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Hello Pulumi!

$ curl -w '\n' "$(pulumi stack output url)lambda" Hello, API Gateway! $ python3 -m webbrowser "$(pulumi stack output url)proxy" # Opens a page looking like Google in your browser $ curl -w '\n' "$(pulumi stack output url)swagger" { "uuid": ... } $ curl -w '\n' -H "Authorization: HEADER.PAYLOAD.SIGNATURE" "$(pulumi stack output url)cognito-authorized" {"message":"Unauthorized"} $ curl -w '\n' -H "Authorization: goodToken" "$(pulumi stack output url)lambda-authorized" Hello, API Gateway! $ curl -w '\n' -H "Authorization: badToken" "$(pulumi stack output url)lambda-authorized" {"message": "404 Not found" } $ curl -w '\n' "$(pulumi stack output url)lambda-authorized" # No token {"message":"Unauthorized"} $ curl -w '\n' "$(pulumi stack output swagger-url)" { "uuid": ... } $ curl -w '\n' -H "x-api-key: $(pulumi stack output apiKeyValue --show-secrets)" "$(pulumi stack output url)key-authorized" Hello, API Gateway! ``` Testing a valid Cognito token is a little more involved. 1. Create a random password ```bash PASSWORD=$(curl -s https://www.passwordrandom.com/query?command=password&scheme=Llnn%23rrrrrrrrrr) ``` 2. Create a user ```bash aws cognito-idp sign-up --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) --client-id $(pulumi stack output user-pool-client-id) --username "test@domain.example" --password "$PASSWORD" ``` 3. Confirm the user's account ```bash aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) --user-pool-id $(pulumi stack output user-pool-id) --username "test@domain.example" ``` 4. Authenticate to create a new session: ```bash TOKEN=$(aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --region $(pulumi config get aws:region) --user-pool-id $(pulumi stack output user-pool-id) --client-id $(pulumi stack output user-pool-client-id) --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters "{\"USERNAME\":\"test@domain.example\",\"PASSWORD\":\"$PASSWORD\"}") ``` 5. Perform authenticated request ```bash $ curl -w '\n' -H "Authorization: $(echo $TOKEN | jq '.AuthenticationResult.IdToken' -r)" "$(pulumi stack output url)cognito-authorized" Hello, API Gateway! ``` Fetch and review the logs from the Lambda executions: ```bash pulumi logs ``` ### Set Up Custom DNS Before you can set up a custom domain you must [register a domain name with Route 53](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/registrar.html). Configure the stack with your custom DNS information: ```bash pulumi config set domain subdomain.acmecorp.example pulumi config set dns-zone acmecorp.example ``` Deploy your stack: ```bash $ pulumi up ... Type Name Plan pulumi:pulumi:Stack aws-apigateway-ts-routes-dev + ├─ pulumi:providers:aws usEast1 create + ├─ aws:acm:Certificate ssl-cert create + ├─ aws:route53:Record ssl-cert-validation-dns-record create + ├─ aws:acm:CertificateValidation ssl-cert-validation create + ├─ aws:apigateway:DomainName api-domain-name create + ├─ aws:route53:Record api-dns create + └─ aws:apigateway:BasePathMapping api-domain-mapping create ``` Test your API is now available on your custom domain: ```bash curl -w '\n' "$(pulumi stack output customUrl)static" ``` ## Clean Up Once you're finished experimenting, you can destroy your stack and remove it to avoid incurring any additional cost: ```bash pulumi destroy pulumi stack rm ``` ## Summary In this tutorial, you deployed an API with different route configurations. Now you can use these patterns to build real APIs which connect to other services.