% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/data_descriptions.R \docType{data} \name{oberauer_2017} \alias{oberauer_2017} \title{Data set from Oberauer & Lin (2017)} \format{ A data frame with 15,200 rows and 11 variables: \describe{ \item{id}{participant identification} \item{set_size}{the set size of each trial} \item{response}{the participant's recollection of the target colour in degrees (1-360)} \item{target}{the orientation of the target colour in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_1}{the orientation of the first non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_2}{the orientation of the first non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_3}{the orientation of the second non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_4}{the orientation of the third non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_5}{the orientation of the fourth non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_6}{the orientation of the fifth non-target in degrees (1-360)} \item{non_target_7}{the orientation of the sixth non-target in degrees (1-360)} } } \source{ The data set is publicly available on the Open Science Framework: https://osf.io/j24wb/ } \usage{ oberauer_2017 } \description{ A data set including data from 19 participants in a continuous report visual short-term memory experiment. The stimuli were coloured patches within the range 1-360 degrees. The experiment had a set sizes ranging from 1 to 8. } \references{ Oberauer, K. & Lin, H-Y. (2017). An interference model of visual working memory. Psychological Review, 124, 21-59. } \keyword{datasets}