diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/.gitignore b/video-thumbnailer/.gitignore index bfe6ad321..66e3c0cd9 100644 --- a/video-thumbnailer/.gitignore +++ b/video-thumbnailer/.gitignore @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ /node_modules/ /yarn.lock /package-lock.json -/Pulumi.*.yaml \ No newline at end of file +/Pulumi.*.yaml diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/Pulumi.yaml b/video-thumbnailer/Pulumi.yaml index 70369022e..fc4561acd 100755 --- a/video-thumbnailer/Pulumi.yaml +++ b/video-thumbnailer/Pulumi.yaml @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ name: video-thumbnailer runtime: nodejs -description: A video thumbnail extractor using serverless functions + containers. +description: A video thumbnail extractor using serverless functions and containers. diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/README.md b/video-thumbnailer/README.md index 327cdf929..c9272500e 100755 --- a/video-thumbnailer/README.md +++ b/video-thumbnailer/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Video Thumbnailer -A video thumbnail extractor using serverless functions + containers. +A video thumbnail extractor using serverless functions and containers. Loosely derived from the example at https://serverless.com/blog/serverless-application-for-long-running-process-fargate-lambda/. @@ -25,629 +25,7 @@ Preview the deployment of the application: ``` $ pulumi preview Previewing changes: -info: Building container image 'pulum-dc8d99de-container': context=./docker-ffmpeg-thumb -+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::video-thumbnailer-testing] -warning: aws:index/getRegion:getRegion verification warning: "current": [DEPRECATED] Defaults to current provider region if no other filtering is enabled - + aws:ecs/cluster:Cluster: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ecs/cluster:Cluster::pulumi-testing-global] - name: "pulumi-testing-global-2c26db9" - + aws:efs/fileSystem:FileSystem: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/fileSystem:FileSystem::pulumi-testing-global] - + aws:s3/bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::pulumi-testing-global] - acl : "private" - bucket : "pulumi-testing-global-19f5420" - forceDestroy: false - + cloud:global:infrastructure: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure::global-infrastructure] - + aws:ecr/repository:Repository: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ecr/repository:Repository::pulum-dc8d99de-container] - name: "pulum-dc8d99de-container-cfeccb4" - + cloud:bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket::bucket] - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing-global] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":[\"sts:AssumeRole\"],\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":[\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"]}}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-global-76e71bc" - path : "/" - + cloud:task:Task: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task::ffmpegThumbTask] - container: { - build : "./docker-ffmpeg-thumb" - memoryReservation: 128 - } - + aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc::pulumi-testing-global] - assignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlock: false - cidrBlock : "" - enableDnsHostnames : true - enableDnsSupport : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - + aws:sns/topic:Topic: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:sns/topic:Topic::pulumi-t-unhandled-error] - name: "pulumi-t-unhandled-error-cdfccec" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing-task] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-task-b24de5d" - path : "/" - + cloud:logCollector:LogCollector: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector::pulumi-testing] - parent: { - urn: "urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure::global-infrastructure" - } - + cloud:function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function::onNewVideo] - + cloud:function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function::onNewThumbnail] - + aws:s3/bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::bucket] - acl : "private" - bucket : "bucket-ae14656" - forceDestroy : false - serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: { - rule: { - applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault: { - sseAlgorithm: "AES256" - } - } - } - + aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile::pulumi-testing-global] - name: "pulumi-testing-global-3c252f9" - path: "/" - role: computed ----outputs:--- -bucketName: computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-global-5e4162cd] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role" - role : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-global-efc8f10d] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess" - role : computed - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::ffmpegThumbTask] - name : "ffmpegThumbTask-cbeff32" - retentionInDays: 1 - + aws:ec2/internetGateway:InternetGateway: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/internetGateway:InternetGateway::pulumi-testing-global] - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId: computed - + aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup::pulumi-testing-global] - description : "Managed by Pulumi" - egress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 0 - protocol : "-1" - self : false - toPort : 0 - } - ] - ingress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 22 - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : 22 - } - [1]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 0 - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : 65535 - } - ] - name : "pulumi-testing-global-c8249a5" - revokeRulesOnDelete: false - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-tes-task-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-tes-task-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function::pulumi-testing] - options: { - policies: [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function::onNewVideo] - options: { - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: computed - } - memorySize : 128 - policies : [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - [1]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function::onNewThumbnail] - options: { - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: computed - } - memorySize : 128 - policies : [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - [1]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:ec2/routeTable:RouteTable: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTable:RouteTable::pulumi-testing-global] - routes: [ - [0]: { - cidrBlock: "" - gatewayId: computed - } - ] - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId : computed - + aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup::pulumi-testing-global-fs] - description : "Managed by Pulumi" - ingress : [ - [0]: { - fromPort : 2049 - protocol : "TCP" - securityGroups: [ - [0]: computed - ] - self : false - toPort : 2049 - } - ] - name : "pulumi-testing-global-fs-501a002" - revokeRulesOnDelete: false - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-fs" - } - vpcId : computed - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-acb73b6" - path : "/" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::onNewVideo] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "onNewVideo-65644a3" - path : "/" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::onNewThumbnail] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "onNewThumbnail-adbe6bb" - path : "/" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::pulumi-testing] - code : archive(assets:63a6174) { - ".": archive(file:4a03558) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:ef016fa) { - function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); - } - - (ev, ctx, cb) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - try { - const zlib = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => require("zlib")); - const payload = new Buffer(ev.awslogs.data, "base64"); - const result = zlib.gunzipSync(payload); - console.log(result.toString("utf8")); - cb(null, {}); - } - catch (err) { - cb(err); - } - }) - - } - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize: 128 - name : "pulumi-testing-b4ef30c" - publish : false - role : computed - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewVideo-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewVideo-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewThumbnail-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewThumbnail-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : computed - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::onNewThumbnail] - code : archive(assets:81c65ed) { - ".": archive(file:4a03558) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:3ae1af7) { - bucketArgs => { - console.log(`A new ${bucketArgs.size}B thumbnail was saved to ${bucketArgs.key} at ${bucketArgs.eventTime}.`); - return Promise.resolve(); - } - - function /*eventHandler*/(event, context, callback) { - const records = event.Records || []; - const promises = []; - for (const record of records) { - // Construct an event arguments object. - const args = { - key: record.s3.object.key, - size: record.s3.object.size, - eventTime: record.eventTime, - }; - // Call the user handler. - const promise = handler(args); - promises.push(promise); - } - // Combine the results of all user handlers, and invoke the Lambda callback with results. - Promise.all(promises) - .then(() => callback(undefined, undefined)) - .catch(err => callback(err, undefined)); - } - - } - } - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: computed - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize : 128 - name : "onNewThumbnail-0ba2ce5" - publish : false - role : computed - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::pulumi-testing] - name : "/aws/lambda/pulumi-testing-b4ef30c" - retentionInDays: 0 - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::pulumi-testing] - action : "lambda:invokeFunction" - function : computed - principal : "logs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" - statementId: "pulumi-testing-272bced" - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::ffmpegThumbTask] - destinationArn: computed - logGroup : computed - name : "ffmpegThumbTask-a9691c4" - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::onNewThumbnail] - name : "/aws/lambda/onNewThumbnail-0ba2ce5" - retentionInDays: 1 - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::onNewThumbnail] - action : "lambda:InvokeFunction" - function : computed - principal : "s3.amazonaws.com" - sourceArn : computed - statementId: "onNewThumbnail-1ba7027" - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::onNewThumbnail] - destinationArn: computed - logGroup : computed - name : "onNewThumbnail-1424142" -info: Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB -info: Step 1/7 : FROM jrottenberg/ffmpeg -info: ---> d84693c6bbc0 -info: Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python-dev python-pip -y && apt-get clean -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> e0a5204c82a3 -info: Step 3/7 : RUN pip install awscli -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 62b2f1294cc2 -info: Step 4/7 : WORKDIR /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 481b0e5c5a44 -info: Step 5/7 : COPY copy_thumb.sh /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 0f154d69e581 -info: Step 6/7 : COPY copy_video.sh /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 84e34c4550d8 -info: Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT echo "Starting..." && ./copy_video.sh && ffmpeg -i ./${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} -ss ${POSITION_TIME_DURATION} -vframes 1 -vcodec png -an -y ${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} && ./copy_thumb.sh -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 9882ba937d38 -info: Successfully built 9882ba937d38 -info: Successfully tagged pulum-dc8d99de-container:latest - + aws:ecs/taskDefinition:TaskDefinition: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:ecs/taskDefinition:TaskDefinition::ffmpegThumbTask] - containerDefinitions: computed - family : "ffmpegThumbTask" - taskRoleArn : computed - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::onNewVideo] - code : archive(assets:f69633b) { - ".": archive(file:4a03558) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:a002755) { - function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); - } - - function /*constructor*/(value) { - this.value = value; - } - - function /*apply*/(func) { - throw new Error("'apply' is not allowed from inside a cloud-callback. Use 'get' to retrieve the value of this Output directly."); - } - - function /*get*/() { - return this.value; - } - - function /*placementConstraintsForHost*/(host) { - const os = (host && host.os) || "linux"; - return [{ - type: "memberOf", - expression: `attribute:ecs.os-type == ${os}`, - }]; - } - - function (options) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const awssdk = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => require("aws-sdk")); - const ecs = new awssdk.ECS(); - // Extract the envrionment values from the options - const env = []; - yield addEnvironmentVariables(containerEnv.get()); - yield addEnvironmentVariables(options && options.environment); - // Run the task - const res = yield ecs.runTask({ - cluster: clusterARN.get(), - taskDefinition: taskDefinitionArn.get(), - placementConstraints: placementConstraintsForHost(options && options.host), - overrides: { - containerOverrides: [ - { - name: "container", - environment: env, - }, - ], - }, - }).promise(); - if (res.failures && res.failures.length > 0) { - throw new Error("Failed to start task:" + JSON.stringify(res.failures, null, "")); - } - return; - // Local functions - function addEnvironmentVariables(e) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (e) { - for (const key of Object.keys(e)) { - const envVal = e[key]; - if (envVal) { - env.push({ name: key, value: envVal }); - } - } - } - }); - } - }); - } - - bucketArgs => { - console.log(`A new ${bucketArgs.size}B video was uploaded to ${bucketArgs.key} at ${bucketArgs.eventTime}.`); - let key = bucketArgs.key; - let thumbnailFile = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('_')) + '.png'; - let framePos = key.substring(key.indexOf('_')+1, key.indexOf('.')).replace('-',':'); - return ffmpegThumbnailTask.run({ - environment: { - "S3_BUCKET": bucketName.get(), - "INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME": key, - "POSITION_TIME_DURATION": framePos, - "OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME": thumbnailFile, - }, - }).then(() => { - console.log(`Running thumbnailer task.