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ROT13 Connector

A minimal example of TPS Client connector implementation in Rust.

The ROT13 Connector builds as a static (C-linkable) library exporting the connector API


rot13_connector is MIT licensed.


The rot13_connector crate provides a minimal example of how to implement a TPS connector. The implementation should work for connectors implemented both as statically loadable libraries and as dynamically loaded libraries.

The connector API requires exports a single function:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn TPSC_GetConnectorAPI() -> *const Connector {}

Where the Connector definition is provided by the tps_connector crate.

The underlying implementation of the top-level module is fairly simple: there is a static structure, CONNECTOR which holds the required C callable APIs for the connector. There are sample implementations of each of these functions in the c_api module.

Each of the callable functions in the c_api module does some sanitization of any pointers provided - this is necessarily limited mainly to checking for NULL pointers - and calls the relevant function in the service module, which is pure safe Rust.

It is quite likely that the functions in the c_api module can be re-used without change in many implementations.

The majority of the sample implementation is in the service module.

To adapt this code to some other component, you will need to do at least the following:

Secure Component Instance

Set the Secure Component Instance on which your service is running.

In this sample code I have used a randomly generated UUID. If you are implementing on a real Secure Component, you should use an appropriate mechanism to generate a repeatable, but statistically unique UUID for the Secure Component Instance. Some Secure Component APIs may already provide a suitable mechanism for this.

The TPS Client API Specification suggests some recommended ways to do this, but the thing that matters is that the value is stable over time and statistically unique.

Determine the Service Instance ID

As with the Secure Component Instance, this is a UUID and is required to be statistically unique.


During Service Discovery, a connector reports the services available from the attached Secure Component.

The implementation in this sample is simplified too much to be used in most real-world deployment scenarios, and is intended purely to show how the API is expected to work.

The SERVICES array is a reference to an array of ServiceIdentifier instances. Each ServiceIdentifier needs to define the following fields:

  • service_instance a UUID which provides a unique and stable identifier for the instance of a service on a Secure Component. This value must be different for each service on a given secure component. Where there is more than one Secure Component on a device, it must be unique across devices. This means that you should generate this identity when a service is installed or first created on a device.
  • service_id a UUID which defines what the service does. This value must be the same for all instances of the same type of service. GlobalPlatform specifies UUIDs for every service that it defines, and here we use the standard UUID for the ROT13 service.
  • secure_component_type a UUID defining the type of Secure Component, for example TEE, Secure Element, TPM etc., that the service runs on. Bodies defining standardized Secure Components such as GlobalPlatform and the Trusted Computing Group define these for the components they standardize. In this case we use a "test" value, GPP_TEST_SC_TYPE which indicates that we are using a test component for which no security guarantees are made.
  • service_version: this is a structure indicating the version of the service API that is supported. For specifications defined by GlobalPlatform, this will align with the version of the GlobalPlatform document that defines the specification.

Platform requirements

The implementation does not require the standard library, except when compiled for test.

This implementation is intended to run on constrained devices (bare-metal or RTOS-based) which may not have rich synchronization and threading APIs. The code is thread-safe if the underlying platform provides atomic operations, as there is a dependency on AtomicBool and AtomicU32.

The provided implementation generates somewhat unpredictable values for session_id using a random number generator. In general, the use of unpredictable values of session_id has some security benefit, but it may be acceptable to replace this with something simpler on some platforms. There is in any case no expectation of cryptographic quality randomness here.

Known Limitations

This implementation is unlikely to be well-suited to interactions with complex Secure Components supporting dynamic installation and update of services.

Currently the implementation of execute_transaction does not support session handling, which prevents use with multi-service cases.