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Vue3 Toaster

Lightweight toast-notification plugin for Vue 3


npm install @incuca/vue3-toaster


Import in your main.js

import Toaster from "@incuca/vue3-toaster";


Usage in your components with Options API

this.$, { ...options });
this.$toast.success(`Hey! I'm here`);
this.$toast.error(`Hey! I'm here`);
this.$toast.warning(`Hey! I'm here`);
this.$`Hey! I'm here`);
// Close all opened toasts after 3000ms
setTimeout(this.$toast.clear, 3000);

Usage with Composition API

import { inject } from "vue";
const toast = inject("toast");, { ...options });

Available options

The API methods accepts these options:

Attribute Type Default Description
message String -- Message text/html (required)
type String default success, info, warning, error or default
position String bottom-right top, bottom, top-right, bottom-right,top-left or bottom-left
duration Number/Boolean 4000 Visibility duration in milliseconds or false that disables duration
dismissible Boolean true Allow user close by clicking
onClick Function -- Do something when user clicks
onClose Function -- Do something after toast gets dismissed
queue Boolean false Wait for existing to close before showing new
maxToasts Number/Boolean false Defines the max of toasts showed in simultaneous
pauseOnHover Boolean true Pause the timer when mouse hover a toast
useDefaultCss Boolean true Use default css styles


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.