`); - }); - } - - function /*eventHandler*/(event, context, callback) { - const records = event.Records || []; - const promises = []; - for (const record of records) { - // Construct an event arguments object. - const args = { - key: record.s3.object.key, - size: record.s3.object.size, - eventTime: record.eventTime, - }; - // Call the user handler. - const promise = handler(args); - promises.push(promise); - } - // Combine the results of all user handlers, and invoke the Lambda callback with results. - Promise.all(promises) - .then(() => callback(undefined, undefined)) - .catch(err => callback(err, undefined)); - } - - } - } - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: computed - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize : 128 - name : "onNewVideo-2361e7f" - publish : false - role : computed - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - + aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet::pulumi-testing-global-0] - assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: false - availabilityZone : "us-east-1a" - cidrBlock : "" - mapPublicIpOnLaunch : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-0" - } - vpcId : computed - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::onNewVideo] - name : "/aws/lambda/onNewVideo-2361e7f" - retentionInDays: 1 - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::onNewVideo] - action : "lambda:InvokeFunction" - function : computed - principal : "s3.amazonaws.com" - sourceArn : computed - statementId: "onNewVideo-c57e69e" - + aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation::pulumi-testing-global-0] - routeTableId: computed - subnetId : computed - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::onNewVideo] - destinationArn: computed - logGroup : computed - name : "onNewVideo-4b75ae9" - + aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget::pulumi-testing-global-0] - fileSystemId : computed - securityGroups: [ - [0]: computed - ] - subnetId : computed - + aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet::pulumi-testing-global-1] - assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: false - availabilityZone : "us-east-1b" - cidrBlock : "" - mapPublicIpOnLaunch : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-1" - } - vpcId : computed - + aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation::pulumi-testing-global-1] - routeTableId: computed - subnetId : computed - + aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget::pulumi-testing-global-1] - fileSystemId : computed - securityGroups: [ - [0]: computed - ] - subnetId : computed - + aws:ec2/launchConfiguration:LaunchConfiguration: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/launchConfiguration:LaunchConfiguration::pulumi-testing-global] - associatePublicIpAddress: false - ebsBlockDevices : [ - [0]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdb" - volumeSize : 5 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - [1]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdcz" - volumeSize : 50 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - ] - enableMonitoring : true - iamInstanceProfile : computed - imageId : "ami-20ff515a" - instanceType : "t2.micro" - name : "pulumi-testing-global-923c36e" - placementTenancy : "default" - rootBlockDevice : { - deleteOnTermination: true - volumeSize : 8 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - securityGroups : [ - [0]: computed - ] - userData : computed - + aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack::pulumi-testing-global] - name : computed - templateBody: computed - + aws:s3/bucketNotification:BucketNotification: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:s3/bucketNotification:BucketNotification::bucket] - bucket : computed - lambdaFunctions: [ - [0]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterPrefix : computed - filterSuffix : ".mp4" - lambdaFunctionArn: computed - } - [1]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterPrefix : computed - filterSuffix : ".png" - lambdaFunctionArn: computed - } - ] +[623 lines elided...] info: 59 changes previewed: + 59 resources to create ``` @@ -657,981 +35,7 @@ Perform the deployment: ``` $ pulumi update Performing changes: -info: Building container image 'pulum-dc8d99de-container': context=./docker-ffmpeg-thumb -+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::video-thumbnailer-testing] -warning: aws:index/getRegion:getRegion verification warning: "current": [DEPRECATED] Defaults to current provider region if no other filtering is enabled - + aws:ecs/cluster:Cluster: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ecs/cluster:Cluster::pulumi-testing-global] - name: "pulumi-testing-global-3626496" -info: Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB -info: Step 1/7 : FROM jrottenberg/ffmpeg -info: ---> d84693c6bbc0 -info: Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python-dev python-pip -y && apt-get clean -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> e0a5204c82a3 -info: Step 3/7 : RUN pip install awscli -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 62b2f1294cc2 -info: Step 4/7 : WORKDIR /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 481b0e5c5a44 -info: Step 5/7 : COPY copy_thumb.sh /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 0f154d69e581 -info: Step 6/7 : COPY copy_video.sh /tmp/workdir -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 84e34c4550d8 -info: Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT echo "Starting..." && ./copy_video.sh && ffmpeg -i ./${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} -ss ${POSITION_TIME_DURATION} -vframes 1 -vcodec png -an -y ${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} && ./copy_thumb.sh -info: ---> Using cache -info: ---> 9882ba937d38 -info: Successfully built 9882ba937d38 -info: Successfully tagged pulum-dc8d99de-container:latest - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:153052954103:cluster/pulumi-testing-global-3626496" - id : "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:153052954103:cluster/pulumi-testing-global-3626496" - + aws:efs/fileSystem:FileSystem: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/fileSystem:FileSystem::pulumi-testing-global] - ---outputs:--- - creationToken : "terraform-20180319235552106200000001" - dnsName : "fs-106ba658.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" - encrypted : false - id : "fs-106ba658" - performanceMode: "generalPurpose" - + aws:s3/bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::pulumi-testing-global] - acl : "private" - bucket : "pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae" - forceDestroy: false - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:s3:::pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae" - bucketDomainName : "pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae.s3.amazonaws.com" - hostedZoneId : "Z3AQBSTGFYJSTF" - id : "pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae" - region : "us-east-1" - requestPayer : "BucketOwner" - versioning : { - enabled : false - mfaDelete: false - } - + cloud:global:infrastructure: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure::global-infrastructure] - + aws:ecr/repository:Repository: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ecr/repository:Repository::pulum-dc8d99de-container] - name: "pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:153052954103:repository/pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee" - id : "pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee" - registryId : "153052954103" - repositoryUrl: "153052954103.