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The crux-llvm tool (and corresponding C library) are intended for verifying C programs containing inline specifications (in the form of function calls to create non-deterministic values and assert properties).


Before running crux-llvm, you'll need to install the following software:

We have tested crux-llvm most heavily with GHC 8.6.5 and GHC 8.8.4, and cabal version We recommend Yices 2.6.x, and Z3 4.8.x. Technically, only one of Yices or Z3 is required, and CVC4 will work, as well. However, in practice, having both tends to be convenient. Finally, LLVM versions from 3.6 through 10 are likely to work well, and any failures with versions in that range should be considered bugs.


The crux-llvm tool can be built by doing the following:

  • Clone the enclosing crucible repository:

      git clone
  • Change to the crux-llvm directory and run the build script:

      cd crucible/crux-llvm
      cabal v2-build

This will compile crux-llvm and supporting libraries such that they can be executed with cabal v2-run. To install the binaries in the standard Cabal binary path, run the following:

    cabal v2-install exe:crux-llvm --overwrite-policy=always

You can also use the --installdir flag to install binaries in a different location.


In the crux-llvm directory (either in the repository or the root of the directory extracted from a distribution tarball), to analyze file.c, run

    crux-llvm file.c

You'll see output indicating the progress of analysis, how many proof goals are generated, and how many were successfully proved. In addition, the results directory will contain a subdirectory for the file you provided. This directory will contain an index.html file that shows a visualization of proof results overlaid on the C source code. If crux-llvm found a counter-example to any of the attempted proofs, the values of that counter-example will be overlaid on the source code (at the location of calls to create non-deterministic values), and the following two executable files will also exist in the results directory:

  • debug-NNN: an executable file that runs the program and provides it with the counter-example values. The number NNN indicates the line of the source on which the error occurred (and where it may make sense to set a breakpoint in a debugger to examine the state of the program).

  • print-model-NNN: an executable file that prints out the values associated with the counter-example.

To define properties and assumptions about the code to analyze, you may have to annotate the source code with inline properties. The following simple example is included in the crux-llvm distribution.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <crucible.h>

int8_t f(int8_t x) {
  return x + 1;

int main() {
  int8_t x = crucible_int8_t("x");
  assuming(x < 100);
  check(f(x) < 100);
  return 0;

This file includes the crucible.h header file that declares functions and macros such as crucible_int8_t, assuming, and check. The call to crucible_int8_t marks variable x as a symbolic variable whose value can be any 8-bit signed integer. The C expression within the assuming statement states that x must be less than 100. The expression within the check statement is a proof goal: crux-llvm will attempt to prove that property f(x) < 100 holds whenever the assumption on x is satisfied. The proof will fail in this case and crux-llvm will produce a counterexample.


The crux-llvm header file contains declarations of several functions that can be used to describe the properties of a program that you would like to prove.

  • The crucible_assume function states an assumption as a C expression. Any proofs after this point will assume this expression is true. The macro assuming will automatically fill in its location arguments.

  • The crucible_assert function states an property to check as a C expression. Every call to this function will create an additional proof goal. The check macro will automatically fill in its location arguments.

  • The crucible_*_t functions create fresh (non-deterministic) values of the corresponding type. The verification process ensures that whatever results are returned by these functions, out of all possible values for the corresponding type, all crucible_assert calls will succeed.

For programs that have been written for the SV-COMP competition, the following alternative API is available.

  • The __VERIFIER_assume function is equivalent to crucible_assume, but does not take location information as an argument.

  • The __VERIFIER_error function indicates that correct control flow should never reach the point of the call. It is equivalent to check(0).

  • The __VERIFIER_nondet_* functions create non-deterministic values of the corresponding type. These symbolic values all have the name x. To supply distinct names, use the crucible_*_t functions, instead.

Note that support for the SV-COMP API exists primarily for backward compatibility, since a large number of benchmarks already exist in that form. The crucible.h API allows for better explanations by a) allowing user-specified names for non-deterministic variables, and b) ensuring that the conditions used in assertions are directly available and not obscured by a conditional wrapper around an error function.

Standard C and C++ Libraries

The code supplied to crux-llvm should be largely self-contained, without calls to external code. However, some standard library functions have built-in support. For C code, the following functions are understood:

  • __assert_rtn
  • calloc
  • free
  • getenv (always returns NULL)
  • malloc
  • memcpy
  • __memcpy_chk
  • memmove
  • memset
  • __memset_chk
  • posix_memalign
  • printf (supports a subset of standard printf formatting codes)
  • __printf_chk
  • putchar
  • puts
  • realloc
  • strlen

In addition, the following LLVM intrinsic functions are supported:

