# Contributing to TPS-API-Reference-Implementations ## Introduction The TPS-API-Reference-Implementations GitHub project is developing commercial-grade reference implementations of services defined by the [GlobalPlatform](https://globalplatform.org) Trusted Platform Services Committee. As an implementation of a set of standards under development, contribution can occur in different ways. - For GlobalPlatform members, through participation in the Trusted Platform Services Committee, there is an opportunity to discuss potential implementation options and define new service specifications through the ongoing activities of the Committee and its Working Groups. - For anyone, including GlobalPlatform members, participation can take place through the GitHub Pull Request mechanism, subject to the rules outlined in this document. Because we are trying to develop production quality implementations of multiple standards, there is a strong preference towards contributions that do not deviate from the standards in question, as well as for good documentation, examples and test cases where appropriate. Contributions, in the form of pull requests, will be reviewed by the project leader or an assigned reviewer. This can take a while (we all have day jobs). Bug-fixes and small enhancements may well be accepted with little or no discussion beyond the initial review. Large and/or complex changes are taken to the relevant Working Group within GlobalPlatform for discussion, which can take some time. ## Contribution Guidelines ### Contribution by Pull Request Contributions should be provided as Pull Requests on an up-to-date fork of the project. These Pull Requests should be able to be auto-merged. ### Developer Sign-Off Contributions are only accepted if they have been signed-off by the developer using a GPG key that has been made known to the project owner. In signing-off a contribution, the contributor confirming that the contribution is being made under the terms of the [Developer Certificate of Origin v1.1](https://developercertificate.org), and under the MIT license which is used for all code under this project. *Code that has not been signed-off with a verified key will be rejected.* ### Expectations of Code #### Programming Language The majority of the code in the TPS API Reference Implementations is written in Rust, and we are generally trying to stay reasonably up-to-date with resepect to Rust Compiler versions and crate dependencies. There are certain API points where the TPS reference implementations, while they are written in Rust, provide C callable APIs. Contributions in C or C++ which make use of these APIs are certainly of interest, and there is rudimentary CMake support in the project to assist in building these. Contributions in other programming languages are of interest mainly to the extent that they expose TPS Services through APIs for those other languages, e.g. something like a Python binding to the TPS Client API might be of interest. #### Code Quality Code should be of generally good quality. This means that: - It should compile without warnings. - Rust code should pass most Clippy linters. - Exported functions should have Rustdoc documentation. - There should usually be tests. - There should usually be example code. - Code should be generally well-structured, use comments appropriately (especially where complex constructions are used) - Function names should be descriptive and ideally follow a "verb", "object" naming pattern. Code which is intended to run in a `no_std` environment should be tested to ensure that it does so. In practice, code may well need to make use of Rust features. It is accepted that early contributions of larger features may be incomplete or lacking in some of the above areas, and the maintainer has some discretion to consider whether to accept contributions where this is the case. The guiding principle is that any contribution must provide some useful feature that is end-to-end usable and of good quality of iteslf. #### Embedded Targets Contributions of support for different embedded targets are especially welcome. While it is not aimed only at embedded platforms, embedded targets are an important use-case for the TPS APIs and services. #### Copyright, Licensing and Dependencies Where you modify an existing file, you must add your copyright to that file. Where you create a new file, the file must include your copyright statement. For contributions coming via companies and other legal entities, the contributor should determine for themselves what copyright statement is required. For individuals, it is sufficient to add a single line following the pattern below to the file. ``` Copyright (C) , , ``` Where code introduces new dependencies, these MUST have the option of MIT licensing. *Code which introduces dependencies that are not MIT licensed will be rejected*. This is done to ensure that users of the project have certainty about the licensing conditions for the project. ## Getting Started Here are some references and guidance to help new contributors to get started. ### Git You will need Git running on the machine that you use to host your local copy of your fork of the repository. GitHub has a [guide to setting up and using Git](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/set-up-git) We require git commits to be signed-off using `git commit -S`, so please check the section on configuring GPG. ### GitHub Account You will need a GitHub account where you will create a [fork](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo) of the TPS-API-Reference-Implementations repository. You make your contributions from this fork. This account mught be personal or it might belong to a company or other organizational contributor. If you are employed, please ensure that your employer allows you to make contributions - you are responsible for this under the Developer Certificate of Origin. > We strongly recommend that you take steps to secure your GitHub account. This should include: > > - Protection of the account with a strong password and two-factor authentication. > - Use an authenticated mechanism such as https or ssh when connecting to GitHub GitHub has good information on [how to contribute to projects](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) which describes the use of [Pull Requests](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects#making-a-pull-request) ### GPG and e-mail We ask contributors to use GPG to sign their commits. We also like to match GPG keys to the e-mail addresses used by the key owners. GitHub provides a [guide to adding a GPG key to your account](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/adding-a-gpg-key-to-your-github-account). You should ensure that they key you use is associated with the e-mail address you used to set-up your GitHub account. If you follow the GitHub guide, this will be the case.