# EleutherAI Website 2021 The site is built using [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) - a static site generator. We are currently using Netlify for build and hosting. While the blog and main site are visually integrated, the blog is served on a separate domain blog.eleuther.ai, with a corresponding config-blog.toml. ## Development Process Overview 1. [Install Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) 2. Clone this repository. 3. Create a new branch for your work. 4. Use the Hugo dev server locally to test your changes. 5. Commit your branch with changes. 6. Create a PR to merge your branch into master and discuss on Discord. 7. When the branch is merged, a Netlify build will be triggered for both the blog and main site. ## Dev Environment To run the development server on localhost for the main site: `hugo server -D` To load the blog instead: `hugo server -D --config config-blog.toml` To bind on another IP apart from localhost and change the baseURL (ensuring the links work): `hugo server --bind=BIND-IP --baseUrl=IP-OR-DOMAIN -D` ## Project Layout | Directory | Description | | -----------: | ----------- | | `content` | Underyling content for the main site| | `content-blog` | Underyling content for the blog | | `static/images` | Images for both sites. | | `themes/eai-theme` | We use a single theme for both the main site and the blog. | ## How to display 2 containers that are horizontally aligned? 1. add an empty header markdown with the class `content-block` -> `## {class="content-block"}` 2. after that line, add 2 containers as 2 elements of the list. In CSS it is defined that first list `