const X_CLASS = 'x'; const O_CLASS = 'o'; const LOGO_X = 'logo__x'; const LOGO_O = 'logo__o'; const PICK = 'pick'; const UNPICK = 'unpick'; const SHOW = "show"; const IN_WIN_LINE = "inWinLine"; const WINNING_PATTERNS = [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6] ]; // game board elements const turnIndicator = document.getElementById('turn-indicator'); const indicatorLogo = turnIndicator.childNodes[1]; const refreshButton = document.getElementById('restart-button'); const cellElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-cell'); const board = document.getElementById('board'); const xWinsCount = document.getElementById('x-wins-count'); const oWinsCount = document.getElementById('o-wins-count'); const tieCount = document.getElementById('tie-count'); // winning message elements const winningMessage = document.getElementById('winning-message'); const whoWinsText = document.getElementById('banner-who-wins'); const whoTakesRound = document.getElementById('banner-who-takes-the-round'); const quitButton = document.getElementById('quit-button'); const nextRoundButton = document.getElementById('next-round-button'); // intro page elements const intro = document.getElementById('intro'); const introPickLogoX = document.getElementById('intro__pick__logo__x'); const introPickLogoO = document.getElementById('intro__pick__logo__o'); const introNewGameVsCpu = document.getElementById('new-game-vs-cpu'); const introNewGameVsPlayer = document.getElementById('new-game-vs-player'); // game status let isGameStarted = false; // intro page letiables let playerOnePickedCircle = true; let playerOneVsCpu; // game page variables let circleTurn; let xWinsCountText = xWinsCount.getElementsByTagName('span')[0]; let xWinsCountNumber = xWinsCount.getElementsByTagName('span')[1]; let tieCountNumber = tieCount.getElementsByTagName('span')[1]; let oWinsCountText = oWinsCount.getElementsByTagName('span')[0]; let oWinsCountNumber = oWinsCount.getElementsByTagName('span')[1]; let whoTakesRoundLogo = whoTakesRound.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; let whoTakesRoundText = whoTakesRound.getElementsByTagName('div')[1]; // variable for minimax algorithm let arrayForMinimax = []; // show intro page intro.classList.add(SHOW); // handle player 1 pick mark events introPickLogoX.addEventListener('click', () => { if (playerOnePickedCircle) { introPickLogoX.classList.add(PICK); introPickLogoO.classList.add(UNPICK); playerOnePickedCircle = !playerOnePickedCircle; xWinsCountText.innerText = 'X (YOU)'; } }); introPickLogoO.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!playerOnePickedCircle) { introPickLogoX.classList.remove(PICK); introPickLogoO.classList.remove(UNPICK); playerOnePickedCircle = !playerOnePickedCircle; oWinsCountText.innerText = 'O (YOU)'; } }); // Enter new game. hide intro page. show game page. introNewGameVsCpu.addEventListener('click', () => { playerOneVsCpu = true; if (playerOnePickedCircle) { xWinsCountText.innerText = 'X (CPU)'; } else { oWinsCountText.innerText = 'O (CPU)'; } startGame(); isGameStarted = true; intro.classList.remove(SHOW); }); introNewGameVsPlayer.addEventListener('click', () => { playerOneVsCpu = false; if (playerOnePickedCircle) { xWinsCountText.innerText = 'X (PLAYER)'; } else { oWinsCountText.innerText = 'O (PLAYER)'; } startGame(); isGameStarted = true; intro.classList.remove(SHOW); }); // game page logic refreshButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (isGameStarted) { resetGameBoard(); if(playerOnePickedCircle && playerOneVsCpu){ cpuPlaceMark(); } } }); quitButton.addEventListener('click', quitGame); nextRoundButton.addEventListener('click', nextRound); function startGame() { circleTurn = false; cellElements.forEach(cell => { cell.classList.remove(X_CLASS); cell.classList.remove(O_CLASS); cell.removeEventListener('click', handleCellClick); cell.addEventListener('click', handleCellClick, { once: true }); }); winningMessage.classList.remove(SHOW); if(playerOnePickedCircle && playerOneVsCpu){ cpuPlaceMark(); } } function handleCellClick(e) { //handle click cell events only when game started and //((it's player one's turn) or (player vs player)) if (isGameStarted && ((circleTurn === playerOnePickedCircle) || (!playerOneVsCpu))) { const cell =; if (!cell.classList.contains(O_CLASS) && !cell.classList.contains(X_CLASS)){ const currentClass = circleTurn ? O_CLASS : X_CLASS; placeMark(cell, currentClass); if (checkWin(currentClass)) { endGame(false); } else if (isTie()) { endGame(true); } else { swapTurns(); swapIndicatorLogo(); } } } } function swapIndicatorLogo() { if (indicatorLogo.classList[0] === LOGO_X) { indicatorLogo.classList.replace(LOGO_X, LOGO_O); } else { indicatorLogo.classList.replace(LOGO_O, LOGO_X); } } function swapTurns() { circleTurn = !circleTurn; // if next is cpu's turn, call cpuPlaceMark(). if (circleTurn && !playerOnePickedCircle && playerOneVsCpu){ cpuPlaceMark(); } if (!circleTurn && playerOnePickedCircle && playerOneVsCpu){ cpuPlaceMark(); } } function placeMark(cell, currentClass) { cell.classList.add(currentClass); } function checkWin(currentClass) { return WINNING_PATTERNS.some(pattern => { return pattern.every(index => { return cellElements[index].classList.contains(currentClass) }); }); } function isTie() { return [...cellElements].every(cell => { return cell.classList.contains(X_CLASS) || cell.classList.contains(O_CLASS); }); } // winning message logic function handleTie() { tieCountNumber.innerText = Number(tieCountNumber.innerText) + 1; whoWinsText.innerText = 'IT\'S A TIE'; whoTakesRound.classList.add('tie'); // if (!whoTakesRound.classList.contains('tie')) { // } whoTakesRoundText.innerText = "WANNA TRY AGAIN?" } function handleCircleWon() { oWinsCountNumber.innerText = Number(oWinsCountNumber.innerText) + 1; if (!playerOnePickedCircle) { whoWinsText.innerText = "YOU LOSE!" } else { whoWinsText.innerText = "YOU WON!" } whoTakesRound.classList.remove('tie'); whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.remove(LOGO_X); whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.add(LOGO_O); whoTakesRoundText.classList.add('o-win'); // if (!whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.contains(LOGO_O)) { // } // if (!whoTakesRoundText.classList.contains('o-win')) { // } } function handleCrossWon() { xWinsCountNumber.innerText = Number(xWinsCountNumber.innerText) + 1; if (!playerOnePickedCircle) { whoWinsText.innerText = "YOU WON!" } else { whoWinsText.innerText = "YOU LOSE!" } whoTakesRound.classList.remove('tie'); whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.remove(LOGO_O); whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.add(LOGO_X); // if (!whoTakesRoundLogo.classList.contains(LOGO_X)) { // } whoTakesRoundText.classList.remove('o-win'); } function getWinPattern() { const currentClass = circleTurn ? O_CLASS : X_CLASS; let patternFound; WINNING_PATTERNS.forEach(pattern=>{ if(pattern.every(index => { return cellElements[index].classList.contains(currentClass); })){ patternFound = pattern; } }); return patternFound; } function showWinCells(winPattern) { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cellElements[winPattern[i]].classList.add(IN_WIN_LINE); } } function unShowWinCells() { cellElements.forEach(cell=>{ cell.classList.remove(IN_WIN_LINE); }) } function endGame(tie) { if (tie) { handleTie(); } else { let pattern = getWinPattern(); showWinCells(pattern); whoTakesRoundText.innerText = "TAKES THE ROUND" if (circleTurn) { handleCircleWon(); } else { handleCrossWon(); } } isGameStarted = false; setTimeout(() => { winningMessage.classList.add(SHOW); }, 200); } // reset historical win, lose and tie data // reset mark and vs info function quitGame() { xWinsCountNumber.innerText = 0; xWinsCountText.innerText = 'X (CPU)'; tieCountNumber.innerText = 0; oWinsCountNumber.innerText = 0; oWinsCountText.innerText = 'O (YOU)'; if(!playerOnePickedCircle){ introPickLogoX.classList.remove(PICK); introPickLogoO.classList.remove(UNPICK); } playerOnePickedCircle = true; resetGameBoard(); winningMessage.classList.remove(SHOW); intro.classList.add(SHOW); } function nextRound(){ winningMessage.classList.remove(SHOW); resetGameBoard(); isGameStarted = true; if(playerOnePickedCircle && playerOneVsCpu){ cpuPlaceMark(); } } function resetGameBoard(){ cellElements.forEach(cell => { cell.classList.remove(X_CLASS); cell.classList.remove(O_CLASS); cell.removeEventListener('click', handleCellClick); cell.addEventListener('click', handleCellClick, { once: true }); }); unShowWinCells(); circleTurn = false; if (indicatorLogo.classList[0] !