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Generator - Spring Boot Starters for Google Client Libraries

Development Workflow

For local development in the spring-cloud-generator submodule, first build spring-cloud-gcp from root:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Unit and Golden Testing for the Generator

To execute unit and golden tests for the generator, run (from the spring-cloud-generator directory):

# All tests
mvn test

# Single test
mvn test -Dtest=SpringAutoConfigClassComposerTest

# Update golden files
mvn test -DupdateUnitGoldens

Generation of Spring Boot Starters

Running Github Actions Workflow:

Corresponding workflow file: generateAutoConfigs.yaml

Using github actions, the following command can run the end-to-end generation workflow in generateAutoConfigs.yaml against a development branch (e.g. <my-branch>):

gh workflow run generateAutoConfigs.yml --ref <my-branch> \
-f branch_name=<my-branch> -f forked_repo=none
  • The equivalent of this command can also be triggered through the github UI.
    • --ref <my-branch> specifies that the workflow run should be triggered from <my-branch> (e.g. to test changes under development in workflow file and script).
    • -f branch_name=<my-branch> specifies that <my-branch> should be the branch to parse libraries-bom version from, and push generated code changes to.
  • Upon successful completion, corresponding changes to generated code (if any) will be pushed to <my-branch> in a commit authored by cloud-java-bot.

Running Script (locally):


Requirements (to run commands below):

To execute the generation process locally, run (from the spring-cloud-generator directory):

bash scripts/

Showcase Testing for the Generator

Corresponding workflow file: showcaseTests.yaml


Requirements (to run commands below):

To execute showcase golden tests locally, run (from the spring-cloud-generator directory):

bash scripts/
  • This runs the generator for showcase clients and compares its output against the expected golden showcase-spring-starter module.

To update showcase golden tests locally, run (from the spring-cloud-generator directory):

bash scripts/ -u
  • This runs the generator for showcase clients and overwrites the golden module showcase-spring-starter.

To execute showcase unit tests locally, run (from the spring-cloud-generator directory):

cd showcase/showcase-spring-starter && mvn verify
  • This compiles the generated showcase-spring-starter module and runs handwritten unit tests under showcase-spring-starter/test.