R package for ix modeling platform (ixmp)
The ix modeling platform (ixmp) is a data warehouse for high-powered scenario analysis, with interfaces to Python and R for efficient scientific workflows and effective data pre- and post-processing, and a structured database backend for version-controlled data management.
Can be integrated with the |MESSAGEix| Integrated Assessment model and other numerical models https://MESSAGEix.iiasa.ac.at
Daniel Huppmann, Matthew Gidden, Oliver Fricko, Peter Kolp, Clara Orthofer, Michael Pimmer, Nikolay Kushin, Adriano Vinca, Alessio Mastrucci, Keywan Riahi, and Volker Krey. "The |MESSAGEix| Integrated Assessment Model and the ix modeling platform". Environmental Modelling & Software 112:143-156, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.11.012 electronic pre-print available at pure.iiasa.ac.at/15157/.