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee" - + cloud:bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket::bucket] - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing-global] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":[\"sts:AssumeRole\"],\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":[\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"]}}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - path : "/" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" - createDate : "2018-03-19T23:56:14Z" - id : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - uniqueId : "AROAJT6UEPIYJSCIDPRY4" - + cloud:task:Task: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task::ffmpegThumbTask] - container: { - build : "./docker-ffmpeg-thumb" - memoryReservation: 128 - } - + aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc::pulumi-testing-global] - assignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlock: false - cidrBlock : "" - enableDnsHostnames : true - enableDnsSupport : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } -info: Login Succeeded -info: The push refers to repository [153052954103.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee] -info: c7601d47af4c: Preparing -info: 784c641e8ee8: Preparing -info: eeaa6c7d4f9c: Preparing -info: 83dc4fb3f991: Preparing -info: 6bc0d28ce32c: Preparing -info: 1400524d11ff: Preparing -info: 9f27dcb23c0e: Preparing -info: 6f4ce6b88849: Preparing -info: 92914665e7f6: Preparing -info: c98ef191df4b: Preparing -info: 9c7183e0ea88: Preparing -info: ff986b10a018: Preparing -info: 1400524d11ff: Waiting -info: 9f27dcb23c0e: Waiting -info: 6f4ce6b88849: Waiting -info: 92914665e7f6: Waiting -info: c98ef191df4b: Waiting -info: 9c7183e0ea88: Waiting -info: ff986b10a018: Waiting -info: c7601d47af4c: Pushed -info: 784c641e8ee8: Pushed -info: 9f27dcb23c0e: Pushed - ---outputs:--- - defaultNetworkAclId : "acl-035f4678" - defaultRouteTableId : "rtb-9be75be7" - defaultSecurityGroupId : "sg-c1e991b7" - dhcpOptionsId : "dopt-ea21cb8c" - enableClassiclink : false - enableClassiclinkDnsSupport : false - id : "vpc-d81192a3" - instanceTenancy : "default" - mainRouteTableId : "rtb-9be75be7" - + aws:sns/topic:Topic: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:sns/topic:Topic::pulumi-t-unhandled-error] - name: "pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - ---outputs:--- - applicationSuccessFeedbackSampleRate: "0" - arn : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - httpSuccessFeedbackSampleRate : "0" - id : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - lambdaSuccessFeedbackSampleRate : "0" - policy : "{\"Version\":\"2008-10-17\",\"Id\":\"__default_policy_ID\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"__default_statement_ID\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":\"*\"},\"Action\":[\"SNS:GetTopicAttributes\",\"SNS:SetTopicAttributes\",\"SNS:AddPermission\",\"SNS:RemovePermission\",\"SNS:DeleteTopic\",\"SNS:Subscribe\",\"SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic\",\"SNS:Publish\",\"SNS:Receive\"],\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479\",\"Condition\":{\"StringEquals\":{\"AWS:SourceOwner\":\"153052954103\"}}}]}" - sqsSuccessFeedbackSampleRate : "0" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing-task] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" - path : "/" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" - createDate : "2018-03-19T23:56:26Z" - id : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" - uniqueId : "AROAJ6AVYPC3UXFUO36TO" - + cloud:logCollector:LogCollector: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector::pulumi-testing] - parent: { - urn: "urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure::global-infrastructure" - } - + cloud:function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function::onNewVideo] - + cloud:function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function::onNewThumbnail] - + aws:s3/bucket:Bucket: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::bucket] - acl : "private" - bucket : "bucket-6120251" - forceDestroy : false - serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: { - rule: { - applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault: { - sseAlgorithm: "AES256" - } - } - } -info: 6f4ce6b88849: Pushed -info: 92914665e7f6: Pushed -info: c98ef191df4b: Pushed -info: 9c7183e0ea88: Pushed -info: eeaa6c7d4f9c: Pushed -info: 6bc0d28ce32c: Pushed -info: 1400524d11ff: Pushed - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-6120251" - bucketDomainName : "bucket-6120251.s3.amazonaws.com" - hostedZoneId : "Z3AQBSTGFYJSTF" - id : "bucket-6120251" - region : "us-east-1" - requestPayer : "BucketOwner" - serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: { - rule: { - applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault: { - sseAlgorithm : "AES256" - } - } - } - versioning : { - enabled : false - mfaDelete: false - } - + aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile::pulumi-testing-global] - name: "pulumi-testing-global-852e005" - path: "/" - role: "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:instance-profile/pulumi-testing-global-852e005" - id : "pulumi-testing-global-852e005" - uniqueId: "AIPAI6QZFLPCJO2SNJGKO" ----outputs:--- -bucketName: "bucket-6120251" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-global-5e4162cd] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role" - role : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d-20180319235656155400000002" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-global-efc8f10d] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess" - role : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d" - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-global-2fde61d-20180319235657887400000003" - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::ffmpegThumbTask] - name : "ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76" - retentionInDays: 1 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:153052954103:log-group:ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76:*" - id : "ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76" - retentionInDays: "1" - + aws:ec2/internetGateway:InternetGateway: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/internetGateway:InternetGateway::pulumi-testing-global] - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId: "vpc-d81192a3" - ---outputs:--- - id : "igw-af3b9fd7" - + aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup::pulumi-testing-global] - description : "Managed by Pulumi" - egress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 0 - protocol : "-1" - self : false - toPort : 0 - } - ] - ingress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 22 - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : 22 - } - [1]: { - cidrBlocks: [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : 0 - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : 65535 - } - ] - name : "pulumi-testing-global-33599e7" - revokeRulesOnDelete: false - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId : "vpc-d81192a3" - ---outputs:--- - egress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks : [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : "0" - protocol : "-1" - self : false - toPort : "0" - } - ] - id : "sg-88f38bfe" - ingress : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlocks : [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : "0" - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : "65535" - } - [1]: { - cidrBlocks : [ - [0]: "" - ] - fromPort : "22" - protocol : "TCP" - self : false - toPort : "22" - } - ] - ownerId : "153052954103" - + aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet::pulumi-testing-global-0] - assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: false - availabilityZone : "us-east-1a" - cidrBlock : "" - mapPublicIpOnLaunch : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-0" - } - vpcId : "vpc-d81192a3" -info: ff986b10a018: Pushed - ---outputs:--- - id : "subnet-ff6e789b" - + aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet::pulumi-testing-global-1] - assignIpv6AddressOnCreation: false - availabilityZone : "us-east-1b" - cidrBlock : "" - mapPublicIpOnLaunch : true - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-1" - } - vpcId : "vpc-d81192a3" -info: 83dc4fb3f991: Pushed - ---outputs:--- - id : "subnet-b372429c" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-tes-task-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" -info: latest: digest: sha256:1d4b74fffdcbc8ee45d17a81ef5194aeb720c31d4900e647b68a588d5b8fcd68 size: 2827 - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102-20180319235720165600000004" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:global:infrastructure$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-tes-task-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102-20180319235722005500000005" - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function::pulumi-testing] - options: { - policies: [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function::onNewVideo] - options: { - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - } - memorySize : 128 - policies : [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - [1]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:serverless:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function::onNewThumbnail] - options: { - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - } - memorySize : 128 - policies : [ - [0]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - [1]: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - ] - } - + aws:ec2/routeTable:RouteTable: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTable:RouteTable::pulumi-testing-global] - routes: [ - [0]: { - cidrBlock: "" - gatewayId: "igw-af3b9fd7" - } - ] - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global" - } - vpcId : "vpc-d81192a3" - ---outputs:--- - id : "rtb-28df6354" - routes : [ - [0]: { - cidrBlock : "" - gatewayId : "igw-af3b9fd7" - } - ] - + aws:ec2/launchConfiguration:LaunchConfiguration: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/launchConfiguration:LaunchConfiguration::pulumi-testing-global] - associatePublicIpAddress: false - ebsBlockDevices : [ - [0]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdb" - volumeSize : 5 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - [1]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdcz" - volumeSize : 50 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - ] - enableMonitoring : true - iamInstanceProfile : "pulumi-testing-global-852e005" - imageId : "ami-20ff515a" - instanceType : "t2.micro" - name : "pulumi-testing-global-07da6d7" - placementTenancy : "default" - rootBlockDevice : { - deleteOnTermination: true - volumeSize : 8 - volumeType : "gp2" - } - securityGroups : [ - [0]: "sg-88f38bfe" - ] - userData : "#cloud-config\n repo_upgrade_exclude:\n - kernel*\n packages:\n - aws-cfn-bootstrap\n - aws-cli\n - nfs-utils\n mounts:\n - ['/dev/xvdb', 'none', 'swap', 'sw', '0', '0']\n bootcmd:\n - mkswap /dev/xvdb\n - swapon /dev/xvdb\n - echo ECS_CLUSTER='arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:153052954103:cluster/pulumi-testing-global-3626496' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config\n - echo ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_TYPE=docker >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config\n runcmd:\n # Set and use variables in the same command, since it's not obvious if\n # different commands will run in different shells.\n - |\n # Knock one letter off of availability zone to get region.\n AWS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=$(curl -s\n AWS_REGION=$(echo $AWS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE | sed 's/.$//')\n\n \n # Create EFS mount path\n mkdir /mnt/efs\n chown ec2-user:ec2-user /mnt/efs\n # Create environment variables\n EFS_FILE_SYSTEM_ID=fs-106ba658\n DIR_SRC=$AWS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE.$EFS_FILE_SYSTEM_ID.efs.$AWS_REGION.amazonaws.com\n DIR_TGT=/mnt/efs\n # Update /etc/fstab with the new NFS mount\n cp -p /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.back-$(date +%F)\n echo -e \"$DIR_SRC:/ $DIR_TGT nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 0 0\" | tee -a /etc/fstab\n mount -a -t nfs4\n # Restart Docker\n docker ps\n service docker stop\n service docker start\n \n\n # Disable container access to EC2 metadata instance\n # See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/instance_IAM_role.html\n iptables --insert FORWARD 1 --in-interface docker+ --destination --jump DROP\n service iptables save\n\n /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal --region \"${AWS_REGION}\" --stack \"pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae\" --resource Instances\n " - ---outputs:--- - ebsBlockDevices : [ - [0]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdcz" - encrypted : false - iops : "0" - volumeSize : "50" - volumeType : "gp2" - } - [1]: { - deleteOnTermination: true - deviceName : "/dev/xvdb" - encrypted : false - iops : "0" - volumeSize : "5" - volumeType : "gp2" - } - ] - ebsOptimized : false - id : "pulumi-testing-global-07da6d7" - rootBlockDevice : { - deleteOnTermination: true - iops : "0" - volumeSize : "8" - volumeType : "gp2" - } - + aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/securityGroup:SecurityGroup::pulumi-testing-global-fs] - description : "Managed by Pulumi" - ingress : [ - [0]: { - fromPort : 2049 - protocol : "TCP" - securityGroups: [ - [0]: "sg-88f38bfe" - ] - self : false - toPort : 2049 - } - ] - name : "pulumi-testing-global-fs-65889b4" - revokeRulesOnDelete: false - tags : { - Name: "pulumi-testing-global-fs" - } - vpcId : "vpc-d81192a3" - ---outputs:--- - id : "sg-4ef18938" - ingress : [ - [0]: { - fromPort : "2049" - protocol : "TCP" - securityGroups: [ - [0]: "sg-88f38bfe" - ] - self : false - toPort : "2049" - } - ] - ownerId : "153052954103" - + aws:ecs/taskDefinition:TaskDefinition: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:ecs/taskDefinition:TaskDefinition::ffmpegThumbTask] - containerDefinitions: "[{\"name\":\"container\",\"image\":\"153052954103.