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WINDBARB Supplemental Package
Distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License; see file
LICENSE.TXT in main GMT directory.

Author:		HIGAKI, Masakazu
Date:		June 1, 2017
Version:	6 (for GMT 6 release).

This directory contains:

	README.windbarb	This document
	grdbarb.c		grdbarb C program code
	psbarb.c		psbarb C program code
	windbarb.c		windbarb C library code
	windbarb.h		windbarb C include file	sample script for grdbarb	sample script for psbarb

This package contains two programs that may be useful
for meteorologists to draw a wind field with wind barbs.
The two programs are

	grdbarb		Plot wind barb field from two component grids
	psbarb		Plot wind barbs on maps

Documentation via RST files produce HTML and MAN pages that
give full description of the program interfaces.

* Acknowledgement

The author would like to thank Mr KATO Masaya, Nagoya University for
developing and maintaining the Wind Barb Extension for GMT 3-4.
( http: )
The extension for GMT 5 is based on his great work.