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Recommender Backend

This is a Python Flask application for the API's used in Weather-Based Recommender application. Before running, make sure you have generated a .env -file, instructions given in the You also need to have Poetry installed.


# Navigate to the right project folder
$ cd recommender-back

# Install dependencies using Poetry
$ poetry install

Creates a virtual environment and install all the required dependencies defined in the pyproject.toml -file.


# Start the Flask development server
$ poetry run invoke start

The Flask server will start running, and you can access the API at http:https://localhost:5000/.

# Run the tests
$ poetry run invoke test

# Run the code validators
$ poetry run invoke pylint


# Build image
$ docker build -t recommender-backend .

# Run container from image
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 recommender-backend

API Endpoints

Here are some of the API endpoints which the Weather-Based Recommender application uses:

Forecast Data

URL: /api/forecast
Method: GET
Description: Response contains weather data with hourly cycles,
  including the timestamp, coordinates, and corresponding values for
  various parameters such as air temperature, wind speed, air pressure,
  and humidity.

Point of Interest Data

URL: /api/poi
Method: GET
Description: Response contains the all the point-of-interest data with the weather data.

Pathing Data

URL: /api/path
Method: GET
Example usage: /api/path?start=60.172808,24.909591&end=60.204516,24.962033
Description: Response contains points that form a path based on given coordinates.

Weather Warning

URL: /api/warning
Method: GET
Description: Response contains Boolean value if the weather is too stormy to suggest any recommendations.