looking for relocation
My are of expertise is highload and design data intensive application. My goal is to make best experience to our customers by new technologies.
- St. Petersburg, Russia
- @gskobelevff
- Pro
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kotlin-hands-on / advent-of-code-kotlin-template-amper
Forked from kotlin-hands-on/advent-of-code-kotlin-templateThe Advent of Code template project for Kotlin created with Amper
Anant / awesome-cassandra
Forked from yikebocai/awesome-cassandraA curated list of the best resources in the Cassandra community.
...will provide a platform neutral way for running mongodb in unittests.
tarantool / tarantool-java
Forked from dork/tarantool-javaA Java client for Tarantool
danielgindi / Instagram-Filters
Forked from diwu/InstaFiltersInstagram filters hacked and open sourced. Supports both photo and video.
A JavaScript library to display 360° sphere panoramas.