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee\",\"memoryReservation\":128,\"portMappings\":[],\"environment\":[{\"name\":\"IMAGE_DIGEST\",\"value\":\"sha256:9882ba937d384fb64fd09c3fa8cb58f21e8596689b5004d598aaf0a8a335da81\"}],\"mountPoints\":[],\"logConfiguration\":{\"logDriver\":\"awslogs\",\"options\":{\"awslogs-group\":\"ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76\",\"awslogs-region\":\"us-east-1\",\"awslogs-stream-prefix\":\"container\"}}}]" - family : "ffmpegThumbTask" - taskRoleArn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/pulumi-testing-task-dc3f102" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:153052954103:task-definition/ffmpegThumbTask:3" - containerDefinitions : "[{\"cpu\":0,\"environment\":[{\"name\":\"IMAGE_DIGEST\",\"value\":\"sha256:9882ba937d384fb64fd09c3fa8cb58f21e8596689b5004d598aaf0a8a335da81\"}],\"essential\":true,\"image\":\"153052954103.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pulum-dc8d99de-container-b31b8ee\",\"logConfiguration\":{\"logDriver\":\"awslogs\",\"options\":{\"awslogs-group\":\"ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76\",\"awslogs-region\":\"us-east-1\",\"awslogs-stream-prefix\":\"container\"}},\"memoryReservation\":128,\"mountPoints\":[],\"name\":\"container\",\"portMappings\":[],\"volumesFrom\":[]}]" - id : "ffmpegThumbTask" - revision : "3" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::pulumi-testing] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "pulumi-testing-383cb59" - path : "/" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/pulumi-testing-383cb59" - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" - createDate : "2018-03-19T23:57:36Z" - id : "pulumi-testing-383cb59" - uniqueId : "AROAIAOT2LDYTI7ZBENRW" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::onNewVideo] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "onNewVideo-514b071" - path : "/" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/onNewVideo-514b071" - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" - createDate : "2018-03-19T23:57:37Z" - id : "onNewVideo-514b071" - uniqueId : "AROAIMCG2X5OTKIR2HVQS" - + aws:iam/role:Role: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/role:Role::onNewThumbnail] - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Sid\":\"\"}]}" - forceDetachPolicies: false - name : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - path : "/" - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - assumeRolePolicy : "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" - createDate : "2018-03-19T23:57:38Z" - id : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - uniqueId : "AROAIDDK35LILXCHWCF7G" - + aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation::pulumi-testing-global-0] - routeTableId: "rtb-28df6354" - subnetId : "subnet-ff6e789b" - ---outputs:--- - id : "rtbassoc-a1ed0bde" - + aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:ec2/routeTableAssociation:RouteTableAssociation::pulumi-testing-global-1] - routeTableId: "rtb-28df6354" - subnetId : "subnet-b372429c" - ---outputs:--- - id : "rtbassoc-7de00602" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::pulumi-testing-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : "pulumi-testing-383cb59" - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-383cb59-20180319235740493300000006" - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::pulumi-testing] - code : archive(assets:0c68ade) { - ".": archive(file:06ee47a) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:ef016fa) { - function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); - } - - (ev, ctx, cb) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - try { - const zlib = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => require("zlib")); - const payload = new Buffer(ev.awslogs.data, "base64"); - const result = zlib.gunzipSync(payload); - console.log(result.toString("utf8")); - cb(null, {}); - } - catch (err) { - cb(err); - } - }) - - } - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize: 128 - name : "pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - publish : false - role : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/pulumi-testing-383cb59" - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - code : "/var/folders/h7/n3r2j28517g5bbvlkn1l_h_80000gn/T/pulumi-asset-0c68ade32535eb903e9d36b9ac2749362a0a23e233ed65849680ce2e4e0ec05e" - id : "pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - invokeArn : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4/invocations" - lastModified : "2018-03-19T23:57:47.666+0000" - memorySize : "128" - qualifiedArn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4:$LATEST" - reservedConcurrentExecutions: "0" - sourceCodeHash : "2pc1Y45jBooFxRnr8PRkMLO5t1hHyfNxiB2prXw9lnQ=" - timeout : "180" - tracingConfig : { - mode: "PassThrough" - } - version : "$LATEST" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewVideo-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : "onNewVideo-514b071" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewVideo-514b071-20180319235749486100000007" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewVideo-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : "onNewVideo-514b071" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewVideo-514b071-20180319235751093300000008" - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::onNewVideo] - code : archive(assets:41f1335) { - ".": archive(file:06ee47a) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:bf89ef0) { - function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); - } - - function /*constructor*/(value) { - this.value = value; - } - - function /*apply*/(func) { - throw new Error("'apply' is not allowed from inside a cloud-callback. Use 'get' to retrieve the value of this Output directly."); - } - - function /*get*/() { - return this.value; - } - - function /*placementConstraintsForHost*/(host) { - const os = (host && host.os) || "linux"; - return [{ - type: "memberOf", - expression: `attribute:ecs.os-type == ${os}`, - }]; - } - - function (options) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const awssdk = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => require("aws-sdk")); - const ecs = new awssdk.ECS(); - // Extract the envrionment values from the options - const env = []; - yield addEnvironmentVariables(containerEnv.get()); - yield addEnvironmentVariables(options && options.environment); - // Run the task - const res = yield ecs.runTask({ - cluster: clusterARN.get(), - taskDefinition: taskDefinitionArn.get(), - placementConstraints: placementConstraintsForHost(options && options.host), - overrides: { - containerOverrides: [ - { - name: "container", - environment: env, - }, - ], - }, - }).promise(); - if (res.failures && res.failures.length > 0) { - throw new Error("Failed to start task:" + JSON.stringify(res.failures, null, "")); - } - return; - // Local functions - function addEnvironmentVariables(e) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (e) { - for (const key of Object.keys(e)) { - const envVal = e[key]; - if (envVal) { - env.push({ name: key, value: envVal }); - } - } - } - }); - } - }); - } - - bucketArgs => { - console.log(`A new ${bucketArgs.size}B video was uploaded to ${bucketArgs.key} at ${bucketArgs.eventTime}.`); - let key = bucketArgs.key; - let thumbnailFile = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('_')) + '.png'; - let framePos = key.substring(key.indexOf('_')+1, key.indexOf('.')).replace('-',':'); - return ffmpegThumbnailTask.run({ - environment: { - "S3_BUCKET": bucketName.get(), - "INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME": key, - "POSITION_TIME_DURATION": framePos, - "OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME": thumbnailFile, - }, - }).then(() => { - console.log(`Running thumbnailer task.