package apifaker import ( "fmt" "" "" "sort" "strconv" ) type LineItem struct { dataMap map[string]interface{} } // NewLineItemWithMap allocates and returns a new LineItem, // using the dataMap param as the new LineItem's dataMap func NewLineItemWithMap(dataMap map[string]interface{}) LineItem { return LineItem{dataMap} } // NewLineItemWithGinContext allocates and returns a new LineItem, // its keys are from Model.Cloumns, values are from gin.Contex.PostForm(), // error will be not nil if gin.Contex.PostForm() has no value for any key func NewLineItemWithGinContext(ctx *gin.Context, model *Model) (LineItem, error) { li := LineItem{make(map[string]interface{})} for _, column := range model.Columns { // skip id column if column.Name == "id" { continue } if value := ctx.PostForm(column.Name); value != "" { li.SetStringValue(column.Name, value, column.Type) } else { return li, fmt.Errorf("doesn't has column: %s", column.Name) } } return li, nil } // ID returns the float64 of id func (li *LineItem) ID() float64 { return li.Id().(float64) } // Id returns the value of LineItem's dataMap["id"] // it will panic if got a nil or a not float64 "id" func (li LineItem) Id() interface{} { if id, ok := li.Get("id"); ok { if idFloat64, ok := id.(float64); ok { return idFloat64 } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("[LineItem]: id must be a float64, %#v\n", li.ToMap())) } } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("[LineItem]: must has id: %#v\n", li.ToMap())) } } // Len returns LineItem's dataMap's length func (li LineItem) Len() int { return len(li.dataMap) } // Get gets dataMap[key] and returns its value and exsiting in LinItem func (li LineItem) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool) { value, ok := li.dataMap[key] return value, ok } // Set set key-value of dataMap in LineItem func (li *LineItem) Set(key string, value interface{}) { li.dataMap[key] = value } // SetStringValue formats the given string value with given valueType, // sets key into LineItem formated value func (li *LineItem) SetStringValue(key, value, valueType string) error { formatValue, err := FormatValue(valueType, value) if err != nil { return err } else { li.Set(key, formatValue) } return nil } // InsertRelatedData allocates and returns a new LineItem, // it will has all data of the caller LineItem, // it will insert all related data if the given Model's has any Column named xxx_id func (li LineItem) InsertRelatedData(model *Model) LineItem { // has one relationship newLi := NewLineItemWithMap(li.ToMap()) singularName := inflection.Singular(model.Name) // HasOne for _, resName := range model.HasOne { resStruct := map[string]interface{}{} if resRouter, ok := model.router.apiFaker.Routers[inflection.Plural(resName)]; ok { resLis := resRouter.Model.ToLineItems() sort.Sort(resLis) for _, resLi := range resLis { curId, ok := resLi.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s_id", singularName)) if ok && curId == newLi.Id() { resStruct = resLi.ToMap() break } } } if len(resStruct) > 0 { newLi.Set(inflection.Singular(resName), resStruct) } } // HasMany for _, resName := range model.HasMany { resSlice := []interface{}{} if resRouter, ok := model.router.apiFaker.Routers[resName]; ok { resLis := resRouter.Model.ToLineItems() sort.Sort(resLis) for _, resLi := range resLis { curId, ok := resLi.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s_id", singularName)) if ok && curId == newLi.Id() { resSlice = append(resSlice, resLi.ToMap()) } } } if len(resSlice) > 0 { newLi.Set(resName, resSlice) } } return newLi } // DeleteRelatedLis deletes all related data func (li LineItem) DeleteRelatedLis(id float64, model *Model) { _, ok := model.Get(id) if !ok { return } for _, rotuer := range model.router.apiFaker.Routers { var isRelatedRouter bool var foreign_key = fmt.Sprintf("%s_id", inflection.Singular(model.Name)) for _, column := range rotuer.Model.Columns { if column.Name == foreign_key { isRelatedRouter = true break } } if isRelatedRouter { for _, li := range rotuer.Model.ToLineItems() { key, ok := li.Get(foreign_key) if ok && key == id { rotuer.Model.Delete(li.ID()) } } } } } // FormatValue format the given string value described by the given valueType func FormatValue(valueType, value string) (interface{}, error) { var nilValue interface{} switch valueType { case number.Name(): if numberVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil { return nilValue, err } else { return numberVal, nil } case boolean.Name(): if booleanVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(value); err != nil { return nilValue, err } else { return booleanVal, nil } default: return value, nil } } // ToMap allocates and returns a new map[string]interface{} filled with LineItem's dataMap func (li LineItem) ToMap() map[string]interface{} { newMap := map[string]interface{}{} for k, v := range li.dataMap { newMap[k] = v } return newMap } type LineItems []LineItem // Len returns LineItems's length func (lis LineItems) Len() int { return len(lis) } // Len returns comparation of value's of two LineItem's "id" func (lis LineItems) Less(i, j int) bool { return lis[i].ID() < lis[j].ID() } // Swap swaps two LineItem func (lis LineItems) Swap(i, j int) { tmpItem := lis[i] lis[i] = lis[j] lis[j] = tmpItem } // ToSlice return a []map[string]interface{} filled with LineItems' elements func (lis LineItems) ToSlice() []map[string]interface{} { slice := []map[string]interface{}{} for _, li := range lis { slice = append(slice, li.ToMap()) } return slice }