// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*- /* Abstract : Sample program showing how to set the Exif comment of an image, Exif.Photo.UserComment File: exifcomment.cpp Author(s): Andreas Huggel (ahu) History : 10-May-04, ahu: created 16-Jan-05, ahu: updated using CommentValue and operator trickery */ // ***************************************************************************** // included header files #include #include #include // ***************************************************************************** // Main int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) try { Exiv2::XmpParser::initialize(); ::atexit(Exiv2::XmpParser::terminate); if (argc != 2) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file\n"; return 1; } Exiv2::Image::UniquePtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(argv[1]); assert (image.get() != nullptr); image->readMetadata(); Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData(); /* Exiv2 uses a CommentValue for Exif user comments. The format of the comment string includes an optional charset specification at the beginning: [charset=["]Ascii|Jis|Unicode|Undefined["] ]comment Undefined is used as a default if the comment doesn't start with a charset definition. Following are a few examples of valid comments. The last one is written to the file. */ exifData["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] = "charset=\"Unicode\" An Unicode Exif comment added with Exiv2"; exifData["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] = "charset=\"Undefined\" An undefined Exif comment added with Exiv2"; exifData["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] = "Another undefined Exif comment added with Exiv2"; exifData["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] = "charset=Ascii An ASCII Exif comment added with Exiv2"; std::cout << "Writing user comment '" << exifData["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] << "' back to the image\n"; image->writeMetadata(); return 0; } catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { std::cout << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n"; return -1; }