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Manage NiFi using Rest APi

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How to manage/interact with NiFi using the Rest Api endpoints.

NiFi Rest Api documentation can be found at

A processor has 3 States RUNNING, STOPPED & DISABLED

And to be able to change it's state you will need to do the following:

  1. You need to find the processor ID (use PG Name and Processor Name).
  2. Find the current Version of the Processor.
  3. Find current state. (this )
  4. Build Payload.

Export some parameters

export hostname='localhost'
export port='8081'
export pg_name='test_pg'
export processors_name='Start'

Get PG Id using PG name

export resources=`curl -XGET http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/resources`
export pg_name='test_pg'
export pg_id_string=`echo $resources| jq -c '.resources[] | select(.name| contains ("'$pg_name'")) | .identifier' | grep -v 'data\|policies\|operation' | grep 'process-groups' | tr -d '"'`
export pg_id=${pg_id_string/\/process-groups\//}

Get Processor Id using PG Id and Processor Name

export processors=`curl http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/flow/process-groups/$pg_id`
export processor_id=`echo $processors | jq -c '.processGroupFlow.flow.processors[]| select( | contains("'$processors_name'")) |' | tr -d '"'`
export processor_version=`echo $processors | jq -c '.processGroupFlow.flow.processors[]| select( | contains("'$processors_name'")) | .revision.version' | tr -d '"'`
export processor_status=`echo $processors | jq -c '.processGroupFlow.flow.processors[]| select( | contains("'$processors_name'")) | .status.runStatus' | tr -d '"'`
export clientId=$(uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")

How to START as Processor

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d '''
  "status": {
    "runStatus": "RUNNING"
  "component": {
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "id": "'$processor_id'"
  "id": "'$processor_id'",
  "revision": {
    "version": '$processor_version',
    "clientId": "'$clientId'"
} ''' http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/processors/$processor_id

How to STOP as Processor

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d '''
  "status": {
    "runStatus": "STOPPED"
  "component": {
    "state": "STOPPED",
    "id": "'$processor_id'"
  "id": "'$processor_id'",
  "revision": {
    "version": '$processor_version',
    "clientId": "'$clientId'"
} ''' http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/processors/$processor_id

How to DISABLE as Processor

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d '''
  "status": {
    "runStatus": "DISABLED"
  "component": {
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "id": "'$processor_id'"
  "id": "'$processor_id'",
  "revision": {
    "version": '$processor_version',
    "clientId": "'$clientId'"
} ''' http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/processors/$processor_id

How to Start and Stop Process Group

Get PG Id using PG name

export resources=`curl -XGET http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/resources`
export pg_id_string=`echo $resources| jq -c '.resources[] | select(.name| contains ("'$pg_name'")) | .identifier' | grep -v 'data\|policies\|operation' | grep 'process-groups'`
export pg_id="${pg_id_string/\/process-groups\//}"

To Start a Proces Group

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d '{"id":"'$pg_id'","state":"RUNNING"}' http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/flow/process-groups/$pg_id

To Stop a Proces Group

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d '{"id":"'$pg_id'","state":"STOPPED"}' http:https://$hostname:$port/nifi-api/flow/process-groups/$pg_id

curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"revision":{"version":??,"clientId":"test"},"processor":{"id":"20eb7bbd-2f68-4538-aa13-0f4fa33e63c4","state":"RUNNING"}}'
