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File metadata and controls

39 lines (35 loc) · 22.8 KB
Name Type Default Description
allowAllPhasesIntoAquifer integer 0
Flag to allow all phases to flow into the aquifer.
This flag only matters for the configuration in which flow is from reservoir to aquifer.
- If the flag is equal to 1, then all phases, including non-aqueous phases, are allowed to flow into the aquifer.
- If the flag is equal to 0, then only the water phase is allowed to flow into the aquifer.
If you are in a configuration in which flow is from reservoir to aquifer and you expect non-aqueous phases to saturate the reservoir cells next to the aquifer, set this flag to 1.
This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations
aquiferAngle real64 required Angle subtended by the aquifer boundary from the center of the reservoir [degress]
aquiferElevation real64 required Aquifer elevation (positive going upward) [m]
aquiferInitialPressure real64 required Aquifer initial pressure [Pa]
aquiferInnerRadius real64 required Aquifer inner radius [m]
aquiferPermeability real64 required Aquifer permeability [m^2]
aquiferPorosity real64 required Aquifer porosity
aquiferThickness real64 required Aquifer thickness [m]
aquiferTotalCompressibility real64 required Aquifer total compressibility (rock and fluid) [Pa^-1]
aquiferWaterDensity real64 required Aquifer water density [kg.m^-3]
aquiferWaterPhaseComponentFraction real64_array {0} Aquifer water phase component fraction. This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations.
aquiferWaterPhaseComponentNames string_array {} Aquifer water phase component names. This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations.
aquiferWaterViscosity real64 required Aquifer water viscosity [Pa.s]
bcApplicationTableName groupNameRef   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
functionName groupNameRef   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
logLevel integer 0
Sets the level of information to write in the standard output (the console typically).
A level of 0 outputs minimal information, higher levels require more.
name groupName required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
pressureInfluenceFunctionName groupNameRef  
Name of the table describing the pressure influence function
. If not provided, we use a default pressure influence function
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames groupNameRef_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.