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🎨🎨🎨 Collection of most color palettes in a single R package
Create tabs of View() output for each chained pipe
Extra-strength glue engines for R Markdown, Quarto, and Shiny
autoxgboost - Automatic tuning and fitting of xgboost
an R package for generating figure/table numbers and captions, especially for Rmd docs
Improved text rendering support for grid graphics in R
R package 📦 for labelling chunks of RMarkdown files! 💥
Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
Nonnegative Linear Models (NNLM) and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF or NNMF).
R package to interface some popular parallelization backends with a unified interface
Improved Standard Evaluation Interfaces for Common Data Manipulation Tasks