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A1_M_Gr_C RI 22/23 - Assignment 1

Group members

Directory structure

├── c_world               # world map and robot definition
├── experiments           # data colected furing experiments and python script to process them
├── paper                 # source of the paper (LaTeX)
├── paper.pdf             # paper
├── readme.txt            # this file
├──             # run the simulator with the correct world and robot
└── src                   # source code
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── c_turtle          # our source code
    └── flatland          # flatland simulator


Compile and run


Run catkin_make in the project's root directory and then source devel/ Note that sourcing the [devel/ file] should be done for each terminal running parts of the project.

Start simulator

Starting the simulator can be done by calling roslaunch flatland_server server.launch world_path:="$(pwd)/c_world/world.yaml", or, more conviniently, by executing the script.

Start robot controller

Starting the controller can be done by calling roslaunch c_turtle c_turtle.launch. As you will probably do this in another shell instance, don't forget to source devel/ The controller uses the config stored on its config file. Feel free to play with it.

Note: if you want to change the sampling rate of the LiDAR, you have to update it both in the robot config file and on the controller config file.