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🎄 Advent of Code (2019) 🎄

This repository contains Python solutions to the 2019 edition of Advent of Code. Given that I had already completed a number of these puzzles in 2020, this repository will mostly contain problems I either hadn't tackled or wanted to revisit.

Day Description Solution
2 Intcode puzzle. ⭐⭐
5 Intcode puzzle. ⭐⭐
7 Intcode puzzle, with multiple 'computers' running at once. ⭐⭐
9 Intcode puzzle, creating complete intcode 'computer'. ⭐⭐
12 Moons moving through space. Find position after 1000 turns, then number of turns before the moons return to a given position. ⭐⭐
13 Intcode puzzle, using the 'computer' to play an arcade game. ⭐⭐
14 Fuel processing using a list of recipes. ⭐⭐
15 Intcode puzzle, find oxygen location in unknown room using remotely controlled robot. ⭐⭐
17 Intcode puzzle, walking robot through scaffolding. ⭐⭐
18 Key maze. Path finding with requirements (need to collect keys to open doors). ⭐⭐
19 Intcode puzzle. Fitting a square between two lines. ⭐⭐
20 "Donut maze". Path finding through a recursive maze. ⭐⭐
21 Intcode puzzle. Creating a series of instructions so the springdroid doesn't fall in a hole in the ground. ⭐⭐
23 Intcode puzzle. Computer network. ⭐⭐
25 Intcode puzzle. Text-based adventure, with a specific set of items needed to solve part 1.