COSMOS_SDK_URL := COSMOS_SDK_VERSION := v0.18.0 COSMOS_SDK_DIR := build/cosmos-sdk-proto-schema WASMD_URL := WASMD_VERSION := v0.27.0 WASMD_DIR := build/wasm-proto-shema IBCGO_URL := IBCGO_VERSION := v2.2.0 IBCGO_DIR := build/ibcgo-proto-schema COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR := cosmpy/protos COSMPY_SRC_DIR := cosmpy COSMPY_TESTS_DIR := tests COSMPY_EXAMPLES_DIR := examples COSMPY_SCRIPTS_DIR := scripts PYTHON_CODE_DIRS := $(COSMPY_SRC_DIR) $(COSMPY_TESTS_DIR) $(COSMPY_EXAMPLES_DIR) $(COSMPY_SCRIPTS_DIR) ######################################## ### Initialise dev environment ######################################## # Create a new poetry virtual environment with all the necessary dependencies installed. # Once finished, `poetry shell` to enter the virtual environment v := $(shell pip -V | grep virtualenvs) .PHONY: new-env new-env: clean if [ -z "$v" ];\ then\ poetry install --with main,dev,test,docs;\ echo "Enter virtual environment with all development dependencies now: 'poetry shell'.";\ else\ echo "In a virtual environment! Exit first: 'exit'.";\ fi ######################################## ### Tests ######################################## # Run all tests .PHONY: test test: coverage run -m pytest $(COSMPY_TESTS_DIR) --doctest-modules $(MAKE) coverage-report # Run all unit tests .PHONY: unit-test unit-test: coverage run -m pytest $(COSMPY_TESTS_DIR) --doctest-modules -m "not integration" # Run all integration tests .PHONY: integration-test integration-test: coverage run -m pytest $(COSMPY_TESTS_DIR) --doctest-modules -m "integration" # Produce the coverage report. Can see a report summary on the terminal. # Detailed report on all modules are placed under /coverage-report .PHONY: coverage-report coverage-report: coverage report -m coverage html ######################################## ### Code Styling ######################################## # Automatically run black and isort to format the code, and run flake8 and vulture checks .PHONY: lint lint: black isort flake8 vulture # Automatically format the code using black .PHONY: black black: black $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) --exclude $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) # Automatically sort the imports .PHONY: isort isort: isort $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) # Check the code format .PHONY: black-check black-check: black --check --verbose $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) --exclude $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) # Check the imports are sorted .PHONY: isort-check isort-check: isort --check-only --verbose $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) # Run flake8 linter .PHONY: flake8 flake8: flake8 $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) # Check for unused code .PHONY: vulture vulture: vulture $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) scripts/ --exclude '*,*' --min-confidence 100 ######################################## ### Security & safety checks ######################################## # Run bandit and safety .PHONY: security security: bandit safety # Check the security of the code .PHONY: bandit bandit: bandit -r $(COSMPY_SRC_DIR) $(COSMPY_TESTS_DIR) -s B101 bandit -r $(COSMPY_EXAMPLES_DIR) -s B101,B105 # Check the security of the code for known vulnerabilities .PHONY: safety safety: safety check -i 41002 ######################################## ### Linters ######################################## # Check types (statically) using mypy .PHONY: mypy mypy: mypy $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) --exclude $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) # Lint the code using pylint .PHONY: pylint pylint: pylint -j 0 $(PYTHON_CODE_DIRS) ######################################## ### License and copyright checks ######################################## # Check dependency licenses .PHONY: liccheck liccheck: poetry export > tmp-requirements.txt liccheck -s strategy.ini -r tmp-requirements.txt -l PARANOID rm -frv tmp-requirements.txt # Check that the relevant files have appropriate Copyright header .PHONY: copyright-check copyright-check: python scripts/ --directory . ######################################## ### Docs ######################################## # Build documentation .PHONY: docs docs: mkdocs build --clean # Live documentation server .PHONY: docs-live docs-live: mkdocs serve # Generate API documentation (ensure you add the new pages created into /mkdocs.yml --> nav) .PHONY: generate-api-docs generate-api-docs: python scripts/ ######################################## ### Poetry Lock ######################################## # Updates the poetry lock poetry.lock: pyproject.toml poetry lock ######################################## ### Clear the caches and temporary files ######################################## # clean the caches and temporary files and directories .PHONY: clean clean: clean-build clean-pyc clean-test clean-docs .PHONY: clean-build clean-build: rm -fr build/ rm -fr dist/ rm -fr .eggs/ rm -fr pip-wheel-metadata find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} + find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -fr {} + .PHONY: clean-docs clean-docs: rm -fr site/ .PHONY: clean-pyc clean-pyc: find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} + find . -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm -fr {} + .PHONY: clean-test clean-test: rm -fr .tox/ rm -f .coverage find . -name ".coverage*" -not -name ".coveragerc" -exec rm -fr "{}" \; rm -fr coverage.xml rm -fr htmlcov/ rm -fr .hypothesis rm -fr .pytest_cache rm -fr .mypy_cache/ find . -name 'log.txt' -exec rm -fr {} + find . -name 'log.