# Cartographic resources Resources overview: * Tools and tips * Map template * Demo maps * ArcGIS Pro project ## Tools and tips For creating layers: * The [ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor](https://developers.arcgis.com/documentation/vector-tile-style-editor/) allows full control over the appearance of Esri vector basemaps * For existing feature layers, ArcGIS Pro and the Web Map Viewer both have excellent tools for defining symbology. Map Viewer Beta even ships with color ramps specifically intended for light and dark backgrounds. For creating maps: * Use a recent version of ArcGIS Pro to author theme-aware maps; support for publishing group layers is relatively new. * Use Web Map Viewer (Beta) to edit your published theme-aware maps; the older map viewer does not support group layers. ## Themed map templates Theme-aware map templates have been published to ArcGIS Online. You can use these as a starting point for your own maps. * [Canvas base](https://arcgisruntime.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=398b499e35664a67824b27908a6d8e8d) * [Navigation base](https://arcgisruntime.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=828cab783f13440fa6c1cd70a2de3851) ## ArcGIS Pro project The ArcGIS Pro project used to create the map templates is included in this repo. See [./GIS/ThemeAdaptiveMapsPro.aprx](./GIS/ThemeAdaptiveMapsPro.aprx).