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The taggercli helps with two main use cases:

  • finding resources in your AWS account and compare it to a certain tagging schema (visualized in html report)
  • applying a tagging schema to resources



Tagger Demo


Report Demo


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pip install 'git+'

Certain release
E.g. v1.0.0
pip install 'git+[email protected]#egg=taggercli&subdirectory=taggercli'

We are working on a PyPi release!


The main commands are

  • tagger report create
  • tagger tag all

Report creation

The report create command first scans your AWS account (specified in your configuration, see Configuration for more information) and compares the tags of found resources with tags specified in your configuration file. A html report is generated showing the results from the comparison.
If no region is specified via --region the default from the configuration file is used.

Tag all

The tag all command first scans a given AWS region and your global resources. It displays a list of all the found resources and applies tags found in the configuration file.
If no region is specified via --region the default from the configuration file is used.

Supported resources

Please see the taggercore README for a list of supported resources.


Python version

Taggercli requires Python version 3.8 or higher


tagger config create creates a config file and writes the result to ~/.tagger/config.ini
The profile provided should be present in your AWS configuration file. Per default boto looks at ~/.aws/config for the profile. Please make sure the specified profile has all the required permissions.

The config.ini is also used to specify the given tag schema.
The config file is case-sensitive!

AWS Permissions

AWS Managed policies

  • ReadOnlyAccess
  • ResourceGroupsandTagEditorFullAccess

Custom policy
Even though ResourceGroupsandTagEditorFullAccess allows access to the Resource Groups Tagging API additional permissions for the individual resources are necessary to perform the tagging operation.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [


Install dev dependencies:
pipenv install -e .[dev]

Run tests:

Run black for code formatting:
tox -e format