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We rise together as our destiny unfolds 随着命运的展开,就让我们一同迎战 We face the darkness and our trials are yet untold 而考验尚未结束,我们仍需直面黑暗 Through the shadows of despair 穿过绝望的阴影 Oh, in silence, hopes we share 在沉默中,我们共享希望 To chase our dreams that we’ve declared 只为追逐我们宣告中的理想 We glimpse, through our eyes 我们曾尝试多看一眼 Yet fools, blind our sights 却被无知蒙蔽了视线 Can’t make what they say 既然听不懂他们的注解 We’ll find our way, we’ll find our way 那就由我们找寻自己该走的路 Heads up! The wheels are spinning 请注意!命运的车轮正在转动 Across the plains, in valleys deep 跨越平原,穿过深谷 To dawn, the wheels that sing 向着黎明,这车轮行滚滚而行歌唱着 An unending dream! 一个无尽的梦! Heads up! the tracks are running 请注意!轨道已然在运转 Across the plains, where shadows hide 穿过阴霾藏匿的平原 We run, we stride~ 我们奔跑,我们向前 In the face of fear and plight, and yet we hold our ground 面对恐惧和困境,我们依然坚守阵地 In life we stand, and strive, our victory is found 历久弥坚,胜利定会在望 And the storms we’ve weathered through 我们已穿越风雨 And we hope in the light of truth 只希望能沐浴在真理的光芒中 To break free from chains, and come anew 挣脱枷锁,重获新生 Heads up! The wheels are spinning 请注意!命运的车轮正在转动 Across the plains, in valleys deep 跨越平原,穿过深谷 To dawn, the wheels that sing 向着黎明,这车轮行滚滚而行歌唱着 An unending dream! 一个无尽的梦! Heads up! the tracks are running 请注意!轨道已然在运转中 Across the plains, where shadows hide 穿过了阴霾藏匿的平原 We run; we stride~ 我们奔跑,我们向前 Heads up! A steady rhythm 抬起头!跟着坚定的节奏 A destination that’s ever near 终点已近在咫尺 It comes! Stride to our kingdom 迈向我们的理想之地 And see the light of day 让一切重见曙光 Heads up! the wheels are singing 请注意!命运的车轮正在歌唱 The whispers and secrets they’d keep 他们保守着苦痛的秘密和私语 To hope! We bound~ 而我们终将迎来希望 Break free, we chased our dreams, beneath the starry night 挣脱束缚,我们在星空下追逐梦想 In the face of god, we rose, as one 面对神灵,我们团结一致,奋勇向前