module Program open System.IO open Pulumi open Pulumi.FSharp open Pulumi.Aws.S3.Inputs open Pulumi.Aws.S3 let infra () = // Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket) let bucket = Bucket("my-bucket", BucketArgs (Website = input (BucketWebsiteArgs (IndexDocument = input "index.html")))) // For each file in wwwroot ... let files = Directory.GetFiles "wwwroot" let bucketObjects = files |> file -> let name = file.Substring 8 let contentType = if name.EndsWith ".png" then "image/png" else "text/html" // ... create a bucket object BucketObject(name, BucketObjectArgs (Acl = input "public-read", Bucket = io bucket.BucketName, ContentType = input contentType, Source = input (FileAsset file :> AssetOrArchive)), CustomResourceOptions (Parent = bucket))) // Export the name of the bucket let endpoint = bucket.WebsiteEndpoint.Apply (sprintf "http://%s") dict [("endpoint", endpoint :> obj)] [] let main _ = infra