#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Bash script to install GMT dependencies on macOS via Homebrew and conda # # Environmental variables that can control the installation: # # - BUILD_DOCS: Build GMT documentation [false] # - RUN_TESTS: Run GMT tests [false] # - PACKAGE: Create GMT packages [false] # set -x -e # set defaults to false BUILD_DOCS="${BUILD_DOCS:-false}" RUN_TESTS="${RUN_TESTS:-false}" PACKAGE="${PACKAGE:-false}" # packages for compiling GMT # cmake is pre-installed on GitHub Actions packages="ninja curl pcre2 netcdf gdal geos fftw libomp" conda_packages="ghostscript=10.03.0" # packages for build documentation if [ "$BUILD_DOCS" = "true" ]; then packages+=" pngquant" conda_packages+=" sphinx dvc" fi # packages for running GMT tests if [ "$RUN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then packages+=" graphicsmagick" conda_packages+=" dvc" fi if [ "$PACKAGE" = "true" ]; then # we need the GNU tar for packaging packages+=" gnu-tar" fi # Install GMT dependencies #brew update brew install ${packages} # Install packages via conda conda update -n base -c conda-forge conda --solver libmamba conda install ${conda_packages} -c conda-forge --solver libmamba echo "${CONDA}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH # Remove pcre-config from conda's path so cmake won't find the conda's one rm -f ${CONDA}/bin/pcre-config ${CONDA}/bin/pcre2-config # Install Sphinx extensions if [ "$BUILD_DOCS" = "true" ]; then ${CONDA}/bin/python -m pip install --user -r doc/rst/requirements.txt fi set +x +e