`); - }); - } - - function /*eventHandler*/(event, context, callback) { - const records = event.Records || []; - const promises = []; - for (const record of records) { - // Construct an event arguments object. - const args = { - key: record.s3.object.key, - size: record.s3.object.size, - eventTime: record.eventTime, - }; - // Call the user handler. - const promise = handler(args); - promises.push(promise); - } - // Combine the results of all user handlers, and invoke the Lambda callback with results. - Promise.all(promises) - .then(() => callback(undefined, undefined)) - .catch(err => callback(err, undefined)); - } - - } - } - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize : 128 - name : "onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - publish : false - role : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/onNewVideo-514b071" - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - code : "/var/folders/h7/n3r2j28517g5bbvlkn1l_h_80000gn/T/pulumi-asset-41f13353dc3be16d7bd9124ac08a58b1631ccf6483d3e445106473d2ef2d9035" - id : "onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - invokeArn : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewVideo-89ff1a6/invocations" - lastModified : "2018-03-19T23:57:58.675+0000" - memorySize : "128" - qualifiedArn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewVideo-89ff1a6:$LATEST" - reservedConcurrentExecutions: "0" - sourceCodeHash : "b3+URdgBCKzZNIivQLTZUSfPVVOooKc3B7gk7dzjX38=" - timeout : "180" - tracingConfig : { - mode: "PassThrough" - } - version : "$LATEST" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewThumbnail-32be53a2] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" - role : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472-20180319235800794000000009" - + aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:iam/rolePolicyAttachment:RolePolicyAttachment::onNewThumbnail-fd1a00e5] - policyArn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceFullAccess" - role : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewThumbnail-e53c472-2018031923580240510000000a" - + aws:lambda/function:Function: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:serverless:Function$aws:lambda/function:Function::onNewThumbnail] - code : archive(assets:fd62175) { - ".": archive(file:06ee47a) { . } - "__index.js": asset(text:3ae1af7) { - bucketArgs => { - console.log(`A new ${bucketArgs.size}B thumbnail was saved to ${bucketArgs.key} at ${bucketArgs.eventTime}.`); - return Promise.resolve(); - } - - function /*eventHandler*/(event, context, callback) { - const records = event.Records || []; - const promises = []; - for (const record of records) { - // Construct an event arguments object. - const args = { - key: record.s3.object.key, - size: record.s3.object.size, - eventTime: record.eventTime, - }; - // Call the user handler. - const promise = handler(args); - promises.push(promise); - } - // Combine the results of all user handlers, and invoke the Lambda callback with results. - Promise.all(promises) - .then(() => callback(undefined, undefined)) - .catch(err => callback(err, undefined)); - } - - } - } - deadLetterConfig: { - targetArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:153052954103:pulumi-t-unhandled-error-a9ed479" - } - handler : "__index.handler" - memorySize : 128 - name : "onNewThumbnail-e912801" - publish : false - role : "arn:aws:iam::153052954103:role/onNewThumbnail-e53c472" - runtime : "nodejs6.10" - timeout : 180 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewThumbnail-e912801" - code : "/var/folders/h7/n3r2j28517g5bbvlkn1l_h_80000gn/T/pulumi-asset-fd6217574d44aaeb66d488044c3038645378459ff6376c26d07ae1f2bfed1901" - id : "onNewThumbnail-e912801" - invokeArn : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewThumbnail-e912801/invocations" - lastModified : "2018-03-19T23:58:09.763+0000" - memorySize : "128" - qualifiedArn : "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewThumbnail-e912801:$LATEST" - reservedConcurrentExecutions: "0" - sourceCodeHash : "x0n7THRmDC0mcWUUu3cSihLHYzi8Jm4KKlgcvaT02J0=" - timeout : "180" - tracingConfig : { - mode: "PassThrough" - } - version : "$LATEST" - + aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget::pulumi-testing-global-0] - fileSystemId : "fs-106ba658" - securityGroups: [ - [0]: "sg-4ef18938" - ] - subnetId : "subnet-ff6e789b" - ---outputs:--- - dnsName : "fs-106ba658.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" - id : "fsmt-db5a8693" - ipAddress : "" - networkInterfaceId: "eni-b8342d38" - + aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:efs/mountTarget:MountTarget::pulumi-testing-global-1] - fileSystemId : "fs-106ba658" - securityGroups: [ - [0]: "sg-4ef18938" - ] - subnetId : "subnet-b372429c" - ---outputs:--- - dnsName : "fs-106ba658.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" - id : "fsmt-685b8720" - ipAddress : "" - networkInterfaceId: "eni-8bb0740a" - + aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack::pulumi-testing-global] - name : "pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae" - templateBody: "\n AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'\n Outputs:\n Instances:\n Value: !Ref Instances\n Resources:\n Instances:\n Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup\n Properties:\n Cooldown: 300\n DesiredCapacity: 2\n HealthCheckGracePeriod: 120\n HealthCheckType: EC2\n LaunchConfigurationName: \"pulumi-testing-global-07da6d7\"\n MaxSize: 100\n MetricsCollection:\n - Granularity: 1Minute\n MinSize: 2\n VPCZoneIdentifier: [\"subnet-ff6e789b\",\"subnet-b372429c\"]\n Tags:\n - Key: Name\n Value: pulumi-testing-global\n PropagateAtLaunch: true\n CreationPolicy:\n ResourceSignal:\n Count: 2\n Timeout: PT15M\n UpdatePolicy:\n AutoScalingRollingUpdate:\n MaxBatchSize: 1\n MinInstancesInService: 2\n PauseTime: PT15M\n SuspendProcesses:\n - ScheduledActions\n WaitOnResourceSignals: true\n " - ---outputs:--- - disableRollback: false - id : "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:153052954103:stack/pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae/26074fa0-2bd2-11e8-b302-50fae98974c5" - outputs : { - Instances: "pulumi-testing-global-a04a7ae-Instances-Q4G7D2C913VZ" - } - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::pulumi-testing] - name : "/aws/lambda/pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - retentionInDays: 0 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:153052954103:log-group:/aws/lambda/pulumi-testing-c05b0f4:*" - id : "/aws/lambda/pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - retentionInDays: "0" - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:logCollector:LogCollector$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::pulumi-testing] - action : "lambda:invokeFunction" - function : "pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - principal : "logs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" - statementId: "pulumi-testing-e6efe1d" - ---outputs:--- - id : "pulumi-testing-e6efe1d" - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:task:Task$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::ffmpegThumbTask] - destinationArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - logGroup : "ffmpegThumbTask-2526c76" - name : "ffmpegThumbTask-1e4a1eb" - ---outputs:--- - id : "cwlsf-966762783" - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::onNewVideo] - name : "/aws/lambda/onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - retentionInDays: 1 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:153052954103:log-group:/aws/lambda/onNewVideo-89ff1a6:*" - id : "/aws/lambda/onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - retentionInDays: "1" - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::onNewVideo] - action : "lambda:InvokeFunction" - function : "onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - principal : "s3.amazonaws.com" - sourceArn : "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-6120251" - statementId: "onNewVideo-6411e28" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewVideo-6411e28" - + aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logGroup:LogGroup::onNewThumbnail] - name : "/aws/lambda/onNewThumbnail-e912801" - retentionInDays: 1 - ---outputs:--- - arn : "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:153052954103:log-group:/aws/lambda/onNewThumbnail-e912801:*" - id : "/aws/lambda/onNewThumbnail-e912801" - retentionInDays: "1" - + aws:lambda/permission:Permission: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:lambda/permission:Permission::onNewThumbnail] - action : "lambda:InvokeFunction" - function : "onNewThumbnail-e912801" - principal : "s3.amazonaws.com" - sourceArn : "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-6120251" - statementId: "onNewThumbnail-6077317" - ---outputs:--- - id : "onNewThumbnail-6077317" - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::onNewVideo] - destinationArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - logGroup : "/aws/lambda/onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - name : "onNewVideo-88c34a1" - ---outputs:--- - id : "cwlsf-2911267443" - + aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$cloud:function:Function$aws:cloudwatch/logSubscriptionFilter:LogSubscriptionFilter::onNewThumbnail] - destinationArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:pulumi-testing-c05b0f4" - logGroup : "/aws/lambda/onNewThumbnail-e912801" - name : "onNewThumbnail-0aef74c" - ---outputs:--- - id : "cwlsf-1411744962" - + aws:s3/bucketNotification:BucketNotification: (create) - [urn=urn:pulumi:testing::video-thumbnailer::cloud:bucket:Bucket$aws:s3/bucketNotification:BucketNotification::bucket] - bucket : "bucket-6120251" - lambdaFunctions: [ - [0]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterSuffix : ".mp4" - lambdaFunctionArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - } - [1]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterSuffix : ".png" - lambdaFunctionArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewThumbnail-e912801" - } - ] - ---outputs:--- - id : "bucket-6120251" - lambdaFunctions: [ - [0]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterSuffix : ".mp4" - id : "tf-s3-lambda-2018032000054751630000000b" - lambdaFunctionArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewVideo-89ff1a6" - } - [1]: { - events : [ - [0]: "s3:ObjectCreated:*" - ] - filterSuffix : ".png" - id : "tf-s3-lambda-2018032000054751630000000c" - lambdaFunctionArn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:153052954103:function:onNewThumbnail-e912801" - } - ] +[975 lines elided...] info: 59 changes performed: + 59 resources created Update duration: 9m59.754811909s @@ -1646,7 +50,7 @@ Current stack outputs (1): bucketName bucket-6120251 ``` -Upload a vide: +Upload a video: ``` $ aws s3 cp ~/Downloads/small.mp4 s3://$(pulumi stack output bucketName)/small1_00-02.mp4 diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/Dockerfile b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/Dockerfile index eb989f72c..488d83395 100644 --- a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/Dockerfile +++ b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/Dockerfile @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ COPY copy_video.sh /tmp/workdir ENTRYPOINT echo "Starting..." && \ ./copy_video.sh && \ ffmpeg -i ./${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} -ss ${POSITION_TIME_DURATION} -vframes 1 -vcodec png -an -y ${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} && \ - ./copy_thumb.sh \ No newline at end of file + ./copy_thumb.sh diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_thumb.sh b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_thumb.sh index 0b2d26ffa..87e8b7e37 100755 --- a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_thumb.sh +++ b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_thumb.sh @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ #!/bin/bash echo "Copying ${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} to S3 at ${S3_BUCKET}/${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} ..." -aws s3 cp ./${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} s3://${S3_BUCKET}/${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} \ No newline at end of file +aws s3 cp ./${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} s3://${S3_BUCKET}/${OUTPUT_THUMBS_FILE_NAME} diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_video.sh b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_video.sh index 7fd0b214e..e66bb94d2 100755 --- a/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_video.sh +++ b/video-thumbnailer/docker-ffmpeg-thumb/copy_video.sh @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ #!/bin/bash echo "Copying from S3 ${S3_BUCKET}/${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} to ${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} ..." -aws s3 cp s3://${S3_BUCKET}/${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} ./${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} \ No newline at end of file +aws s3 cp s3://${S3_BUCKET}/${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} ./${INPUT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME} diff --git a/video-thumbnailer/index.js b/video-thumbnailer/index.js index 8a399c3f1..99879fef4 100644 --- a/video-thumbnailer/index.js +++ b/video-thumbnailer/index.js @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ -let cloud = require("@pulumi/cloud-aws"); +// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. + +const cloud = require("@pulumi/cloud-aws"); // A task which runs a containerized FFMPEG job to extract a thumbnail image. -let ffmpegThumbnailTask = new cloud.Task("ffmpegThumbTask", { +const ffmpegThumbnailTask = new cloud.Task("ffmpegThumbTask", { build: "./docker-ffmpeg-thumb", memoryReservation: 128, }); // A bucket to store videos and thumbnails. -let bucket = new cloud.Bucket("bucket"); -let bucketName = bucket.bucket.id; +const bucket = new cloud.Bucket("bucket"); +const bucketName = bucket.bucket.id; // When a new video is uploaded, run the FFMPEG job on the video file. bucket.onPut("onNewVideo", bucketArgs => { console.log(`A new ${bucketArgs.size}B video was uploaded to ${bucketArgs.key} at ${bucketArgs.eventTime}.`); - let key = bucketArgs.key; - let thumbnailFile = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('_')) + '.png'; - let framePos = key.substring(key.indexOf('_')+1, key.indexOf('.')).replace('-',':'); + const key = bucketArgs.key; + const thumbnailFile = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('_')) + '.png'; + const framePos = key.substring(key.indexOf('_')+1, key.indexOf('.')).replace('-',':'); return ffmpegThumbnailTask.run({ environment: { "S3_BUCKET": bucketName.get(),