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Experiment scripts are compatible with Linux and macOS.

(macOS only) macOS compatibility setup

macOS to install some GNU-compatible binaries before all experiments scripts will work.

brew install coreutils gnu-getopt parallel


Phase 1: Generate expert demonstrations from models.

Run experiments/ (Rollouts saved in output/train_experts/). Demonstrations are used in Phase 2 for imitation learning.

Phase 2: Train imitation learning.

Run experiments/ --run_name RUN_NAME. To choose AIRL or GAIL, add the --airl and --gail flags (default is GAIL).

To analyze these results, run python -m imitation.scripts.analyze with run_name=RUN_NAME. Analysis can be run even while training is midway (will only show completed imitation learner's results). Example output.

Phase 3: Transfer learning.

Run experiments/ To choose AIRL or GAIL, add the --airl and --gail flags (default is GAIL). Transfer rewards are loaded from data/reward_models.

Hyperparameter tuning

Add a named config containing the hyperparameter search space and other settings to src/imitation/scripts/config/ (def example_cartpole_rl(): is an example).

Run your hyperparameter tuning experiment using python -m imitation.scripts.parallel with YOUR_NAMED_CONFIG inner_run_name=RUN_NAME.

Analyze imitation learning experiments using python -m imitation.scripts.analyze with run_name=RUN_NAME source_dir=~/ray_results.

View Stable Baselines training stats on TensorBoard (available for regular RL, imitation learning, and transfer learning) using tensorboard --log_dir ~/ray_results. To view only a subset of TensorBoard training progress use imitation.scripts.analyze gather_tb_directories with source_dir=~/ray_results run_name=RUN_NAME.