# AutoGraph-Obsidian: Automated Knowledge Graph Generation. ## Introduction AutoGraph is a tool that enables rapid, automated knowledge graph generation. AutoGraph does this by mining scientific literature against a search query for keywords. From this data, an Obsidian vault is made where each mined keyword has its own markdown file containing: i) the name of the paper the keyword was scraped from and ii) links to other keywords from that paper. When two papers share a keyword, a link is established between those articles through that term. Over many papers, this allows a network of interactions between articles in a field to be visualized. The purpose of this tool is not only to establish graph-based summaries of topics but also to identify hidden links between divergent fields - largely inspired by the works of [Manfred Kochen](https://dblp.org/pid/31/4553.html). ## Prerequisites: * [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) >= 3.6 * [Obsidian.md](https://obsidian.md/) ## Quickstart: ``` pip3 install autograph-obsidian ``` ## Usage: ``` Usage: autograph [OPTIONS] QUERY Arguments: QUERY The main search string. Options: -l, --limit INTEGER Number of papers to mine. Default = 500. -v, --version Show version number and exit. --help Show this message and exit. ``` e.g. ``` autograph 'Genetic Code Expansion' -l 100 ``` ## Case Study Generating the graph with autograph ![](/assets/autograph.gif) Viewing the graph with Obsidian.md ![](/assets/case_study.gif) ## Acknowledgements The mining of scientific literature is handled by the [pygetpapers](https://github.com/petermr/pygetpapers) package developed by [ContentMine](https://contentmine.github.io/).