{ "name": "REDCap-ETL Module", "namespace": "IU\\RedCapEtlModule", "description": "REDCap-ETL extracts, transforms and loads REDCap data to a database or CSV files. Data extractions to a database can be scheduled to run automatically on a daily or weekly basis. The database systems supported are MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.", "framework-version": 14, "authors": [ { "name": "Jim Mullen", "email": "mullen2@iu.edu", "institution": "Indiana University" }, { "name": "Nancy Long", "email": "naalong@iu.edu", "institution": "Indiana University" } ], "crons": [ { "cron_name": "redcap_etl", "cron_description": "Cron that runs every 15 minutes check for jobs to run", "method": "cron", "cron_frequency": "900", "cron_max_run_time": "3600" } ], "compatibility": { "php-version-min": "7.1.0", "php-version-max": "", "redcap-version-min": "13.7.0", "redcap-version-max": "" }, "links": { "control-center": [ { "name": "REDCap-ETL", "icon": "fas fa-download", "url": "web/admin/info.php" } ], "project": [ { "name": "REDCap-ETL", "icon": "fas fa-download", "url": "web/index.php" } ] } }