module Order ## notions of element ordering ## export # not exported by Base Ordering, Forward, Lexicographic, By, Lt, Perm, ReverseOrdering, ForwardOrdering, LexicographicOrdering, DirectOrdering, lt, uint_mapping, ord, ordtype # Reverse, # TODO: clashes with Reverse iterator abstract Ordering immutable ForwardOrdering <: Ordering end immutable ReverseOrdering{Fwd<:Ordering} <: Ordering fwd::Fwd end ReverseOrdering(rev::ReverseOrdering) = rev.fwd ReverseOrdering{Fwd}(fwd::Fwd) = ReverseOrdering{Fwd}(fwd) typealias DirectOrdering Union(ForwardOrdering,ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}) const Forward = ForwardOrdering() const Reverse = ReverseOrdering(Forward) immutable LexicographicOrdering <: Ordering end const Lexicographic = LexicographicOrdering() immutable By <: Ordering by::Function end immutable Lt <: Ordering lt::Function end immutable Perm{O<:Ordering,V<:AbstractVector} <: Ordering order::O data::V end Perm{O<:Ordering,V<:AbstractVector}(o::O,v::V) = Perm{O,V}(o,v) lt(o::ForwardOrdering, a, b) = isless(a,b) lt(o::ReverseOrdering, a, b) = lt(o.fwd,b,a) lt(o::By, a, b) = isless(, lt(o::Lt, a, b) =,b) lt(o::LexicographicOrdering, a, b) = lexcmp(a,b) < 0 function lt(p::Perm, a::Int, b::Int) lt(p.order,[a],[b]) ? true : lt(p.order,[b],[a]) ? false : a < b end function lt(p::Perm{LexicographicOrdering}, a::Int, b::Int) c = lexcmp([a],[b]) c != 0 ? c < 0 : a < b end # Map a bits-type to an unsigned int, maintaining sort order uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Unsigned) = x uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Int8) = uint8 (x $ typemin(Int8)) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Int16) = uint16 (x $ typemin(Int16)) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Int32) = uint32 (x $ typemin(Int32)) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Int64) = uint64 (x $ typemin(Int64)) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Int128) = uint128(x $ typemin(Int128)) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Float32) = (y = reinterpret(Int32, x); uint32(y < 0 ? ~y : (y $ typemin(Int32)))) uint_mapping(::ForwardOrdering, x::Float64) = (y = reinterpret(Int64, x); uint64(y < 0 ? ~y : (y $ typemin(Int64)))) uint_mapping{Fwd}(::ReverseOrdering{Fwd}, x) = ~uint_mapping(Fwd, x) #uint_mapping{T<:Real}(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::T) = ~uint_mapping(Forward, x) ## Manually inlined uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Unsigned) = ~x uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Int8) = ~uint8 (x $ typemin(Int8)) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Int16) = ~uint16 (x $ typemin(Int16)) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Int32) = ~uint32 (x $ typemin(Int32)) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Int64) = ~uint64 (x $ typemin(Int64)) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Int128) = ~uint128(x $ typemin(Int128)) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Float32) = (y = reinterpret(Int32, x); uint32(y < 0 ? y : ~(y $ typemin(Int32)))) uint_mapping(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Float64) = (y = reinterpret(Int64, x); uint64(y < 0 ? y : ~(y $ typemin(Int64)))) uint_mapping(o::By, x ) = uint_mapping(Forward, uint_mapping(o::Perm, i::Int) = uint_mapping(o.order,[i]) uint_mapping(o::Lt, x ) = error("uint_mapping does not work with general Lt Orderings") ordtype(o::ReverseOrdering, vs::AbstractArray) = ordtype(o.fwd, vs) ordtype(o::Perm, vs::AbstractArray) = ordtype(o.order, # TODO: here, we really want the return type of, without calling it ordtype(o::By, vs::AbstractArray) = try typeof([1])) catch Any end ordtype(o::Ordering, vs::AbstractArray) = eltype(vs) function ord(lt::Function, by::Function, rev::Bool, order::Ordering=Forward) order == Forward || order == Lexicographic || Base.warn_once("the `order` keyword is deprecated, use `lt`, `by` and `rev` instead") o = (lt===isless) & (by===identity) ? order : (lt===isless) & (by!==identity) ? By(by) : (lt!==isless) & (by===identity) ? Lt(lt) : Lt((x,y)->lt(by(x),by(y))) rev ? ReverseOrdering(o) : o end end