expects to run within a `wasm32` environment only, however other than that it contains no IDE-specific code or settings. Originally designed to run alongside a VSCode extension, but with minimal work it can be made into a standalone executable. ### [js](node) Directory containing everything related to Node.js and JavaScript. #### [vscode](js/vscode) The VSCode extension, and a Node.js wrapper for [taplo-ide](taplo-ide). #### [cli](js/cli) A Node.js wrapper over [taplo-cli](taplo-cli). #### [lib](js/lib) A JavaScript wrapper over the core [taplo](taplo) library exposing a high-level API. ### [util](util) Contains utilities for schemas and tests. The [schema-gen](util/schema-gen) was intended for `Cargo.toml` schema generation from the official cargo library, however it turned out to not to be worth it, as it is barely maintainable. It will be removed eventually, and the schema JSON should be edited instead if possible. ## Code of Conduct Taplo's code of conduct is very simple: **don't be an ass**. I hope this includes everything. Conflicts happen, however most conflicts can and must be resolved in a humanly way (*or with git*). Behaviour that hurts anyone on an emotional or even a physical level will not be tolerated.