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API validation generator

Warning! The output which we get from transform-json-types library is not perfect. output.ts needs to be checked after the automatic transformation.

This util is used to automatically generate io-ts runtime and type validations for an actual Instagram API.

To generate these validations two steps are required:

  • Get an actual Instagram API response and save as json
  • Get io-ts typings from it

Actual API response

ts-node utils/validation-generator/get-input.ts

The script will save an actual API response for different endpoints in input.json file (gitignored)

Generate typings

Warning! By some weird reasons these typings are a little bit screwed. Need to replace Node3 with Node inside Post type to make them ok.

  1. ts-node utils/validation-generator/generate.ts (The script will save typing to output.ts file.)
  2. Move all primitive types (which does not use other types, like ThumbnailResources, Owner and others) to the top of the file, final types (like Post) to the bottom of the file and fix all the block-scoped variables order errors manually.
  3. Write typing for FullApiPost (generally it is a SinglePost, but with location as an object)
  4. It is better to make the main type excessive by using io-ts-excess. Here's an example:
export const SinglePost = t.type({
  shortcode_media: excess(ShortcodeMedia),

By make this type excessive, you will get validation error, if some new properties appeared in the API. 5. Move SearchResult, User, Places, Hashtags types to src/api/search.ts 6. Fix the rest of the typings

Fix typings

To quickly find all the typing errors in the project, you can run npm test -- -t "Strict mode" and npm test -- -t "Full API".

You can get a lot of really verbose errors, like:

    Invalid value 
    {"id":"219469050","has_public_page":true,"name":"Costa Nova, Aveiro, Portugal","slug":"costa-nova-aveiro-portugal","address_json":"{\"street_address\": \"\", \"zip_code\": \"\", \"city_name\": \"Costa Nova, Aveiro, Portugal\", \"region_name\": \"\", \"country_code\": \"PT\", \"exact_city_match\": true, \"exact_region_match\": false, \"exact_country_match\": false}"}
    supplied to : 
    { shortcode_media: { __typename: string, id: string, shortcode: string, dimensions: { height: number, width: number }, gating_info: (string | null), media_preview: (string | null), display_url: string, display_resources: Array<{ src: string, config_width: number, config_height: number }>, accessibility_caption: (string | undefined), is_video: boolean, should_log_client_event: boolean, tracking_token: string, edge_media_to_tagged_user: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, edge_media_to_caption: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, caption_is_edited: boolean, has_ranked_comments: boolean, edge_media_to_parent_comment: ({ count: number, page_info: { has_next_page: boolean, end_cursor: (string | null) }, edges: Array<{ node: ({ id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } & { edge_threaded_comments: { count: number, page_info: { has_next_page: boolean, end_cursor: (string | null) }, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> } }) }> } | undefined), edge_media_preview_comment: ({ count: number, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> } | undefined), comments_disabled: boolean, taken_at_timestamp: number, edge_media_preview_like: { count: number, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> }, edge_media_to_sponsor_user: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, location: (string | null), viewer_has_liked: boolean, viewer_has_saved: boolean, viewer_has_saved_to_collection: boolean, viewer_in_photo_of_you: boolean, viewer_can_reshare: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string, blocked_by_viewer: boolean, followed_by_viewer: boolean, full_name: string, has_blocked_viewer: boolean, is_private: boolean, is_unpublished: boolean, requested_by_viewer: boolean }, is_ad: boolean, edge_web_media_to_related_media: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> } } }
    /shortcode_media: { __typename: string, id: string, shortcode: string, dimensions: { height: number, width: number }, gating_info: (string | null), media_preview: (string | null), display_url: string, display_resources: Array<{ src: string, config_width: number, config_height: number }>, accessibility_caption: (string | undefined), is_video: boolean, should_log_client_event: boolean, tracking_token: string, edge_media_to_tagged_user: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, edge_media_to_caption: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, caption_is_edited: boolean, has_ranked_comments: boolean, edge_media_to_parent_comment: ({ count: number, page_info: { has_next_page: boolean, end_cursor: (string | null) }, edges: Array<{ node: ({ id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } & { edge_threaded_comments: { count: number, page_info: { has_next_page: boolean, end_cursor: (string | null) }, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> } }) }> } | undefined), edge_media_preview_comment: ({ count: number, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> } | undefined), comments_disabled: boolean, taken_at_timestamp: number, edge_media_preview_like: { count: number, edges: Array<{ node: { id: string, text: string, created_at: number, did_report_as_spam: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string }, viewer_has_liked: boolean, edge_liked_by: { count: number } } }> }, edge_media_to_sponsor_user: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> }, location: (string | null), viewer_has_liked: boolean, viewer_has_saved: boolean, viewer_has_saved_to_collection: boolean, viewer_in_photo_of_you: boolean, viewer_can_reshare: boolean, owner: { id: string, is_verified: boolean, profile_pic_url: string, username: string, blocked_by_viewer: boolean, followed_by_viewer: boolean, full_name: string, has_blocked_viewer: boolean, is_private: boolean, is_unpublished: boolean, requested_by_viewer: boolean }, is_ad: boolean, edge_web_media_to_related_media: { edges: Array<{ node: { text: (string | undefined) } }> } }
    /location: (string | null)
    /1: null

This looks scary, but let's make it simple. We need just two parts from the output.

The first one is the text representation of the value, which validator could not validate. It is between Invalid value and supplied to strings. The second one is the type of value it has expected, and it can be found after last or one before last / sign.

In our case validator expected string or null, but an object has been recieved.

So we can fix the typing in the following way:

export const Location = t.type({
  id: t.string,
  has_public_page: t.boolean,
  name: t.string,
  slug: t.string,
  address_json: t.string,
 location: t.union([t.string, t.null, Location])