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apifaker can help you start a json api server in a fast way

If you would like to start a simple json api server for testing front-end, apifaker could be a on your hand.

No need of database, just create some json file, and write two line codes, then, everthing is done, you can start implementing the happy(hope so) front-end features.


go get


Add a directory

apifaker need a directory to contain the api json files

Add api files


  1. "resource_name" string(required), resource name for this api route, you can take it as a table name when using database. As a result

  2. "columns" array(required), columuns for resource, support "id" "name", "type", "regexp_pattern", "unique"

    1. "id" "name" and "type" are required.
    2. "id" must be a "number" as the first cloumn.
    3. "type" supports: "boolean" "number" "string" "array" "object", these types will be used to check every item data.
    4. "regexp_pattern" add regular expression for your string-type column, using internal regexp package, you could run go doc regexp/syntax to learn all syntax.
    5. "unique": set true(default false) to specify this column should be unique.
  3. "current_id" number(required), record the the most recently item's id.

  4. "seed" array(optional), lineitems for this resource, note that every lineitem of seeds should has columns descriped in "columns" array, otherwise, it will throw an non-nil error.

Here is an example for users.json

    "resource_name": "users",
    "columns": [
            "name": "id",
            "type": "number"
            "name": "name",
            "type": "string",
            "regexp_pattern": "[A-z]|[0-9]",
            "unique": true
            "name": "phone",
            "type": "string",
            "regexp_pattern": "132.*",
            "unique": true
            "name": "age",
            "type": "number"
    "current_id": 3,
    "seeds": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Frank",
            "phone": "13213213213",
            "age": 22
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Antony",
            "phone": "13213213211",
            "age": 22
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Foci",
            "phone": "13213213212",
            "age": 22

Creat a apifaker

// if there are any errors of directory or json file format, err will not be nil
fakeApi, err := apifaker.NewWithApiDir("/path/to/your/fake_apis")

And you can use it as a http.Handler to listen and serve on a port:

http.ListenAndServe("localhost:3000", fakeApi)

Now almost everthing is done, let's assume that we use the above example users.json file for the fakerApi, then you have a list of restful apis for users:

GET    /users                   
GET    /users/:id               
POST   /users                   
PUT    /users/:id               
PATCH  /users/:id               
DELETE /users/:id

And this apis are really be able to manage the users resource, just like using database.

Data persistence

apifaker will save automatically the changes back to the json file once 24 hours and when you handlers panic something. On the other hand, you can save data manually:


Mount to other mux

Also, you can compose other mutex which implemneted http.Handler to the fakeApi

  mux := http.NewServeMux()
  mux.HandleFunc("/greet", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    rw.Write([]byte("hello world"))

  fakeApi.MountTo("/fake_api", mux)
  http.ListenAndServe("localhost:3000", fakeApi)

Then, /greet will be available, at the same time, users apis will change to be:

GET     /fake_api/users                   
GET     /fake_api/users/:id               
POST    /fake_api/users                   
PUT     /fake_api/users/:id               
PATCH   /fake_api/users/:id               
DELETE  /fake_api/users/:id


  1. Add relationship supports between models, like one2one, one2many.


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