GameJs ======= GameJs is a JavaScript library for writing 2D games or other interactive graphic applications for the HTML Canvas. * Homepage: . * [Showcase of games built with Gamejs]( Topics ======== ### Drawing on the screen * [image]( loading image files * [graphics]( image transformation (rotate, transform,...) and drawing with geometric shapes * [font]( rendering text ### Mouse and keyboard * [event]( Recieve events for user input ### Audio * [audio]( Playback with multiple channels ### Game logic * [animate]( Spritesheets and animations * [tiledmap]( Load maps created with the [Tiled]( map editor * [pathfinding]( A* Pathfinding * [pixelcollision]( Pixel perfect collision detection ### Advanced * [thread]( utilize WebWorkers * [math/noise]( random noise generator ### Math * [math/vectors]( * [math/matrix]( * [math/random]( Usage ================= See the [examples](./examples/) directory for working examples. ## Standalone HTML File loads GameJs and sets the main module: The main module `javascript/main.js` starts the application: var gamejs = require('gamejs'); gamejs.ready(function() { var display = gamejs.display.getSurface(); ... }); ## GameJs as a CommonJs package with browserify GameJs is a CommonJs package published on NPM. To use it with [browserify]( install the GameJs package in your game's directory: $ npm install gamejs And install browserify, if you don't already have it. $ npm install -g browserify You can then bundle your application ("main.js") with all its dependencies - including GameJs - like so: $ browserify ./main.js --out bundled.js More Help =========== See the [GameJs Website]( for more help or drop us an email in the [Mailing List]( Example application can be found in the `examples/` directory. Development - How to build =================== GameJs consists of CommonJs modules in `./src/` which we build and jshint with grunt. If you don't already have node and npm, install those. You will also need `java` on your path for building the distribution file. Install grunt: $ npm install -g grunt-cli In the GameJs folder you cloned, install the dependencies to build using npm: $ npm install Build GameJs: $ grunt This will create the `gamejs-VERSION.js` file and a minified `gamejs-VERSION.min.js` which you can use standalone in the browser, as demonstrated in the examples.