== LOGO_X) { indicatorLogo.classList.replace(LOGO_O, LOGO_X); } } function cpuPlaceMark(){ const availableCells = []; cellElements.forEach((cell)=>{ if (!cell.classList.contains(O_CLASS) && !cell.classList.contains(X_CLASS)){ availableCells.push(cell); } }); //const cpuPickedCell = randomNextMove(availableCells); const cpuPickedCell = minimaxNextMove(); const currentClass = circleTurn ? O_CLASS : X_CLASS; setTimeout(() => { placeMark(cpuPickedCell, currentClass); if (checkWin(currentClass)) { endGame(false); } else if (isTie()) { endGame(true); } else { swapTurns(); swapIndicatorLogo(); } }, 300); } //just random function randomNextMove(availableCellsList) { return availableCellsList[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableCellsList.length)]; } // find next move based on minimax algorithm function minimaxNextMove(){ // abstract board and only use the class information for minimax arrayForMinimax = abstractCurrentBoard(); // x is maximizing player o is minimizing player // player 1 picked o then cpu is x (aka miximizing player) and vice versa let isCpuMaximizing = playerOnePickedCircle; console.log("is cpu maximizing?" + isCpuMaximizing); let currentPlayerMinimax = isCpuMaximizing? 'x' : 'o'; let bestScore = isCpuMaximizing? (-Infinity) : (+Infinity); let move; let scoreList = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++){ if(arrayForMinimax[i] === ''){ arrayForMinimax[i] = currentPlayerMinimax; // next move is the player 1 not cpu, that's why !isCpuMaximizing let score = minimax(0, !isCpuMaximizing); arrayForMinimax[i] = ''; // store all score in a score list scoreList[i] = score; console.log("index:" + i + "score:" + score); if (isCpuMaximizing){ if (score > bestScore) { bestScore = score; move = i; } } else { if (score < bestScore) { bestScore = score; move = i } } } } // list of all best candidates (they all have the best score) let finalCandidates = findKeysByValue(scoreList, bestScore); console.log("the final candidates:" + finalCandidates) let finalMove = randomNextMove(finalCandidates); console.log("final move:" + finalMove); return cellElements[finalMove]; } let scores = { x: 10, o: -10, tie: 0 } function minimax(depth, isMaximizing) { let currentPlayer = isMaximizing? 'x' : 'o'; if(checkWinForminimax(currentPlayer)){ return scores[currentPlayer]; } else if (checkTieForMinimax()) { return scores['tie'] } if (isMaximizing){ let bestScore = -Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++){ if (arrayForMinimax[i] === ''){ arrayForMinimax[i] = 'x'; let score = minimax(depth + 1, false); arrayForMinimax[i] = ''; bestScore = Math.max(score, bestScore); } } return bestScore; } else { let bestScore = Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++){ if (arrayForMinimax[i] === ''){ arrayForMinimax[i] = 'o'; let score = minimax(depth + 1, true); arrayForMinimax[i] = ''; bestScore = Math.min(score, bestScore); } } return bestScore; } } function findKeysByValue(map, score){ const keyList = []; Object.keys(map).forEach(key => { if (map[key] == score) { keyList.push(key); } }); return keyList; } // check win based on minimax array function checkWinForminimax(currentClassInminimax) { return WINNING_PATTERNS.some(pattern => { return pattern.every(index => { return arrayForMinimax[index] === currentClassInminimax; }); }); } function checkTieForMinimax() { return [...arrayForMinimax].every(cell => { return cell === 'o' || cell === 'x'; }); } function placeMarkForMinimax(cellIndexInminimax, currentClassInminimax){ arrayForMinimax[cellIndexInminimax] = currentClassInminimax; } //abstract current board to an array for minimax algorithm function abstractCurrentBoard() { arrayForMinimax = []; cellElements.forEach(cell => { if(cell.classList.contains(O_CLASS)){ arrayForMinimax.push('o'); } else if (cell.classList.contains(X_CLASS)){ arrayForMinimax.push('x'); } else { arrayForMinimax.push(''); } }); return arrayForMinimax; }