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The freva storage restAPI 🚀

License Python Tests codecov

The freva storage restAPI is a powerful interface designed to interact with a database storage systems, providing functionalities to store, query, and manage statistical data related to user searches in the freva application. It is designed with security, flexibility, and ease of use in mind.

Currently the following functionality is implemented:

  • add, retrieve, delete databrowser user search queries.
  • add, retrieve, delete freva plugin statistics.


The API supports token-based authentication using OAuth2. To obtain an access token, clients can use the /api/storage/v2/token endpoint by providing valid username and password credentials. The access token should then be included in the Authorization header for secured endpoints.

Data Validation

Data payloads are validated using JSON Schema to ensure the correct structure and types. The validation prevent unauthorized access or invalid inputs.


  • Python 3.11+
  • Docker (for running the development environment)


A detailed documentation is available via the auto generated docs. You can access the documentation after the API is running (deployed or in dev mode) via the /api/storage/docs end point. For example:

Please also refer to the example notebooks, to get an overview over some usage examples in the examples folder.

Production deployment

The API is set up using a command line interface called storage-service. There are several options to configure the API:

storage-service --help

 Usage: storage-service [OPTIONS]

 Command line interface for the freva storage API.

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --port                                             INTEGER                          The port the api is running on [default: 8080]                                       │
│ --reload                --no-reload                                                 Reload on code changes (development mode). [default: no-reload]                      │
│ --debug                 --no-debug                                                  Turn on debug mode. [default: no-debug]                                              │
│ --workers                                          INTEGER                          Set the number of parallel processes serving the API. [default: 8]                   │
│ --mongo-username                                   TEXT                             Set the mongoDB username as fallback for the MONGO_USERNAME env variable.            │
│                                                                                     [default: mongo]                                                                     │
│ --mongo-host                                       TEXT                             Set the mongoDB host sever as fallback for the MONGO_HOST env variable.              │
│                                                                                     [default: localhost:27017]                                                           │
│ --ask-mongo-password    --no-ask-mongo-password                                     Set the mongoDB user password as fallback for the MONGO_PASSWORD env variable.       │
│                                                                                     [default: no-ask-mongo-password]                                                     │
│ --api-username                                     TEXT                             Set the API admin username as fallback for the API_USERNAME env variable.            │
│                                                                                     [default: stats]                                                                     │
│ --ask-api-password      --no-ask-api-password                                       Set the API admin user password as fallback for the API_PASSWORD env variable.       │
│                                                                                     [default: no-ask-api-password]                                                       │
│ --install-completion                               [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Install completion for the specified shell. [default: None]                          │
│ --show-completion                                  [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation.   │
│                                                                                     [default: None]                                                                      │
│ --help                                                                              Show this message and exit.                                                          │

Docker production container

Instead of running the command line interface the API can be deployed in production within a dedicated docker container. You can pull the container from the GitHub container registry:

docker pull

In the production container the API is configured via the following environment variables:

  • DEBUG: Start server in debug mode (1), (default: 0 -> no debug).
  • API_PORT: the port the rest service should be running on (default 8080).
  • API_USERNAME: the user name of the privileged user (admin)
  • API_PASSWORD: the password of the privileged user (admin)
  • MONGO_HOST: host name of the mongodb server, where query statistics are stored. Host name and port should separated by a :, for example localhost:27017
  • MONGO_USERNAME: user name for the mongodb.
  • MONGO_PASSWORD: password to log on to the mongodb.

📝 You can override these environment settings by using the command line arguments of the storage-service command. For more information run storage-service --help

Development and local deployment

To locally install the API for development purposes follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:FREVA-CLINT/freva-stats-service.git
cd freva-stats-service
  1. Install the project in editable mode with test dependencies:
pip install -e .[dev]
  1. Start the development environment using Docker:
docker-compose -f dev-env/docker-compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans
  1. Run the CLI command:
stats-service --debug --reload

You can inspect the available options using the --help flag.

Running Tests

Unit tests, Example notebook tests, type annotations and code style tests are done with tox. To run all tests, linting in parallel simply execute the following command:

tox -p 3

You can also run the each part alone, for example to only check the code style:

tox -e lint

available options are lint, types, test.

Tox runs in a separate python environment to run the tests in the current environment use:


Creating a new release.

Once the development is finished and you decide that it's time for a new release of the software use the following command to trigger a release procedure:

tox -e release

This will check the current version of the main branch and trigger a GitHub continuous integration pipeline to create a new release. The procedure performs a couple of checks, if theses checks fail please make sure to address the issues.


If you would like to contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b your-feature.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin your-feature.
  5. Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Collect any kind of freva statistics







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