import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Stack; //code added that deals with DAG aswell as Binary tree public class LCA { class Node { int key; Node left, right; public Node(int item) { key = item; left = right = null; } } // Root of BST Node root; // Constructor LCA() { root = null; } // This method mainly calls insertRec() void insert(int key) { root = insertRec(root, key); } /* A recursive function to insert a new key in BST */ Node insertRec(Node root, int key) { /* If the tree is empty, return a new node */ if (root == null) { root = new Node(key); return root; } /* Otherwise, recur down the tree */ if (key < root.key) root.left = insertRec(root.left, key); else if (key > root.key) root.right = insertRec(root.right, key); /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */ return root; } Node lca(Node node, int n1, int n2) { if (node == null || !search(root,n1) || !search(root,n2)) return null; // If both n1 and n2 are smaller than root, then LCA lies in left if (node.key > n1 && node.key > n2) return lca(node.left, n1, n2); // If both n1 and n2 are greater than root, then LCA lies in right if (node.key < n1 && node.key < n2) return lca(node.right, n1, n2); return node; } public boolean search (Node root, int n1) { if(root.key==n1) return true; if(root.key>n1) { if(root.left == null) return false; else return search(root.left,n1); } if(root.key children = graph.adj.get(i); for (Integer c : children) { if (hasCycles(c, visited, stack, graph)) { return true; } } stack[i] = false; return false; } // if LCA does not exist return max int public static int findLCA(DirectedGraph graph, int v, int w) { if (graph.E != 0 && graph.isVertexValid(v) && graph.isVertexValid(w)) { if (!hasCycles(graph)) { // make sure its a DAG int r = findRoot(graph); // find the root of the graph where the indegree is 0 List first = vertexAncestors(graph, r, v); // first set of ancestors relating to v List second= vertexAncestors(graph, r, w); // second set of ancestors relating to W int[] firstArray = -> (int) i).toArray(); // change list to array int[] secondArray = -> (int) i).toArray(); // change list to array int j, k, temp, depth; List common = new ArrayList(); // common ancestor that v and w have for (j = 0; j < firstArray.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < secondArray.length; k++) { if (firstArray[j] == secondArray[k]) { common.add(firstArray[j]); // common ancestor found } } } int[] commonArray = -> (int) i).toArray(); for (j = 1; j < commonArray.length; j++) { temp = commonArray[j]; depth = depth(graph, r, commonArray[j]); for (k = j - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (depth > depth(graph, r, commonArray[k])) { commonArray[k + 1] = commonArray[k]; commonArray[k] = temp; } } } return commonArray[0]; // vertex with the greatest distance from root is stored here so return } } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } // Find vertex with indegree = 0 i.e the root public static int findRoot(DirectedGraph graph) { int vertex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graph.V; i++) { if (graph.indegree(i) == 0 && !graph.adj.get(i).isEmpty()) { vertex = i; } } return vertex; } // Find how far from the root a vertex is public static int depth(DirectedGraph graph, int root, int vertex) { Stack visited = new Stack(); int depth = 0; return depth(graph, root, vertex, depth, visited); } private static int depth(DirectedGraph graph, int current, int target, int depth, Stack visitedVertices) { if (current == target) { visitedVertices.push(current); return visitedVertices.size() - 1; //number of vertices - current is the depth } visitedVertices.push(current); Iterator i = graph.adj.get(current).listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { int newVertex =; if (!visitedVertices.contains(newVertex)) { depth = depth(graph, newVertex, target, depth, visitedVertices); if (!visitedVertices.empty()) { visitedVertices.pop(); } } } return depth; } // Method which returns a list of vertices which are the ancestors public static List vertexAncestors(DirectedGraph graph, int root, int vertex) { List visited = new ArrayList(); List ancestors = new ArrayList(); DirectedGraph reversedGraph = graph.reverse(); // reverse the graph to get the ancestor of each node ancestors.addAll(vertexAncestors(reversedGraph, vertex, visited)); return ancestors; } private static List vertexAncestors(DirectedGraph graph, int currentVertex, List visited) { visited.add(currentVertex); Iterator i = graph.adj.get(currentVertex).listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { int newVertex =; if (!visited.contains(newVertex)) { vertexAncestors(graph, newVertex, visited); } } return visited; } }