*.txt' -exec rm -fr {} + ######################################## ### Build ######################################## # Build the project .PHONY: dist dist: clean poetry build ######################################## ### Generate protos and grpc files ######################################## ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) $(error "Please use the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows platform.") else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) OPEN_CMD := xdg-open endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) OPEN_CMD := open endif endif define unique $(eval seen :=) $(foreach _,$1,$(if $(filter $_,${seen}),,$(eval seen += $_))) ${seen} endef unique = $(if $1,$(firstword $1) $(call unique,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1))) proto: fetch_proto_schema_source generate_proto_types generate_init_py_files generate_proto_types: $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) $(WASMD_DIR) $(IBCGO_DIR) rm -frv $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR)/* python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=$(WASMD_DIR)/proto --proto_path=$(WASMD_DIR)/third_party/proto --python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) --grpc_python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) $(shell find $(WASMD_DIR) \( -path */proto/* -or -path */third_party/proto/* \) -type f -name *.proto) python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=$(IBCGO_DIR)/proto --proto_path=$(IBCGO_DIR)/third_party/proto --python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) --grpc_python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) $(shell find $(IBCGO_DIR) \( -path */proto/* -or -path */third_party/proto/* \) -type f -name *.proto) # ensure cosmos-sdk is last as previous modules may have duplicated proto models which are now outdated python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=$(COSMOS_SDK_DIR)/proto --proto_path=$(COSMOS_SDK_DIR)/third_party/proto --python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) --grpc_python_out=$(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR) $(shell find $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) \( -path */proto/* -or -path */third_party/proto/* \) -type f -name *.proto) fetch_proto_schema_source: $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) $(WASMD_DIR) $(IBCGO_DIR) .PHONY: generate_init_py_files generate_init_py_files: generate_proto_types find $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR)/ -type d -exec touch {}/ \; # restore root as it contains code to have the proto files module available git restore $(COSMPY_PROTOS_DIR)/ $(SOURCE): $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) $(GENERATED): $(SOURCE) $(COMPILE_PROTOBUFS_COMMAND) $(INIT_PY_FILES_TO_CREATE): $(GENERATED_DIRS) touch $(INIT_PY_FILES_TO_CREATE) $(GENERATED_DIRS): $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) $(WASMD_DIR) $(IBCGO_DIR) $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR): Makefile rm -rfv $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) git clone --branch $(COSMOS_SDK_VERSION) --depth 1 --quiet --no-checkout --filter=blob:none $(COSMOS_SDK_URL) $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) cd $(COSMOS_SDK_DIR) && git checkout $(COSMOS_SDK_VERSION) -- $(COSMOS_PROTO_RELATIVE_DIRS) $(WASMD_DIR): Makefile rm -rfv $(WASMD_DIR) git clone --branch $(WASMD_VERSION) --depth 1 --quiet --no-checkout --filter=blob:none $(WASMD_URL) $(WASMD_DIR) cd $(WASMD_DIR) && git checkout $(WASMD_VERSION) -- $(WASMD_PROTO_RELATIVE_DIRS) $(IBCGO_DIR): Makefile rm -rfv $(IBCGO_DIR) git clone --branch $(IBCGO_VERSION) --depth 1 --quiet --no-checkout --filter=blob:none $(IBCGO_URL) $(IBCGO_DIR) cd $(IBCGO_DIR) && git checkout $(IBCGO_VERSION) -- $(IBCGO_PROTO_RELATIVE_DIRS) debug: $(info SOURCES_REGEX_TO_EXCLUDE: $(SOURCES_REGEX_TO_EXCLUDE)) $(info ) $(info GENERATED_DIRS: $(GENERATED_DIRS)) $(info ) $(info INIT_PY_FILES_TO_CREATE: $(INIT_PY_FILES_TO_CREATE)) $(info ) $(info SOURCE: $(SOURCE)) $(info ) $(info RELATIVE_SOURCE: $(RELATIVE_SOURCE)) $(info ) $(info GENERATED: $(GENERATED)) $(info ) $(info UNROOTED_SOURCE: $(UNROOTED_SOURCE)) $(info ) $(info PROTO_ROOT_DIRS: $(PROTO_ROOT_DIRS)) $(info ) $(info FIND_CMD: $(FIND_CMD)) $(info ) $(info COMPILE_PROTOBUFS_COMMAND: $(COMPILE_PROTOBUFS_COMMAND)) ######################################## ### Commands used by CI workflows ######################################## # Live documentation server .PHONY: docs-live-ci docs-live-ci: mkdocs serve -a localhost:8080 # Produce the coverage report .PHONY: coverage-report-ci coverage-report-ci: coverage report -m -i # Check file for completeness .PHONY: check-manifest-ci check-manifest-ci: check-manifest # Check API documentation is up-to-date .PHONY: check-api-docs-ci check-api-docs-ci: python scripts/ --check-clean