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docker image


Docker image packaging for Fido2.


See Packages for available versions.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported by the container:

  • CN_CONFIG_ADAPTER: The config backend adapter, can be consul (default) or kubernetes.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST: hostname or IP of Consul (default to localhost).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_PORT: port of Consul (default to 8500).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CONSISTENCY: Consul consistency mode (choose one of default, consistent, or stale). Default to stale mode.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_SCHEME: supported Consul scheme (http or https).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CACERT_FILE: path to Consul CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CERT_FILE: path to Consul cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.crt).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_KEY_FILE: path to Consul key file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.key).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_TOKEN_FILE: path to file contains ACL token (default to /etc/certs/consul_token).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes configmaps name (default to jans).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_ADAPTER: The secrets' adapter, can be vault (default), kubernetes, or google.
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_SCHEME: supported Vault scheme (http or https).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_HOST: hostname or IP of Vault (default to localhost).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_PORT: port of Vault (default to 8200).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_ROLE_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole role ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_role_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_SECRET_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole secret ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_secret_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CERT_FILE: path to Vault cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.crt).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_KEY_FILE: path to Vault key file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.key).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CACERT_FILE: path to Vault CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_SECRET: Kubernetes secrets name (default to jans).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_WAIT_MAX_TIME: How long the startup "health checks" should run (default to 300 seconds).
  • CN_WAIT_SLEEP_DURATION: Delay between startup "health checks" (default to 10 seconds).
  • CN_MAX_RAM_PERCENTAGE: Value passed to Java option -XX:MaxRAMPercentage.
  • CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE: Persistence backend being used (one of ldap, couchbase, or hybrid; default to ldap).
  • CN_HYBRID_MAPPING: Specify data mapping for each persistence (default to "{}"). Note this environment only takes effect when CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE is set to hybrid. See hybrid mapping section for details.
  • CN_LDAP_URL: Address and port of LDAP server (default to localhost:1636).
  • CN_LDAP_USE_SSL: Whether to use SSL connection to LDAP server (default to true).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_URL: Address of Couchbase server (default to localhost).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_USER: Username of Couchbase server (default to admin).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CERT_FILE: Couchbase root certificate location (default to /etc/certs/couchbase.crt).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to file contains Couchbase password (default to /etc/jans/conf/couchbase_password).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CONN_TIMEOUT: Connect timeout used when a bucket is opened (default to 10000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CONN_MAX_WAIT: Maximum time to wait before retrying connection (default to 20000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_SCAN_CONSISTENCY: Default scan consistency; one of not_bounded, request_plus, or statement_plus (default to not_bounded).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_BUCKET_PREFIX: Prefix for Couchbase buckets (default to jans).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_TRUSTSTORE_ENABLE: Enable truststore for encrypted Couchbase connection (default to true).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL: Keep-alive interval for Couchbase connection (default to 30000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT: Keep-alive timeout for Couchbase connection (default to 2500 milliseconds).
  • CN_FIDO2_JAVA_OPTIONS: Java options passed to entrypoint, i.e. -Xmx1024m (default to empty-string).
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Optional JSON file (contains Google credentials) that can be injected into container for authentication. Refer to for supported credentials.
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: ID of Google project.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_VERSION_ID: Janssen secret version ID in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to latest, which is recommended.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_NAME_PREFIX: Prefix for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to jans. If left jans-secret secret will be created.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_MANAGER_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. This is recommended to be changed and defaults to secret.
  • CN_FIDO2_APP_LOGGERS: Custom logging configuration in JSON-string format with hash type (see Configure app loggers section for details).
  • CN_PROMETHEUS_PORT: Port used by Prometheus JMX agent (default to empty string). To enable Prometheus JMX agent, set the value to a number. See Exposing metrics for details.
  • CN_SQL_DB_HOST: Hostname of the SQL database (default to localhost).
  • CN_SQL_DB_PORT: Port of the SQL database (default to 3306 for MySQL).
  • CN_SQL_DB_NAME: SQL database name (default to jans).
  • CN_SQL_DB_USER: User name to access the SQL database (default to jans).
  • CN_SQL_DB_DIALECT: Dialect name of the SQL (mysql for MySQL or pgsql for PostgreSQL; default to mysql).
  • CN_SQL_DB_TIMEZONE: Timezone used by the SQL database (default to UTC).
  • CN_SQL_DB_SCHEMA: Schema name used by SQL database (default to empty-string; if using MySQL, the schema name will be resolved as the database name, whereas in PostgreSQL the schema name will be resolved as "public").
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_ENDPOINT_URL: The URL of AWS secretsmanager service (if omitted, will use the one in specified region).
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_PREFIX: The prefix name of the secrets (default to jans).
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_REPLICA_FILE: The location of file contains replica regions definition (if any). This file is mostly used in primary region. Example of contents of the file: [{"Region": "us-west-1"}].
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The default AWS Region to use, for example, us-west-1 or us-west-2.
  • AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE: The location of the shared credentials file used by the client (see
  • AWS_CONFIG_FILE: The location of the config file used by the client (see
  • AWS_PROFILE: The default profile to use, if any.

Configure app loggers

App loggers can be configured to define where the logs will be redirected and what is the level the logs should be displayed.

Supported redirect target:

  • FILE

Supported level:

  • WARN
  • INFO

The following key-value pairs are the defaults:

    "fido2_log_target": "STDOUT",
    "fido2_log_level": "INFO",
    "persistence_log_target": "FILE",
    "persistence_log_level": "INFO",
    "persistence_duration_log_target": "FILE",
    "persistence_duration_log_level": "INFO",
    "script_log_target": "FILE",
    "script_log_level": "INFO"

To enable prefix on STDOUT logging, set the enable_stdout_log_prefix key. Example:


Hybrid mapping

As per v1.0.1, hybrid persistence supports all available persistence types. To configure hybrid persistence and its data mapping, follow steps below:

  1. Set CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE environment variable to hybrid

  2. Set CN_HYBRID_MAPPING with the following format:

        "default": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "user": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "site": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "cache": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "token": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "session": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",


        "default": "sql",
        "user": "spanner",
        "site": "ldap",
        "cache": "sql",
        "token": "couchbase",
        "session": "spanner",

Exposing metrics

As per v1.0.1, certain metrics can be exposed via Prometheus JMX exporter. To expose the metrics, set the CN_PROMETHEUS_PORT environment variable, i.e. CN_PROMETHEUS_PORT=9093. Afterwards, metrics can be scraped by Prometheus or accessed manually by making request to /metrics URL, i.e. https://container:9093/metrics.

Note that Prometheus JMX exporter uses pre-defined config file (see conf/prometheus-config.yaml). To customize the config, mount custom config file to /opt/prometheus/prometheus-config.yaml inside the container.