This directory contains scripts to run end-to-end tests against a locally running Verdaccio registry.
These test are run automatically in CI, but can be run locally, too.
We use Docker to run a default instance of the Verdaccio server.
docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
Login to the local registry and create a fixture package.
export TOKEN=$(./e2e/
export PACKAGE=$(./e2e/ ./e2e/fixture/cool\ package 0.0.1)
- Publish the package to the registry.
- Verify the package was published.
- Try to publish again, verify publish is skipped.
- Create a new version.
- Publish the new version.
- Verify the new version was published.
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}" ${TOKEN}
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}"
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}" ${TOKEN}
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}" 0.0.2
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}" ${TOKEN}
./e2e/ "${PACKAGE}"