import * as React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useCartesianContext } from '../context/CartesianProvider'; import { ChartsXAxis } from '../ChartsXAxis'; import { ChartsYAxis } from '../ChartsYAxis'; import { AxisId, ChartsAxisSlotProps, ChartsAxisSlots, ChartsXAxisProps, ChartsYAxisProps, } from '../models/axis'; export interface ChartsAxisProps { /** * Indicate which axis to display the top of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsXAxisProps`. * @default null */ topAxis?: null | string | ChartsXAxisProps; /** * Indicate which axis to display the bottom of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsXAxisProps`. * @default xAxisIds[0] The id of the first provided axis */ bottomAxis?: null | string | ChartsXAxisProps; /** * Indicate which axis to display the left of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsYAxisProps`. * @default yAxisIds[0] The id of the first provided axis */ leftAxis?: null | string | ChartsYAxisProps; /** * Indicate which axis to display the right of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsYAxisProps`. * @default null */ rightAxis?: null | string | ChartsYAxisProps; /** * Overridable component slots. * @default {} */ slots?: ChartsAxisSlots; /** * The props used for each component slot. * @default {} */ slotProps?: ChartsAxisSlotProps; } const getAxisId = ( propsValue: undefined | null | AxisId | ChartsXAxisProps | ChartsYAxisProps, defaultAxisId?: AxisId, ): AxisId | null => { if (propsValue == null) { return null; } if (typeof propsValue === 'object') { return propsValue.axisId ?? defaultAxisId ?? null; } return propsValue; }; const mergeProps = ( axisConfig: undefined | null | AxisId | ChartsXAxisProps | ChartsYAxisProps, slots?: Partial, slotProps?: Partial, ) => { return typeof axisConfig === 'object' ? { ...axisConfig, slots: { ...slots, ...axisConfig?.slots }, slotProps: { ...slotProps, ...axisConfig?.slotProps }, } : { slots, slotProps }; }; /** * Demos: * * - [Axis]( * * API: * * - [ChartsAxis API]( */ function ChartsAxis(props: ChartsAxisProps) { const { topAxis, leftAxis, rightAxis, bottomAxis, slots, slotProps } = props; const { xAxis, xAxisIds, yAxis, yAxisIds } = useCartesianContext(); // TODO: use for plotting line without ticks or any thing // const drawingArea = React.useContext(DrawingContext); const leftId = getAxisId(leftAxis === undefined ? yAxisIds[0] : leftAxis, yAxisIds[0]); const bottomId = getAxisId(bottomAxis === undefined ? xAxisIds[0] : bottomAxis, xAxisIds[0]); const topId = getAxisId(topAxis, xAxisIds[0]); const rightId = getAxisId(rightAxis, yAxisIds[0]); if (topId !== null && !xAxis[topId]) { throw Error( [ `MUI X Charts: id used for top axis "${topId}" is not defined.`, `Available ids are: ${xAxisIds.join(', ')}.`, ].join('\n'), ); } if (leftId !== null && !yAxis[leftId]) { throw Error( [ `MUI X Charts: id used for left axis "${leftId}" is not defined.`, `Available ids are: ${yAxisIds.join(', ')}.`, ].join('\n'), ); } if (rightId !== null && !yAxis[rightId]) { throw Error( [ `MUI X Charts: id used for right axis "${rightId}" is not defined.`, `Available ids are: ${yAxisIds.join(', ')}.`, ].join('\n'), ); } if (bottomId !== null && !xAxis[bottomId]) { throw Error( [ `MUI X Charts: id used for bottom axis "${bottomId}" is not defined.`, `Available ids are: ${xAxisIds.join(', ')}.`, ].join('\n'), ); } const topAxisProps = mergeProps(topAxis, slots, slotProps); const bottomAxisProps = mergeProps(bottomAxis, slots, slotProps); const leftAxisProps = mergeProps(leftAxis, slots, slotProps); const rightAxisProps = mergeProps(rightAxis, slots, slotProps); return ( {topId && } {bottomId && } {leftId && } {rightId && } ); } ChartsAxis.propTypes = { // ----------------------------- Warning -------------------------------- // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions | // | To update them edit the TypeScript types and run "pnpm proptypes" | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Indicate which axis to display the bottom of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsXAxisProps`. * @default xAxisIds[0] The id of the first provided axis */ bottomAxis: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]), /** * Indicate which axis to display the left of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsYAxisProps`. * @default yAxisIds[0] The id of the first provided axis */ leftAxis: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]), /** * Indicate which axis to display the right of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsYAxisProps`. * @default null */ rightAxis: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]), /** * The props used for each component slot. * @default {} */ slotProps: PropTypes.object, /** * Overridable component slots. * @default {} */ slots: PropTypes.object, /** * Indicate which axis to display the top of the charts. * Can be a string (the id of the axis) or an object `ChartsXAxisProps`. * @default null */ topAxis: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]), } as any; export { ChartsAxis };