Curl library for PocketMine-MP using curl_multi
libpmcurl uses SingletonTrait so it it automatically initialized when Curl::getInstance()
is called for the first time
GET requests can be done with Curl::getInstance()->getRequest("", function(?InternetRequestResult $result, ?string $error) {})
and POST requests can be done with Curl::getInstance()->postRequest("", function(?InternetRequestResult $result, ?string $error) {}, ["headers"], "body")
Basic example:
public function onEnable() : void {
Curl::getInstance()->getRequest("", function(?InternetRequestResult $result, ?string $error) : void {
var_dump($result, $error);
Discord webhook example:
class Main extends PluginBase implements Listener {
public function onEnable() : void {
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
public function onChat(PlayerChatEvent $event) : void {
Curl::getInstance()->postRequest("", function() : void {}, [], ["content" => $event->getMessage(), "username" => $event->getPlayer()->getName()]);
Libasyncurl handles requests by creating an async task for every curl request. This means that a thread can only process one curl request at a time. This results in performance loss when doing multiple requests at once, as the threads are only doing one at a time. This library uses curl_multi on a single thread meaning the thread can process multiple requests at once, resulting in much better performance when sending multiple requests at a time.