  • llvm.assume
  • llvm.bitreverse.*
  • llvm.bswap.*
  • llvm.ctlz.*
  • llvm.ctpop.*
  • llvm.cttz.*
  • llvm.expect.*
  • llvm.invariant.end.*
  • llvm.invariant.start.*
  • llvm.lifetime.end.*
  • llvm.lifetime.start.*
  • llvm.memcpy.*
  • llvm.memmove.*
  • llvm.memset.*
  • llvm.objectsize.*
  • llvm.sadd.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.smul.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.ssub.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.stackrestore
  • llvm.stacksave
  • llvm.uadd.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.umul.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.usub.with.overflow.*
  • llvm.x86.pclmulqdq
  • llvm.x86.sse2.storeu.dq

For C++ code, several core functions have built-in support, but crux-llvm will also link with a precompiled LLVM bitcode file containing the libc++ library included with the clang compiler, so most C++ code that doesn't use third-party libraries should work.

Command-line Flags

The most important and only required argument to crux-llvm is the source file or list of source files to analyze. In the case that multiple files are provided, they will be compiled independently and linked together with llvm-link.

In addition, the following flags can optionally be provided:

  • --help, -h, -?: Print all options with brief descriptions.

  • --version, -V: Show the version of the tool.

  • --config=FILE: Load configuration from FILE. A configuration file can specify the same settings as command-line flags. Details of the format for configuration files appear in the next section.

  • --sim-verbose=NUM, -d NUM: Set the verbosity level of the symbolic simulator to N.

  • --path-sat: Enable path satisfiability checking, which can help programs terminate, particularly in the case where the bounds on loops are complex.

  • --output-directory=DIR: Set the directory to use to store output files (default: results).

  • --profile-crucible: Enable profiling of the symbolic execution process. Produces an additional HTML file in the output directory that provides a graphical and tabular depiction of the execution time profile.

  • --profile-solver: Include profiling of SMT solver calls in the symbolic execution profile.

  • --timeout=N, -t N: Set the timeout for the first phase of analysis (symbolic execution) which happens before sending the main goals to an SMT solver. Setting this to a low value can give you a result more quickly, but the result is more likely to be "Unknown" (default: 60).

  • --goal-timeout=N: Set the timeout for each call to the SMT solver to N seconds.

  • --path-strategy=STRATEGY: Set the strategy to use for exploring paths during symbolic execution. A STRATEGY of always-merge (the default) causes all paths being explored to be merged into a single symbolic state at every post-dominator node in the control flow graph. The split-dfs strategy explores each path independently in depth-first order. The former is typically more appropriate for full verification whereas the latter can be more effective for bug finding. Sometimes, however split-dfs can lead to faster full verification times.

  • --profiling-period=N, -p N: Set how many seconds to wait between each dump of profiling data (default: 5). Intermediate profiling data can be helpful for diagnosing a run that does not terminate in a reasonable amount of time.

  • --iteration-bound=N, -i N: Set a bound on the number of times a single loop can iterate. This can also make it more likely to get at least a partial verification result for complex programs, and can be more clearly connected to the execution of the program than a time-based bound.

  • --recursion-bound=N, -i N: Set a bound on the number of times a single function can recur. This can also make it more likely to get at least a partial verification result for complex programs, and can be more clearly connected to the execution of the program than a time-based bound.

  • --no-execs, -x: Do not create executables to demonstrate counter-examples.

  • --solver=NAME, -s NAME: Use the given SMT solver to discharge proof obligations. Valid values for NAME are cvc4, yices, and z3.

  • --mcsat: Enable the MC-SAT engine when using the Yices SMT solver. This disables the use of UNSAT cores, so the HTML rendering of proved goals won't include highlighting a set of the assumptions that were necessary for proving the goal.

  • --include-dirs=DIRS, -I DIRS: Set directories to search for C/C++ include files. This will be passed along to clang.

  • --lax-pointers: Allow order comparisons between pointers from different allocation blocks.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported:

  • CLANG: Specify the name of the clang compiler command used to translate from C/C++ to LLVM.

  • CLANG_OPTS: Specify additional options to pass to clang.

  • LLVM_LINK: Specify the name of the llvm-link command used to combine multiple LLVM bitcode files.

Configuration Files

In addition to command-line flags and environment variables, crux-llvm can be configured with a key-value input file. The file consists of a set of KEY: VALUE entries, each on a separate line, where each KEY generally corresponds to the textual part of the long version of a command-line flag. For example, one can set the iteration bound to 10 as follows:

iteration-bound: 10

Options that take a list of arguments can be written with either a single value (for a list of length one) or with multiple values on successive lines, each starting with *. For example, the following is a valid input file:

llvm-link: "llvm-link-6.0"
clang: "clang-6.0"
make-executables: no
  * "a.c"
  * "b.c"

This specifies the name of the command to run for clang and llvm-link, instructs crux-llvm not to create counter-example demonstration executables, and provides a list of input files.


Crux is partly based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. N66001-18-C-4011. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).