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Benchmarking imitation

The imitation library is benchmarked by running the algorithms BC, DAgger, AIRL and GAIL on five different environments from the seals environment suite each with 10 different random seeds. You will find the benchmark results in the release artifacts, e.g. for the v1.0 release here.

Running a Single Benchmark

To run a single benchmark from the commandline, you may use:

python -m imitation.scripts.<train_script> <algo> with <algo>_<env>

There are two different train_scripts: train_imitation and train_adversarial each running different algorithms:

train_script algo
train_imitation bc, dagger
train_adversarial gail, airl

There are five environment configurations for which we have tuned hyperparameters:


If you want to run the same benchmark from a python script, you can use the following code:

from imitation.scripts.<train_script> import <train_script>_ex
<train_script>"<algo>", named_configs=["<algo>_<env>"])


The tuned hyperparameters can be found in src/imitation/scripts/config/tuned_hps. For v0.4.0, they correspond to the hyperparameters used in the paper imitation: Clean Imitation Learning Implementations. You may be able to get reasonable performance by using hyperparameters tuned for a similar environment.

The experts and expert demonstrations are loaded from the HuggingFace model hub and are grouped under the HumanCompatibleAI Organization.


The training scripts are sacred experiments which place their output in an output folder structured like this:

├── airl
│ └── seals-Swimmer-v1
│     └── 20231012_121226_c5c0e4
│         └── sacred -> ../../../sacred/train_adversarial/2
├── dagger
│ └── seals-CartPole-v0
│     └── 20230927_095917_c29dc2
│         └──  sacred -> ../../../sacred/train_imitation/1
└── sacred
    ├── train_adversarial
    │ ├── 1
    │ ├── 2
    │ ├── 3
    │ ├── 4
    │ ├── ...
    │ └── _sources
    └── train_imitation
        ├── 1
        └── _sources

In the sacred folder all runs are grouped by the training script, and each gets a folder with their run id. That run folder contains

  • a config.json file with the hyperparameters used for that run
  • a run.json file with run information with the final score and expert score
  • a cout.txt file with the stdout of the run

Additionally, there are run folders grouped by algorithm and environment. They contain further log files and model checkpoints as well as a symlink to the corresponding sacred run folder.

Important entries in the json files are:

  • run.json
    • command: The name of the algorithm
    • result.imit_stats.monitor_return_mean: the score of a run
    • result.expert_stats.monitor_return_mean: the score of the expert policy that was used for a run
  • config.json
    • environment.gym_id The environment name of the run

Running the Complete Benchmark Suite

To execute the entire benchmarking suite with 10 seeds for each configuration, you can utilize the script. This script will consecutively run all configurations. To optimize the process, consider parallelization options. You can either send all commands to GNU Parallel, use SLURM by invoking or split up the lines in multiple scripts to run on multiple machines manually.

Generating Benchmark Summaries

There are scripts to summarize all runs in a folder in a CSV file or in a markdown file. For the CSV, run:

python output/sacred > summary.csv

This generates a csv file like this:

algo, env, score, expert_score
gail, seals/Walker2d-v1, 2298.883520464286, 2502.8930135576925
gail, seals/Swimmer-v1, 287.33667667857145, 295.40472964423077
airl, seals/Walker2d-v1, 310.4065185178571, 2502.8930135576925

For a more comprehensive summary that includes aggregate statistics such as mean, standard deviation, IQM (Inter Quartile Mean) with confidence intervals, as recommended by the rliable library, use the following command:

python sacred_output_to_markdown_summary output/sacred --output

This will produce a markdown summary file named

Hint: If you have multiple output folders, because you ran different parts of the benchmark on different machines, you can copy the output folders into a common root folder. The above scripts will search all nested directories for folders with a run.json and a config.json file. For example, calling python benchmark_runs/ > summary.csv on an output folder structured like this:

├── first_batch
│   ├── 1
│   ├── 2
│   ├── 3
│   ├── ...
└── second_batch
    ├── 1
    ├── 2
    ├── 3
    ├── ...

will aggregate all runs from both first_batch and second_batch into a single csv file.

Comparing an Algorithm against the Benchmark Runs

If you modified one of the existing algorithms or implemented a new one, you might want to compare it to the benchmark runs to see if there is a significant improvement or not.

If your algorithm has the same file output format as described above, you can use the script to do the comparison. It uses the "Probability of Improvement" metric as recommended by the rliable library.

python <your_runs_dir> <baseline_runs_dir> --baseline-algo <algo>


  • your_runs_dir is the directory containing the runs for your algorithm
  • baseline_runs_dir is the directory containing runs for a known algorithm. Hint: you do not need to re-run our benchmarks. We provide our run folders as release artifacts.
  • algo is the algorithm you want to compare against

If your_runs_dir contains runs for more than one algorithm, you will have to disambiguate using the --algo option.

Tuning Hyperparameters

The hyperparameters of any algorithm in imitation can be tuned using src/imitation/scripts/ The benchmarking hyperparameter configs were generated by tuning the hyperparameters using the search space defined in the scripts/config/

The tuning script proceeds in two phases:

  1. Tune the hyperparameters using the search space provided.
  2. Re-evaluate the best hyperparameter config found in the first phase based on the maximum mean return on a separate set of seeds. Report the mean and standard deviation of these trials.

To use it with the default search space:

python -m imitation.scripts.tuning with <algo> 'parallel_run_config.base_named_configs=["<env>"]'

In this command:

  • <algo> provides the default search space and settings for the specific algorithm, which is defined in the scripts/config/
  • <env> sets the environment to tune the algorithm in. They are defined in the algo-specifc scripts/config/train_[adversarial|imitation|preference_comparisons|rl].py files. For the already tuned environments, use the <algo>_<env> named configs here.

See the documentation of scripts/ and scripts/ for many other arguments that can be provided through the command line to change the tuning behavior.